22.4 Submit Patches to Grails Documentation

Contributing Simple Changes

The user guide is written using Asciidoctor. The simplest way to contribute fixes is to simply click on the "Improve this doc" link that is to the right of each section of the documentation.

This will link to the Github edit screen where you can make changes, preview them and create a pull request.

Building the Guide

If you want to make significant changes, such as changing the structure of the table of contents etc. then we recommend you build the user guide. To do that simply checkout the sources from github:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/grails/grails-doc/
  2. $ cd grails-doc

The source files can be found in the src/en/guide directory. Whilst the Table of Contents (TOC) is defined in the src/en/guide/toc.yml file.

Each YAML key points to a Asciidoc template. For example consider the following YAML:

  1. introduction:
  2. title: Introduction
  3. whatsNew:
  4. title: What's new in Grails 3.2?
  5. ...

The introduction key points to src/en/guide/introduction.adoc. The title key defines the title that is dislayed in the TOC. Because whatsNew key is nested underneath the introduction key it points to src/en/guide/introduction/whatsNew.adoc, which is nested in a directory called introduction.

Essentially, using the toc.yml file and the directory structure you can manipulate the structure of the user guide.

To generate the documentation run the publishGuide task:

  1. $ ./gradlew publishGuide -x apiDocs
In the above example we skip the apiDocs task to speed up building of the guide, otherwise all Groovydoc documentation will be built too!

Once the guide is built simply open the build/docs/index.html file in a browser to review your changes.