10.3 Linking to REST resources from GSP pages

The link tag offers an easy way to link to any domain class resource:

  1. <g:link resource="${book}">My Link</g:link>

However, currently you cannot use g:link to link to the DELETE action and most browsers do not support sending the DELETE method directly.

The best way to accomplish this is to use a form submit:

  1. <form action="/book/2" method="post">
  2. <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE"/>
  3. </form>

Grails supports overriding the request method via the hidden _method parameter. This is for browser compatibility purposes. This is useful when using restful resource mappings to create powerful web interfaces.To make a link fire this type of event, perhaps capture all click events for links with a data-method attribute and issue a form submit via JavaScript.