7.1.1 Basic CRUD

Try performing some basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations.


To create a domain class use Map constructor to set its properties and call save:

  1. def p = new Person(name: "Fred", age: 40, lastVisit: new Date())
  2. p.save()

The save method will persist your class to the database using the underlying Hibernate ORM layer.


Grails transparently adds an implicit id property to your domain class which you can use for retrieval:

  1. def p = Person.get(1)
  2. assert 1 == p.id

This uses the get method that expects a database identifier to read the Person object back from the database.You can also load an object in a read-only state by using the read method:

  1. def p = Person.read(1)

In this case the underlying Hibernate engine will not do any dirty checking and the object will not be persisted. Note thatif you explicitly call the save method then the object is placed back into a read-write state.

In addition, you can also load a proxy for an instance by using the load method:

  1. def p = Person.load(1)

This incurs no database access until a method other than getId() is called. Hibernate then initializes the proxied instance, orthrows an exception if no record is found for the specified id.


To update an instance, change some properties and then call save again:

  1. def p = Person.get(1)
  2. p.name = "Bob"
  3. p.save()


To delete an instance use the delete method:

  1. def p = Person.get(1)
  2. p.delete()