- Graphic
- Overview
- Summary
- Files
- Data Structures
- Macros
- Typedefs
- Enumerations
- Functions
- Details
- Macro Definition Documentation
- Typedef Documentation
- EasingFunc
- Enumeration Type Documentation
- anonymous enum
- anonymous enum
- anonymous enum
- ButtonImageSrc
- ButtonState
- CapType
- ColorMode
- DeviceType
- DialogButtonType
- Direction
- DisplayMode
- DrawType
- FPSCalculateType
- HandType
- LineBreakMode
- PaintStyle
- TextOrientation
- TimeElement
- UICheckBoxState
- UITextLanguageAlignment
- UITextLanguageDirect
- WorkMode
- Function Documentation
- AbstractAdapter()
- Add() [1/3]
- Add() [2/3]
- Add() [3/3]
- AddDataSerial()
- AddPoints()
- AlignBottomToSibling()
- AlignHorCenterToSibling()
- AlignLeftToSibling()
- AlignRightToSibling()
- AlignTopToSibling()
- AlignVerCenterToSibling()
- Animator() [1/2]
- Animator() [2/2]
- Aqua()
- Back()
- BackEaseIn()
- BackEaseInOut()
- BackEaseOut()
- Begin()
- Black()
- Blue()
- Callback()
- Cancel()
- CancelEvent()
- CircEaseIn()
- CircEaseInOut()
- CircEaseOut()
- Clear() [1/2]
- Clear() [2/2]
- ClearData()
- ClearDataSerial()
- ClearOnKeyActListener()
- ClearOnVirtualDeviceEventListener()
- ClearValues()
- ClickEvent()
- Clip() [1/2]
- Clip() [2/2]
- ColorTo16()
- ColorTo32() [1/2]
- ColorTo32() [2/2]
- Cross()
- CubicEaseIn()
- CubicEaseInOut()
- CubicEaseOut()
- Cyan()
- DeleteDataSerial()
- Determinant()
- Disable()
- DisplayLeadingZero()
- Dot()
- DragEvent()
- DrawArc()
- DrawCircle()
- DrawCurve() [1/2]
- DrawCurve() [2/2]
- DrawImage()
- DrawLabel()
- DrawLine() [1/2]
- DrawLine() [2/2]
- DrawRect()
- DrawSector()
- DumpDomNode()
- DumpDomTree() [1/2]
- DumpDomTree() [2/2]
- Enable()
- EnableAutoAlign()
- EnableBackground()
- EnableBottomPoint()
- EnableGradient()
- EnableHeadPoint()
- EnableReverse()
- EnableSecond()
- EnableSmooth()
- EnableTopPoint()
- End()
- Event() [1/2]
- Event() [2/2]
- FindSubView()
- FlexLayout()
- Format()
- Front()
- GetAlign()
- GetAllChildRelativeRect()
- GetArcTextCenter()
- GetArcTextEndAngle()
- GetArcTextOrientation()
- GetArcTextRadius()
- GetArcTextStartAngle()
- GetBackgroundFontId()
- GetBackgroundStyle() [1/2]
- GetBackgroundStyle() [2/2]
- GetBackgroundTextColor()
- GetBackgroundTransparentStyle()
- GetBezierInterpolation()
- GetBlurLevel()
- GetBottom()
- GetBottomPointStyle()
- GetBoxRect()
- GetBrightColorStyle()
- GetBrightStyle()
- GetButtonInactivedStyle()
- GetButtonPressedStyle()
- GetButtonReleasedStyle()
- GetButtonStyle()
- GetCenterPosition()
- GetChildById() [1/2]
- GetChildById() [2/2]
- GetChildrenHead()
- GetChildrenTail()
- GetClockWise()
- GetColorFromRGB()
- GetColorFromRGBA()
- GetContentRect() [1/2]
- GetContentRect() [2/2]
- GetCount() [1/2]
- GetCount() [2/2]
- GetCurImageSrc()
- GetCurrent()
- GetCurrentHour()
- GetCurrentMinute()
- GetCurrentPage()
- GetCurrentPos()
- GetCurrentSecond()
- GetCurrentView()
- GetData()
- GetDataCount()
- GetDefaultStyle()
- GetDeltaX()
- GetDeltaY()
- GetDirect() [1/4]
- GetDirect() [2/4]
- GetDirect() [3/4]
- GetDirect() [4/4]
- GetDirection() [1/3]
- GetDirection() [2/3]
- GetDirection() [3/3]
- GetDisplayMode()
- GetDragACCLevel()
- GetDragDirection()
- GetEllipsisIndex()
- GetEndAngle()
- GetFillColor() [1/2]
- GetFillColor() [2/2]
- GetFontId() [1/5]
- GetFontId() [2/5]
- GetFontId() [3/5]
- GetFontId() [4/5]
- GetFontId() [5/5]
- GetForegroundStyle() [1/2]
- GetForegroundStyle() [2/2]
- GetFPS()
- GetFPSCalculateType()
- GetHandCurrentAngle()
- GetHandInitAngle()
- GetHandPosition()
- GetHandRotateCenter()
- GetHeader()
- GetHeadPointStyle()
- GetHeight() [1/7]
- GetHeight() [2/7]
- GetHeight() [3/7]
- GetHeight() [4/7]
- GetHeight() [5/7]
- GetHeight() [6/7]
- GetHeight() [7/7]
- GetHideCount()
- GetHideIndex()
- GetHighlightFontId()
- GetHighlightTextColor()
- GetHorAlign() [1/3]
- GetHorAlign() [2/3]
- GetHorAlign() [3/3]
- GetHorizontalScrollState()
- GetImageAnimatorImageNum()
- GetImageAnimatorSrc()
- GetImageInfo() [1/2]
- GetImageInfo() [2/2]
- GetImageX()
- GetImageY()
- GetInstance() [1/5]
- GetInstance() [2/5]
- GetInstance() [3/5]
- GetInstance() [4/5]
- GetInstance() [5/5]
- GetInterval()
- GetKeyId()
- GetKnobStyle() [1/2]
- GetKnobStyle() [2/2]
- GetKnobWidth()
- GetLabelPosition()
- GetLabelStyle() [1/4]
- GetLabelStyle() [2/4]
- GetLabelStyle() [3/4]
- GetLabelStyle() [4/4]
- GetLastPoint()
- GetLastRun()
- GetLatestIndex()
- GetLeft()
- GetLibDsc()
- GetLineBreakMode()
- GetLineColor()
- GetLoopState()
- GetMainStyle()
- GetMaskedRect()
- GetMaxScrollDistance()
- GetMixColor()
- GetName()
- GetNextSibling()
- GetOnClickListener()
- GetOnDragListener()
- GetOnLongPressListener()
- GetOnSwipeListener()
- GetOpacity() [1/2]
- GetOpacity() [2/2]
- GetOrigRect()
- GetParent()
- GetPath() [1/2]
- GetPath() [2/2]
- GetPeakData()
- GetPeakIndex()
- GetPeriod()
- GetPickerBackgroundStyle() [1/2]
- GetPickerBackgroundStyle() [2/2]
- GetPickerHighlightStyle() [1/2]
- GetPickerHighlightStyle() [2/2]
- GetPivot()
- GetPoint()
- GetPolygon()
- GetPreLastPoint()
- GetProgressBackgroundStyle() [1/2]
- GetProgressBackgroundStyle() [2/2]
- GetProgressForegroundStyle() [1/2]
- GetProgressForegroundStyle() [2/2]
- GetRadius()
- GetRangeMax()
- GetRangeMin()
- GetRect()
- GetRelativeRect()
- GetRepeatTimes()
- GetRight()
- GetRollStartPos()
- GetRunTime()
- GetScrollState() [1/2]
- GetScrollState() [2/2]
- GetSelected()
- GetSelectHour()
- GetSelectMinute()
- GetSelectSecond()
- GetSelectValue()
- GetSelectView()
- GetSize()
- GetSliderKnobStyle() [1/2]
- GetSliderKnobStyle() [2/2]
- GetSrcType() [1/2]
- GetSrcType() [2/2]
- GetStartAngle()
- GetStartIndex()
- GetStartPoint()
- GetStartPosition()
- GetState() [1/6]
- GetState() [2/6]
- GetState() [3/6]
- GetState() [4/6]
- GetState() [5/6]
- GetState() [6/6]
- GetStep()
- GetStrokeColor()
- GetStrokeWidth()
- GetStyle() [1/5]
- GetStyle() [2/5]
- GetStyle() [3/5]
- GetStyle() [4/5]
- GetStyle() [5/5]
- GetStyleConst()
- GetStyleForState()
- GetSurface()
- GetSwipeACCLevel()
- GetTargetView() [1/2]
- GetTargetView() [2/2]
- GetText() [1/4]
- GetText() [2/4]
- GetText() [3/4]
- GetText() [4/4]
- GetTextColor()
- GetTextHeight()
- GetTextRotateDegree() [1/2]
- GetTextRotateDegree() [2/2]
- GetTextRotation() [1/2]
- GetTextRotation() [2/2]
- GetTextSize()
- GetTextWidth()
- GetTime()
- GetTimeOfPause()
- GetTimeOfUpdate()
- GetTimeStamp()
- GetTop()
- GetTopPointStyle()
- GetTouchListener()
- GetTransformAlgorithm()
- GetTransformMap()
- GetType()
- GetValidHeight()
- GetValidWidth()
- GetValleyData()
- GetValleyIndex()
- GetValue()
- GetVerAlign() [1/2]
- GetVerAlign() [2/2]
- GetVersion()
- GetVertexNum()
- GetVerticalScrollState()
- GetView() [1/2]
- GetView() [2/2]
- GetViewByIndex()
- GetViewId()
- GetViewIndex()
- GetViewType() [1/31]
- GetViewType() [2/31]
- GetViewType() [3/31]
- GetViewType() [4/31]
- GetViewType() [5/31]
- GetViewType() [6/31]
- GetViewType() [7/31]
- GetViewType() [8/31]
- GetViewType() [9/31]
- GetViewType() [10/31]
- GetViewType() [11/31]
- GetViewType() [12/31]
- GetViewType() [13/31]
- GetViewType() [14/31]
- GetViewType() [15/31]
- GetViewType() [16/31]
- GetViewType() [17/31]
- GetViewType() [18/31]
- GetViewType() [19/31]
- GetViewType() [20/31]
- GetViewType() [21/31]
- GetViewType() [22/31]
- GetViewType() [23/31]
- GetViewType() [24/31]
- GetViewType() [25/31]
- GetViewType() [26/31]
- GetViewType() [27/31]
- GetViewType() [28/31]
- GetViewType() [29/31]
- GetViewType() [30/31]
- GetViewType() [31/31]
- GetVisibleRect()
- GetWidth() [1/7]
- GetWidth() [2/7]
- GetWidth() [3/7]
- GetWidth() [4/7]
- GetWidth() [5/7]
- GetWidth() [6/7]
- GetWidth() [7/7]
- GetWorkMode()
- GetX() [1/2]
- GetX() [2/2]
- GetXAxis()
- GetY() [1/2]
- GetY() [2/2]
- GetYAxis()
- Gray()
- Green()
- GridLayout()
- Hand()
- Head()
- HidePoint()
- Image()
- ImageCacheFree()
- ImageCacheMalloc()
- IncOneSecond()
- Insert() [1/3]
- Insert() [2/3]
- Insert() [3/3]
- Intersect() [1/2]
- Intersect() [2/2]
- Invalidate()
- InvalidateRect()
- Inverse()
- IsContains() [1/3]
- IsContains() [2/3]
- IsContains() [3/3]
- IsDraggable()
- IsDragParentInstead()
- IsEmpty()
- IsExpandHeight()
- IsExpandWidth()
- IsExtends()
- IsGradient()
- IsIntersect() [1/2]
- IsIntersect() [2/2]
- IsInvalid()
- IsRepeat() [1/2]
- IsRepeat() [2/2]
- IsReverse()
- IsSizeFixed()
- IsSmooth()
- IsTouchable()
- IsViewGroup()
- IsVisible()
- Join()
- KeyEvent()
- Layout()
- LayoutBottomOfParent()
- LayoutBottomToSibling()
- LayoutCenterOfParent()
- LayoutChildren() [1/3]
- LayoutChildren() [2/3]
- LayoutChildren() [3/3]
- LayoutLeftOfParent()
- LayoutLeftToSibling()
- LayoutRightOfParent()
- LayoutRightToSibling()
- LayoutTopOfParent()
- LayoutTopToSibling()
- Lime()
- Line() [1/3]
- Line() [2/3]
- Line() [3/3]
- LinearEaseNone()
- List()
- ListScrollListener()
- LongPressEvent()
- Magenta()
- MakeAABB()
- Maroon()
- Matrix3() [1/2]
- Matrix3() [2/2]
- ModifyPoint()
- MoveChildByOffset() [1/4]
- MoveChildByOffset() [2/4]
- MoveChildByOffset() [3/4]
- MoveChildByOffset() [4/4]
- Navy()
- Next()
- Olive()
- OnAnimatorStop() [1/2]
- OnAnimatorStop() [2/2]
- OnCancel()
- OnCancelEvent() [1/2]
- OnCancelEvent() [2/2]
- OnChange() [1/2]
- OnChange() [2/2]
- OnChildChanged()
- OnClick()
- OnClickEvent() [1/5]
- OnClickEvent() [2/5]
- OnClickEvent() [3/5]
- OnClickEvent() [4/5]
- OnClickEvent() [5/5]
- OnDrag()
- OnDragEnd()
- OnDragEndEvent() [1/5]
- OnDragEndEvent() [2/5]
- OnDragEndEvent() [3/5]
- OnDragEndEvent() [4/5]
- OnDragEndEvent() [5/5]
- OnDragEvent() [1/5]
- OnDragEvent() [2/5]
- OnDragEvent() [3/5]
- OnDragEvent() [4/5]
- OnDragEvent() [5/5]
- OnDragStart()
- OnDragStartEvent()
- OnDraw() [1/15]
- OnDraw() [2/15]
- OnDraw() [3/15]
- OnDraw() [4/15]
- OnDraw() [5/15]
- OnDraw() [6/15]
- OnDraw() [7/15]
- OnDraw() [8/15]
- OnDraw() [9/15]
- OnDraw() [10/15]
- OnDraw() [11/15]
- OnDraw() [12/15]
- OnDraw() [13/15]
- OnDraw() [14/15]
- OnDraw() [15/15]
- OnFPSChanged()
- OnFPSChangedListener()
- OnItemSelected()
- OnKeyAct()
- OnKeyEvent()
- OnLongPress()
- OnLongPressEvent() [1/2]
- OnLongPressEvent() [2/2]
- OnPickerStoped()
- OnPostDraw() [1/3]
- OnPostDraw() [2/3]
- OnPostDraw() [3/3]
- OnPreDraw() [1/13]
- OnPreDraw() [2/13]
- OnPreDraw() [3/13]
- OnPreDraw() [4/13]
- OnPreDraw() [5/13]
- OnPreDraw() [6/13]
- OnPreDraw() [7/13]
- OnPreDraw() [8/13]
- OnPreDraw() [9/13]
- OnPreDraw() [10/13]
- OnPreDraw() [11/13]
- OnPreDraw() [12/13]
- OnPreDraw() [13/13]
- OnPress()
- OnPressEvent() [1/4]
- OnPressEvent() [2/4]
- OnPressEvent() [3/4]
- OnPressEvent() [4/4]
- OnRelease() [1/2]
- OnRelease() [2/2]
- OnReleaseEvent() [1/3]
- OnReleaseEvent() [2/3]
- OnReleaseEvent() [3/3]
- OnScrollEnd() [1/2]
- OnScrollEnd() [2/2]
- OnScrollListener()
- OnScrollStart() [1/2]
- OnScrollStart() [2/2]
- OnStop()
- OnTimePickerStoped()
- OnVirtualDeviceEvent() [1/2]
- OnVirtualDeviceEvent() [2/2]
- operator delete()
- operator new()
- operator[]() [1/2]
- operator[]() [2/2]
- Orange()
- Paint()
- Pause() [1/2]
- Pause() [2/2]
- Polygon() [1/3]
- Polygon() [2/3]
- Polygon() [3/3]
- PopBack()
- PopFront()
- PressEvent()
- Purple()
- PushBack()
- PushFront()
- QuadEaseIn()
- QuadEaseInOut()
- QuadEaseOut()
- QuintEaseIn()
- QuintEaseInOut()
- QuintEaseOut()
- Rect() [1/4]
- Rect() [2/4]
- Rect() [3/4]
- Rect() [4/4]
- Red()
- RefreshChart() [1/3]
- RefreshChart() [2/3]
- RefreshChart() [3/3]
- RefreshList()
- RegisterFPSChangedListener()
- RegisterScrollListener()
- RegisterSelectedListener() [1/2]
- RegisterSelectedListener() [2/2]
- ReleaseEvent()
- ReMeasure()
- Remove() [1/4]
- Remove() [2/4]
- Remove() [3/4]
- Remove() [4/4]
- RemoveAll() [1/2]
- RemoveAll() [2/2]
- Reset()
- Resize() [1/3]
- Resize() [2/3]
- Resize() [3/3]
- ResizeVisibleArea()
- Resume() [1/2]
- Resume() [2/2]
- Rotate() [1/5]
- Rotate() [2/5]
- Rotate() [3/5]
- Rotate() [4/5]
- Rotate() [5/5]
- Scale() [1/2]
- Scale() [2/2]
- ScrollBy() [1/2]
- ScrollBy() [2/2]
- ScrollTo()
- SelectedListener() [1/2]
- SelectedListener() [2/2]
- SetAdapter()
- SetAlign() [1/4]
- SetAlign() [2/4]
- SetAlign() [3/4]
- SetAlign() [4/4]
- SetAnimatorStopListener() [1/2]
- SetAnimatorStopListener() [2/2]
- SetAnimatorTime()
- SetArcTextAngle()
- SetArcTextCenter()
- SetArcTextOrientation()
- SetArcTextRadius()
- SetAutoEnable()
- SetAutoSize()
- SetBackgroundImagePosition()
- SetBackgroundStyle() [1/2]
- SetBackgroundStyle() [2/2]
- SetBackOvershoot()
- SetBlankSize()
- SetBlurLevel()
- SetBottom()
- SetBottomPointStyle()
- SetButton()
- SetCapType()
- SetCenterPosition()
- SetColor()
- SetCols()
- SetCurrent()
- SetCurrentPage()
- SetData() [1/2]
- SetData() [2/2]
- SetDataRange() [1/3]
- SetDataRange() [2/3]
- SetDataRange() [3/3]
- SetDelayTime()
- SetDirect() [1/5]
- SetDirect() [2/5]
- SetDirect() [3/5]
- SetDirect() [4/5]
- SetDirect() [5/5]
- SetDirection() [1/2]
- SetDirection() [2/2]
- SetDisallowIntercept()
- SetDisplayMode()
- SetDragACCLevel()
- SetDragFunc()
- SetDraggable()
- SetDragParentInstead()
- SetDurationTime()
- SetEasingFunc()
- SetEndAngle()
- SetExpandHeight()
- SetExpandWidth()
- SetFillColor() [1/2]
- SetFillColor() [2/2]
- SetFlexWrap()
- SetFont() [1/6]
- SetFont() [2/6]
- SetFont() [3/6]
- SetFont() [4/6]
- SetFont() [5/6]
- SetFont() [6/6]
- SetFontId() [1/7]
- SetFontId() [2/7]
- SetFontId() [3/7]
- SetFontId() [4/7]
- SetFontId() [5/7]
- SetFontId() [6/7]
- SetFontId() [7/7]
- SetForegroundStyle() [1/2]
- SetForegroundStyle() [2/2]
- SetFPSCalculateType()
- SetGradientBottom()
- SetGradientOpacity()
- SetHandImage()
- SetHandLine()
- SetHeadPointStyle()
- SetHeight() [1/10]
- SetHeight() [2/10]
- SetHeight() [3/10]
- SetHeight() [4/10]
- SetHeight() [5/10]
- SetHeight() [6/10]
- SetHeight() [7/10]
- SetHeight() [8/10]
- SetHeight() [9/10]
- SetHeight() [10/10]
- SetHorizontalScrollState()
- SetImage() [1/4]
- SetImage() [2/4]
- SetImage() [3/4]
- SetImage() [4/4]
- SetImageAnimatorSrc() [1/2]
- SetImageAnimatorSrc() [2/2]
- SetImagePosition()
- SetImages() [1/2]
- SetImages() [2/2]
- SetImageSrc() [1/2]
- SetImageSrc() [2/2]
- SetInitTime12Hour()
- SetInitTime24Hour()
- SetIntercept()
- SetInterval()
- SetItemHeight() [1/2]
- SetItemHeight() [2/2]
- SetKnobStyle() [1/2]
- SetKnobStyle() [2/2]
- SetKnobWidth()
- SetLabelStyle() [1/2]
- SetLabelStyle() [2/2]
- SetLablePosition()
- SetLastRun()
- SetLayoutDirection()
- SetLeft()
- SetLineBreakMode() [1/2]
- SetLineBreakMode() [2/2]
- SetLineColor() [1/3]
- SetLineColor() [2/3]
- SetLineColor() [3/3]
- SetLoopState() [1/3]
- SetLoopState() [2/3]
- SetLoopState() [3/3]
- SetMajorAxisAlign()
- SetMarkNum() [1/3]
- SetMarkNum() [2/3]
- SetMarkNum() [3/3]
- SetMaxDataCount()
- SetMaxScrollDistance()
- SetName()
- SetNextSibling()
- SetOnChangeListener()
- SetOnClickListener() [1/2]
- SetOnClickListener() [2/2]
- SetOnDragListener()
- SetOnKeyActListener()
- SetOnLongPressListener()
- SetOnSwipeListener()
- SetOnTouchListener()
- SetOnVirtualDeviceEventListener()
- SetOpacity() [1/2]
- SetOpacity() [2/2]
- SetParent()
- SetPeriod()
- SetPivot()
- SetPolygon()
- SetPosition() [1/7]
- SetPosition() [2/7]
- SetPosition() [3/7]
- SetPosition() [4/7]
- SetPosition() [5/7]
- SetPosition() [6/7]
- SetPosition() [7/7]
- SetPreLastPoint()
- SetProgressImagePosition()
- SetRadius()
- SetRange()
- SetReboundSize()
- SetRect()
- SetRepeat()
- SetRepeatTimes()
- SetReverse()
- SetRight()
- SetRollSpeed()
- SetRollStartPos()
- SetRotateEnd()
- SetRotateStart()
- SetRows()
- SetRunTime()
- SetScaleEnd()
- SetScaleStart()
- SetScrollbarWidth()
- SetScrollBlankSize()
- SetScrollStateListener()
- SetSecondaryAxisAlign()
- SetSelected() [1/2]
- SetSelected() [2/2]
- SetSelectPosition()
- SetSizeFixed()
- SetSliderColor()
- SetSliderEventListener()
- SetSliderRadius()
- SetSrc() [1/4]
- SetSrc() [2/4]
- SetSrc() [3/4]
- SetSrc() [4/4]
- SetStartAngle()
- SetStartIndex()
- SetStartPosition()
- SetState() [1/3]
- SetState() [2/3]
- SetState() [3/3]
- SetStateForStyle()
- SetStep()
- SetStrokeColor()
- SetStrokeWidth()
- SetStyle() [1/5]
- SetStyle() [2/5]
- SetStyle() [3/5]
- SetStyle() [4/5]
- SetStyle() [5/5]
- SetStyleForState()
- SetSwipeACCLevel()
- SetText() [1/5]
- SetText() [2/5]
- SetText() [3/5]
- SetText() [4/5]
- SetText() [5/5]
- SetTextColor() [1/3]
- SetTextColor() [2/3]
- SetTextColor() [3/3]
- SetTextFormatter() [1/2]
- SetTextFormatter() [2/2]
- SetTextRotation() [1/2]
- SetTextRotation() [2/2]
- SetTextStyle()
- SetThrowDrag()
- SetTime()
- SetTime12Hour()
- SetTime24Hour()
- SetTimeOfPause()
- SetTimeOfUpdate()
- SetTimeStamp()
- SetTitle()
- SetTop()
- SetTopPointStyle()
- SetTouchable()
- SetTransformAlgorithm()
- SetTransformMap()
- SetValidHeight()
- SetValidWidth()
- SetValue()
- SetValues() [1/2]
- SetValues() [2/2]
- SetVertexNum()
- SetVerticalScrollState()
- SetViewId()
- SetViewIndex()
- SetVisible() [1/3]
- SetVisible() [2/3]
- SetVisible() [3/3]
- SetWidth() [1/10]
- SetWidth() [2/10]
- SetWidth() [3/10]
- SetWidth() [4/10]
- SetWidth() [5/10]
- SetWidth() [6/10]
- SetWidth() [7/10]
- SetWidth() [8/10]
- SetWidth() [9/10]
- SetWidth() [10/10]
- SetWorkMode() [1/2]
- SetWorkMode() [2/2]
- SetX() [1/3]
- SetX() [2/3]
- SetX() [3/3]
- SetXScrollBarVisible()
- SetY() [1/3]
- SetY() [2/3]
- SetY() [3/3]
- SetYScrollBarVisible()
- Silver()
- SineEaseIn()
- SineEaseInOut()
- SineEaseOut()
- Size()
- Start() [1/3]
- Start() [2/3]
- Start() [3/3]
- Stop() [1/2]
- Stop() [2/2]
- Style()
- StyleDefault()
- SuthHodgClip()
- Tail()
- Task()
- Teal()
- Text()
- TextAdapter()
- Theme()
- TransformMap() [1/2]
- TransformMap() [2/2]
- Translate()
- TranslateToPixel() [1/3]
- TranslateToPixel() [2/3]
- TranslateToPixel() [3/3]
- UIAbstractClock() [1/2]
- UIAbstractClock() [2/2]
- UIAbstractProgress()
- UIAbstractScroll()
- UIAnalogClock()
- UIArcLabel()
- UIAxis()
- UIBoxProgress()
- UIButton() [1/2]
- UIButton() [2/2]
- UICanvas()
- UIChart()
- UIChartDataSerial()
- UIChartPillar()
- UIChartPolyline()
- UICheckBox()
- UICircleProgress()
- UIDialog()
- UIDigitalClock()
- UIFree()
- UIImageAnimatorView()
- UIImageView()
- UILabel()
- UILabelButton()
- UIList() [1/2]
- UIList() [2/2]
- UIMalloc()
- UIPicker()
- UIRadioButton()
- UIRepeatButton()
- UIScrollView()
- UISlider()
- UISurfaceView()
- UISwipeView()
- UITextureMapper()
- UITimePicker()
- UIToggleButton()
- UIView() [1/2]
- UIView() [2/2]
- UIViewGroup()
- UIXAxis()
- UIYAxis()
- UpdateClock() [1/3]
- UpdateClock() [2/3]
- UpdateClock() [3/3]
- Vector2() [1/2]
- Vector2() [2/2]
- Vector3() [1/2]
- Vector3() [2/2]
- VirtualDeviceEvent()
- White()
- Yellow()
- ~AbstractAdapter()
- ~Animator()
- ~AnimatorCallback()
- ~AnimatorStopListener() [1/2]
- ~AnimatorStopListener() [2/2]
- ~CancelEvent()
- ~ClickEvent()
- ~DragEvent()
- ~Event()
- ~FlexLayout()
- ~GridLayout()
- ~Hand()
- ~Image()
- ~KeyEvent()
- ~Layout()
- ~Line()
- ~List()
- ~ListScrollListener()
- ~LongPressEvent()
- ~Matrix3()
- ~OnChangeListener()
- ~OnClickListener()
- ~OnDragListener()
- ~OnFPSChangedListener()
- ~OnLongPressListener()
- ~OnScrollListener()
- ~OnTouchListener()
- ~Paint()
- ~Polygon()
- ~PressEvent()
- ~Rect()
- ~ReleaseEvent()
- ~SelectedListener() [1/2]
- ~SelectedListener() [2/2]
- ~Style()
- ~StyleDefault()
- ~Text()
- ~TextAdapter()
- ~Theme()
- ~TransformMap()
- ~UIAbstractClock()
- ~UIAbstractProgress()
- ~UIAbstractScroll()
- ~UIAnalogClock()
- ~UIArcLabel()
- ~UIAxis()
- ~UIBoxProgress()
- ~UIButton()
- ~UICanvas()
- ~UIChart()
- ~UIChartDataSerial()
- ~UIChartPillar()
- ~UIChartPolyline()
- ~UICheckBox()
- ~UICircleProgress()
- ~UIDialog()
- ~UIDigitalClock()
- ~UIImageAnimatorView()
- ~UIImageView()
- ~UILabel()
- ~UILabelButton()
- ~UIList()
- ~UIPicker()
- ~UIRadioButton()
- ~UIRepeatButton()
- ~UIScrollView()
- ~UISlider()
- ~UISliderEventListener()
- ~UISurfaceView()
- ~UISwipeView()
- ~UITextureMapper()
- ~UITimePicker()
- ~UIToggleButton()
- ~UIView()
- ~UIViewGroup()
- ~UIXAxis()
- ~UIYAxis()
- ~Vector2()
- ~Vector3()
- ~VirtualDeviceEvent()
- Variable Documentation
- align
- alpha [1/2]
- alpha [2/2]
- blue [1/5]
- blue [2/5]
- blue [3/5]
- blue [4/5]
- blue [5/5]
- colorMode
- data
- dataSize
- direct
- fillColor
- fontName
- fontSize
- full [1/2]
- full [2/2]
- green [1/5]
- green [2/5]
- green [3/5]
- green [4/5]
- green [5/5]
- header
- height [1/2]
- height [2/2]
- imageInfo
- inactive
- letterSpace
- pos
- pressed
- radius
- red [1/5]
- red [2/5]
- red [3/5]
- red [4/5]
- red [5/5]
- released
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- userData
- width [1/2]
- width [2/2]
- x
- y
Defines a lightweight graphics system that provides basic UI and container views, including buttons, images, labels, lists, animators, scroll views, swipe views, and layouts. This system also provides the Design for X (DFX) capability to implement features such as view rendering, animation, and input event distribution.
Data Structures
Defines functions for specifying the velocity of an animation. |
Converts colors in different formats and defines common colors. |
Represents basic image attributes, including the image type and path. |
Represents the Task class of the graphics module. This class provides functions for setting the running period and time of a task. |
Represents the base class of Text, providing the text attribute setting and text drawing capabilities for components that require font display. |
Defines the base class for adapters. You can derive AbstractAdapter based on actual requirements and use the GetView() and GetCount() functions to implement adapters of different data types. For details, see TextAdapter. |
Listens for the input events triggered by a virtual device other than human touching or physical pressing. |
Defines the functions related to a root view which contains its child views and represents the root node in a tree structure. |
Defines a text formatter. You can inherit this class and implement the Format() function. |
Defines a text adapter, which implements UILabel instance construction and supports text data and continuous integer data. |
An abstract class that contains functions for converting units of time (hour, minute, and second), setting and obtaining the time. |
Represents the abstract base class which provides functions related to the progress bar. |
Defines the attributes of a scroll, including the scroll direction, blank size of a scroll view, velocity and effects of a scroll animation. |
Defines the basic attributes of the analog clock hands. This is an inner class of UIAbstractClock. |
Stores the attribute information about this arc text to draw. |
Represents the coordinate axis base class, which defines the basic attributes of coordinate axis, sets whether a coordinate axis is visible, and sets the number of scales on a coordinate axis. This class is used in UIChart. |
Defines the unique attributes and functions for the x-axis. This class is used in UIChart. |
Defines the unique attributes and functions for the y-axis. This class is used in UIChart. |
Defines a canvas, which is used to draw multiple types of 2D graphs. |
Defines the style for the top, bottom, and frontmost points in a line chart. |
Defines a data set and provides functions such as adding and deleting data points. |
Defines the chart class and provides functions such as adding and deleting data sets to display a chart. |
Represents a listener that contains a callback to be invoked when this animator stops. |
Defines the functions for presenting a label in a specified area, setting the style and background color of a label, and setting the display mode of a long label text. |
Represents a listener that contains a callback to be invoked when the scroll state changes or when a new child view is selected at the preset position as this list scrolls. The scroll state can be {} or SCROLL_STATE_MOVE}. |
Represents a scrollable list which is used with the adapter AbstractAdapter to implement scrolling, inertial scrolling, automatic alignment, and invoking of a callback when a child view is selected at the preset position as this list scrolls. |
Defines the listener used by a picker. This listener is triggered when an item is selected after sliding stops. |
Defines a picker. Multiple texts or numbers can be put into a sliding list for selection. The selected text or numbers are highlighted. |
Represents a listener that contains a callback to be invoked upon scroll state changes. The state can either be SCROLL_STATE_STOP or SCROLL_STATE_MOVE. |
Supports horizontal or vertical scroll of child views. This class is inherited from UIAbstractScroll. |
Represents a surface view that interacts with the multimedia to achieve camera preview and video playback. |
Represents a listener that contains a callback to be invoked when this animator stops. |
Defines the listener used by the time picker. This listener is triggered when an item is selected after sliding stops. |
Defines the time picker. The time is in the format of “hour:minute” or “hour:minute:second”. The selected time is highlighted. |
Defines a click event listener. You need to register this listener with the view to listen to click events. |
Defines a long-press event listener. You need to register this listener with the view to listen to long-press events. |
Defines a drag event listener. You need to register this listener with the view to listen to drag events. |
Defines a touch event listener. You need to register this listener with the view to listen to touch events. |
Defines the base class of a view, providing basic view attributes and operations. All views are derived from this class. |
Provides functions for exporting information about a specified DOM node or information about the DOM tree starting from a specified DOM node. |
Defines a cancel event, which usually occurs when the target view changes due to user sliding. For example, this event is triggered if you, after pressing a button, does not release the button but slides. |
Defines a click event, which indicates that a finger is pressed on the screen and then lifted within 1 second. |
Defines a drag event, which indicates a certain movement (more than 10 pixels) after a view is pressed. |
Defines the base class of a user input event and provides functions to record information such as the event position and timestamp. |
Defines a key event, which indicates that a physical button is pressed or released. |
Defines a long-press event, which indicates that the finger is not raised or moved within 1 second after a view is pressed. |
Defines a touch event, which indicates that the touchscreen or mouse is pressed. |
Defines a release event, which indicates that the touchscreen or mouse is released. |
Defines a virtual device event, which is used to receive a customized input event and call back the listening function registered. |
Defines a polygon, including vertex coordinates and the maximum number of vertices (defined by MAX_VERTEX_NUM). |
Defines the two-dimensional vector, and provides basic mathematical operations such as vector assignment, scalar product, cross product, addition, and subtraction. |
Defines the 3-dimensional vector, and provides basic operators such as [] and ==. |
Defines the base class, overriding the new and delete functions. |
Defines a flexible layout container. You can perform simple adaptive layout on child views that the container holds, for example, to evenly arrange all child views in the same row or column. |
Defines a grid layout container. You can perform simple grid layout on child views that the container holds. |
Defines the base class of the layout, which indicates the basic data types and operations that may be used in the layout. |
Stores linked list data and contains pointers to the previous node and the next node. |
Defines a linked list template class, which implements the data structure of bidirectional linked list and provides basic functions such as adding, deleting, inserting, clearing, popping up, and obtaining the size of the linked list. |
Defines a rectangle, including the position data of the four boundaries of the rectangle, and provides functions for rectangle inclusion, intersection, and aggregation. |
Defines the basic attributes and functions of a style. You can use this class to set different styles. |
Define some default style for UIView. |
Obtains the system information. Currently, the FPS information can be obtained. To enable the FPS feature, enable the ENABLE_FPS_SUPPORT macro. |
Defines the theme class used to define the functions related to the styles of different components. |
Declares the singleton class used to manage the current screen theme of an application. |
DMA2D hardware acceleration, which does not take effect on other platforms. |
DMA2D hardware acceleration for font rendering, which does not take effect on other platforms. |
Advanced algorithm for line breaks, which is disabled by default on other platforms. |
Multi-window, which is enabled by default on other platforms. |
Display buffer for rendering data refresh, which is disabled by default on other platforms. |
Vector type font,which is enabled by default on other platforms. |
Graphics rendering hardware acceleration, which is enabled by default. |
Memory hook, which is enabled by default. The system memory allocation is taken over after it is enabled. |
Function for monitoring the image refresh frame rate, which is disabled by default. |
Rectangle anti-aliasing, which is disabled by default. |
Font color mode, which is disabled by default. After it is enabled, the font color mode is set to 4 to accelerate font rendering. |
Log function of a graphics subsystem, which is disabled by default. |
Function for receiving input events in screen-off mode, which is disabled by default. |
Defines the log level. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. Logs whose priorities are higher than a specified level can be recorded. Log levels: NONE: disabling logs FATAL: fatal level ERROR: error level WARN: warning level INFO: info level DEBUG: debugging level. |
Defines the color depth of graphics rendering. The default value is 32 bits. The value can be 16 or 32. |
OHOS::EasingFunc) (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::AnimatorCallback::Callback (UIView view)=0 |
Called when each frame starts. This is a pure virtual function, which needs your inheritance and implementation. |
OHOS::AnimatorCallback::OnStop (UIView &view) |
Called when an animator stops. This is a pure virtual function, which needs your inheritance and implementation. |
A default destructor used to delete an AnimatorCallback instance. |
A default constructor used to create an Animator instance. |
OHOS::Animator::Animator (AnimatorCallback callback, UIView view, uint32_t time, bool repeat) |
A constructor used to create an Animator instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Animator instance. |
OHOS::Animator::GetState () const |
OHOS::Animator::SetState (uint8_t state) |
OHOS::Animator::GetTime () const |
OHOS::Animator::SetTime (uint32_t time) |
OHOS::Animator::GetRunTime () const |
OHOS::Animator::SetRunTime (uint32_t runTime) |
OHOS::Animator::IsRepeat () const |
static AnimatorManager Obtains the AnimatorManager instance. |
OHOS::AnimatorManager::Add (Animator animator) |
Adds the Animator instance to the AnimatorManager linked list for management, so that the Run function of the Animator class is called once for each frame. |
OHOS::AnimatorManager::Remove (const Animator animator) |
Removes the Animator instance from the AnimatorManager linked list. |
OHOS::EasingEquation::SetBackOvershoot (double overshoot) |
Sets the parameter s in the equation (s+1)t^3 - st^2 for a back easing. |
OHOS::EasingEquation::BackEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::BackEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::BackEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CircEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CircEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CircEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CubicEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CubicEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::CubicEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::LinearEaseNone (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuadEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuadEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuadEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuintEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuintEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::QuintEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::SineEaseIn (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::SineEaseOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::EasingEquation::SineEaseInOut (int16_t startPos, int16_t endPos, uint16_t curTime, uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::Interpolation::GetBezierInterpolation (int16_t t, int16_t u0, int16_t u1, int16_t u2, int16_t u3) |
OHOS::Color::GetMixColor (ColorType c1, ColorType c2, uint8_t mix) |
static ColorType Mixes two colors (color 1 and color 2) based on a specified opacity. |
OHOS::Color::GetColorFromRGB (uint8_t r8, uint8_t g8, uint8_t b8) |
static ColorType |
OHOS::Color::GetColorFromRGBA (uint8_t r8, uint8_t g8, uint8_t b8, uint8_t alpha) |
static ColorType |
OHOS::Color::ColorTo32 (ColorType color) |
OHOS::Color::ColorTo32 (Color16 color, uint8_t alpha) |
Converts color data with the 16-bit color depth into the RGBA8888 format. |
OHOS::Color::ColorTo16 (Color32 color) |
Converts color data from the RGBA8888 format into the RGB565 format. |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
static ColorType |
A constructor used to create an Image instance. You can use this constructor when a component requires a map. |
A destructor used to delete the Image instance. |
OHOS::Image::GetImageInfo () const |
const ImageInfo |
OHOS::Image::GetPath () const |
OHOS::Image::GetHeader (ImageHeader &header) const |
Obtains the basic image information, including the image format, width, and height. |
OHOS::Image::GetSrcType () const |
OHOS::Image::SetSrc (const char src) |
OHOS::Image::SetSrc (const ImageInfo src) |
static Screen & Obtains a singleton Screen instance. |
A constructor used to create a Task instance. |
OHOS::Task::Task (uint32_t period) |
A constructor used to create a Task instance with the specified running period. |
A destructor used to delete the Task instance. |
OHOS::Task::SetPeriod (uint32_t period) |
OHOS::Task::SetLastRun (uint32_t lastRun) |
OHOS::Task::GetPeriod () const |
OHOS::Task::GetLastRun () const |
A constructor used to create a Text instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Text instance. |
OHOS::Text::SetText (const char text) |
OHOS::Text::GetText () const |
OHOS::Text::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
OHOS::Text::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::Text::GetFontId () const |
OHOS::Text::GetDirect () const |
OHOS::Text::SetAlign (UITextLanguageAlignment horizontalAlign, UITextLanguageAlignment verticalAlign=TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) |
OHOS::Text::GetHorAlign () const |
OHOS::Text::GetVerAlign () const |
OHOS::Text::SetTextRotation (LabelRotateDegree angle) |
OHOS::Text::GetTextRotation () const |
OHOS::Text::GetTextRotateDegree () const |
OHOS::Text::GetTextSize () const |
OHOS::Text::SetExpandWidth (bool expand) |
OHOS::Text::IsExpandWidth () const |
OHOS::Text::SetExpandHeight (bool expand) |
OHOS::Text::IsExpandHeight () const |
OHOS::Text::GetEllipsisIndex (const Rect &textRect, const Style &style) |
Obtains the index of the character from where text will be replaced by ellipses based on the text rectangle and style. |
A constructor used to create an AbstractAdapter instance. |
A destructor used to delete the AbstractAdapter instance. |
OHOS::AbstractAdapter::GetView (UIView inView, int16_t index)=0 |
virtual UIView Obtains a UIView instance to convert adapter data into another UIView instance. |
static RootView Obtains a singleton RootView instance. |
OHOS::RootView::OnKeyActListener::OnKeyAct (UIView &view, const KeyEvent &event)=0 |
OHOS::RootView::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::RootView::OnKeyEvent (const KeyEvent &event) |
OHOS::RootView::SetOnKeyActListener (OnKeyActListener onKeyActListener) |
Sets the listener that contains a callback to be invoked upon a physical key event. |
OHOS::RootView::OnVirtualDeviceEventListener::OnVirtualDeviceEvent (UIView &view, VirtualDeviceEvent event)=0 |
OHOS::RootView::OnVirtualDeviceEvent (const VirtualDeviceEvent &event) |
OHOS::RootView::SetOnVirtualDeviceEventListener (OnVirtualDeviceEventListener onVirtualDeviceEventListener) |
Sets a listener for monitoring the input events of a virtual device. |
Clears the listener for monitoring the input events of a virtual device. |
OHOS::RootView::FindSubView (const UIView &parentView, const UIView subView) |
Checks whether the target view is one of the child views of the specified parent view. |
OHOS::TextFormatter::Format (int16_t value, char outText, uint16_t textLen) |
Converts the input integer into a character string for output. |
A constructor used to create a UILabel instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UILabel instance. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::GetView (UIView inView, int16_t index) override |
Obtains a UILabel instance to convert adapter data into another UILabel instance. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetData (List< const char > data) |
Sets the UILabel adapter data, which is a string linked list. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetData (int16_t start, int16_t end) |
Sets continuously increasing data. For example, if you need to set data 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, use this function to set start to 0 and end to 4. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::TextAdapter::GetFontId () const |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
Style & Obtains the UILabel adapter style. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::GetCount () override |
Obtains the data size of the UILabel adapter. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetWidth (int16_t width) |
Sets the width of UILabel constructed by the adapter. |
Sets the direction of the UILabel constructed by the adapter. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetHeight (int16_t height) |
Sets the height of the UILabel constructed by the adapter. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetLineBreakMode (const uint8_t lineBreakMode) |
Sets the LineBreakMode attribute of UILabel constructed by the adapter. For details about the values of LineBreakMode, see LINE_BREAK_ADAPT, LINE_BREAK_WRAP, LINE_BREAK_ELLIPSIS, and LINE_BREAK_MARQUEE. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetOnClickListener (UIView::OnClickListener clickListener) |
Sets the callback function to be invoked upon a click event. |
OHOS::TextAdapter::SetTextFormatter (TextFormatter formatter) |
A default constructor used to create a UIAbstractClock instance. |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::UIAbstractClock (uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) |
A constructor used to create a UIAbstractClock instance with time elements (hour, minute and second). |
A destructor used to delete the UIAbstractClock instance. |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::SetTime24Hour (uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::SetTime12Hour (uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, bool am) |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::UpdateClock (bool clockInit) |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::SetWorkMode (WorkMode newMode) |
OHOS::UIAbstractClock::GetWorkMode () const |
virtual WorkMode |
A constructor used to create a UIAbstractProgress instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIAbstractProgress instance. |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::EnableBackground (bool enable) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetValue (int16_t value) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::GetValue () const |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetRange (int16_t rangeMax, int16_t rangeMin) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetImage (const char foregroundImage, const char backgroundImage=nullptr) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetImage (const ImageInfo foregroundImage, const ImageInfo backgroundImage=nullptr) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetStep (uint16_t step) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::GetStep () const |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetBackgroundStyle (const Style &style) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetBackgroundStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
const Style & |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::GetBackgroundStyle (uint8_t key) const |
Obtains the value of a background style of this progress bar. |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetForegroundStyle (const Style &style) |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::SetForegroundStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
const Style & |
OHOS::UIAbstractProgress::GetForegroundStyle (uint8_t key) const |
Obtains the value of a foreground style of this progress bar. |
Sets the type of caps on the background and foreground of the progress bar. |
A constructor used to create a UIAbstractScroll instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIAbstractScroll instance. |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::GetDirection () const |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetScrollBlankSize (uint16_t size) |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetMaxScrollDistance (uint16_t distance) |
Sets the maximum scroll distance after a finger lifts the screen. |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetReboundSize (uint16_t size) |
Sets the rebound size, which is the distance a knob moves after being released when it reaches the end of a scrollbar. |
Obtains the maximum scroll distance after a finger lifts the screen. |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetDragFunc (EasingFunc func) |
Sets the easing function that specifies a scroll animation after a finger lifts the screen. |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetThrowDrag (bool throwDrag) |
Sets whether to continue scrolling after a finger lifts the screen. |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::MoveChildByOffset (int16_t offsetX, int16_t offsetY) override |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetDragACCLevel (uint16_t value) |
OHOS::UIAbstractScroll::SetSwipeACCLevel (uint16_t value) |
Sets the compensation distance after a finger lifts the screen. |
Obtains the compensation distance after a finger lifts the screen. |
A default constructor used to create a UIAnalogClock instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIAnalogClock instance. |
A default constructor used to create a Hand instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Hand instance. |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetHandImage (HandType type, const UIImageView &img, Point position, Point center) |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetHandLine (HandType type, Point position, Point center, ColorType color, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, OpacityType opacity) |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::GetHandRotateCenter (HandType type) const |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::GetHandPosition (HandType type) const |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::GetHandInitAngle (HandType type) const |
Obtains the initial rotation angle of the specified clock hand. |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::GetHandCurrentAngle (HandType type) const |
Obtains the current rotation angle of the specified clock hand. |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetInitTime24Hour (uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetInitTime12Hour (uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, bool am) |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::OnPostDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::SetWorkMode (WorkMode newMode) override |
OHOS::UIAnalogClock::UpdateClock (bool clockInit) override |
A default constructor used to create a UIArcLabel instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIArcLabel instance. |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetWidth () override |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetHeight () override |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetText (const char text) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetText () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetAlign (UITextLanguageAlignment horizontalAlign) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetHorAlign () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetFontId () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetArcTextCenter (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetArcTextCenter () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetArcTextRadius (uint16_t radius) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetArcTextRadius () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetArcTextAngle (int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::GetArcTextEndAngle () const |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::SetArcTextOrientation (TextOrientation orientation) |
OHOS::UIArcLabel::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
A constructor used to create a UIAxis instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIAxis instance. |
OHOS::UIAxis::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIAxis::SetDataRange (uint16_t min, uint16_t max)=0 |
OHOS::UIAxis::SetMarkNum (uint16_t count)=0 |
OHOS::UIAxis::SetLineColor (const ColorType &color) |
OHOS::UIAxis::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIAxis::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UIAxis::TranslateToPixel (int16_t &value)=0 |
A constructor used to create a UIXAxis instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIXAxis instance. |
OHOS::UIXAxis::TranslateToPixel (int16_t &value) override |
OHOS::UIXAxis::SetDataRange (uint16_t min, uint16_t max) override |
OHOS::UIXAxis::SetMarkNum (uint16_t count) override |
A constructor used to create a UIYAxis instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIYAxis instance. |
OHOS::UIYAxis::TranslateToPixel (int16_t &value) override |
OHOS::UIYAxis::SetDataRange (uint16_t min, uint16_t max) override |
OHOS::UIYAxis::SetMarkNum (uint16_t count) override |
A constructor used to create a UIBoxProgress instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIBoxProgress instance. |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::SetDirection (const Direction &direction) |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::GetDirection () const |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::SetValidWidth (int16_t width) |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::GetValidWidth () const |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::SetValidHeight (int16_t height) |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::GetValidHeight () const |
OHOS::UIBoxProgress::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
A constructor used to create a UIButton instance. |
OHOS::UIButton::UIButton (const char id) |
A constructor used to create a UIButton instance based on the button ID. |
A destructor used to delete the UIButton instance. |
OHOS::UIButton::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIButton::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Do something before draw, this function will be invoked mainly to check if this view need to cover invalidate area so render manager can decide which layer to draw firstly. |
OHOS::UIButton::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIButton::OnPressEvent (const PressEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIButton::OnReleaseEvent (const ReleaseEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIButton::OnCancelEvent (const CancelEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIButton::SetImageSrc (const char defaultImgSrc, const char triggeredImgSrc) |
OHOS::UIButton::SetImageSrc (const ImageInfo defaultImgSrc, const ImageInfo triggeredImgSrc) |
OHOS::UIButton::SetImagePosition (const int16_t x, const int16_t y) |
OHOS::UIButton::GetImageX () const |
OHOS::UIButton::GetImageY () const |
OHOS::UIButton::GetCurImageSrc () const |
const Image |
OHOS::UIButton::GetWidth () override |
OHOS::UIButton::GetHeight () override |
OHOS::UIButton::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UIButton::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UIButton::GetContentRect () override |
virtual Rect Obtains a rectangular area that contains coordinate information. |
OHOS::UIButton::GetStyle (uint8_t key) const override |
OHOS::UIButton::SetStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) override |
OHOS::UIButton::GetStyleForState (uint8_t key, ButtonState state) const |
OHOS::UIButton::SetStyleForState (uint8_t key, int64_t value, ButtonState state) |
Sets the state for a button. After the setting, calling SetStyle will change the style of this button, but not its state. |
A constructor used to create a Paint instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Paint instance. |
OHOS::Paint::SetStyle (PaintStyle style) |
OHOS::Paint::GetStyle () const |
OHOS::Paint::SetStrokeWidth (uint16_t width) |
OHOS::Paint::GetStrokeWidth () const |
OHOS::Paint::SetStrokeColor (ColorType color) |
OHOS::Paint::GetStrokeColor () const |
OHOS::Paint::SetFillColor (ColorType color) |
OHOS::Paint::GetFillColor () const |
OHOS::Paint::SetOpacity (uint8_t opacity) |
OHOS::Paint::GetOpacity () const |
A constructor used to create a UICanvas instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UICanvas instance. |
OHOS::UICanvas::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UICanvas::SetStartPosition (const Point &startPoint) |
Sets the coordinates of the start point for drawing a line. For example, if startPoint is set to {50, 50}, the line is drawn from this set of coordinates on the canvas. |
OHOS::UICanvas::GetStartPosition () const |
const Point & |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawLine (const Point &endPoint, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawLine (const Point &startPoint, const Point &endPoint, const Paint &paint) |
Draws a straight line from the coordinates of the start point. |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawCurve (const Point &control1, const Point &control2, const Point &endPoint, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawCurve (const Point &startPoint, const Point &control1, const Point &control2, const Point &endPoint, const Paint &paint) |
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the start point coordinates. |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawRect (const Point &startPoint, int16_t height, int16_t width, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawCircle (const Point ¢er, uint16_t radius, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawSector (const Point ¢er, uint16_t radius, int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawArc (const Point ¢er, uint16_t radius, int16_t startAngle, int16_t endAngle, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawImage (const Point &startPoint, const char image, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::DrawLabel (const Point &startPoint, const char text, uint16_t maxWidth, const FontStyle &fontStyle, const Paint &paint) |
OHOS::UICanvas::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
A constructor used to create a UIChartDataSerial instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIChartDataSerial instance. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetMaxDataCount (uint16_t maxCount) |
Sets the maximum number of data points that can be stored in a data set. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::ModifyPoint (uint16_t index, const Point &point) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::GetPoint (uint16_t index, Point &point) |
Obtains the coordinates in the chart for a data point in the data set. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::AddPoints (const Point data, uint16_t count) |
Obtains the number of data points available in the data set. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::EnableSmooth (bool smooth) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::IsSmooth () const |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::EnableGradient (bool enable) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::IsGradient () const |
Obtains the index of the frontmost point (the latest added or modified data point in a data set). |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::GetPeakData () const |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetFillColor (const ColorType &color) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetLineColor (const ColorType &color) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::HidePoint (uint16_t index, uint16_t count) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetHeadPointStyle (const PointStyle &style) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetTopPointStyle (const PointStyle &style) |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::SetBottomPointStyle (const PointStyle &style) |
const PointStyle & |
const PointStyle & |
const PointStyle & |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::EnableHeadPoint (bool enable) |
Enables the feature of drawing the frontmost point on a polyline. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::EnableTopPoint (bool enable) |
Enables the feature of drawing the top point of a polyline. If there are multiple top points, only the first one is drawn. |
OHOS::UIChartDataSerial::EnableBottomPoint (bool enable) |
Enables the feature of drawing the bottom point of a polyline. If there are multiple bottom points, only the first one is drawn. |
A constructor used to create a UIChart instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIChart instance. |
OHOS::UIChart::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIChart::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UIChart::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UIChart::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UIChart::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIChart::AddDataSerial (UIChartDataSerial dataSerial) |
OHOS::UIChart::DeleteDataSerial (UIChartDataSerial dataSerial) |
UIXAxis & |
UIYAxis & |
OHOS::UIChart::EnableReverse (bool enable) |
A constructor used to create a UIChartPillar instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIChartPillar instance. |
OHOS::UIChartPillar::RefreshChart () override |
A constructor used to create a UIChartPolyline instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIChartPolyline instance. |
OHOS::UIChartPolyline::RefreshChart () override |
OHOS::UIChartPolyline::SetGradientOpacity (uint8_t minOpa, uint8_t maxOpa) |
OHOS::UIChartPolyline::SetGradientBottom (uint16_t bottom) |
Sets the distance between the bottom edge of the fill color range and the x-axis. |
A constructor used to create a UICheckBox instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UICheckBox instance. |
OHOS::UICheckBox::OnChangeListener::OnChange (UICheckBoxState state)=0 |
Called when the state of this check box is switched. This is a virtual function, which needs your implementation. |
A destructor used to delete the OnChangeListener instance. |
OHOS::UICheckBox::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UICheckBox::SetOnChangeListener (OnChangeListener onStateChangeListener) |
OHOS::UICheckBox::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Do something before draw, this function will be invoked mainly to check if this view need to cover invalidate area so render manager can decide which layer to draw firstly. |
OHOS::UICheckBox::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Executes the draw action Ondraw invokes the rendering function provided by the underlying layer to draw pictures based on the selected status of the checkbox. |
OHOS::UICheckBox::OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) override |
Executes the click event action OnClickEvent will reverse the selected state of checkbox. Example: If the check box is selected, the checkbox status is changed to Unselected after the click action is taken. |
OHOS::UICheckBox::SetImages (const char selectedImageSrc, const char unselectedImageSrc) |
OHOS::UICheckBox::SetImages (const ImageInfo selectedImageSrc, const ImageInfo unselectedImageSrc) |
OHOS::UICheckBox::GetState () const |
A constructor used to create a UICircleProgress instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UICircleProgress instance. |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetCenterPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the center point for this circular progress bar. |
Obtains the coordinates of the center point for this circular progress bar. |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetRadius (uint16_t radius) |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::GetRadius () const |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetStartAngle (int16_t startAngle) |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetEndAngle (int16_t endAngle) |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::GetEndAngle () const |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetProgressImagePosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the foreground image for this progress bar relative to the view. |
OHOS::UICircleProgress::SetBackgroundImagePosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the background image for this progress bar relative to the view. |
A constructor used to create a UIDialog instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIDialog instance. |
OHOS::UIDialog::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIDialog::SetTitle (const char title) |
OHOS::UIDialog::SetText (const char text) |
OHOS::UIDialog::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Checks whether this label needs to be covered before drawing it. |
OHOS::UIDialog::SetButton (DialogButtonType buttonType, const char text, OnClickListener listener) |
OHOS::UIDialog::SetVisible (bool visible) override |
A default constructor used to create a UIDigitalClock instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIDigitalClock instance. |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::GetDisplayMode () const |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::DisplayLeadingZero (bool displayLeadingZero) |
Sets whether to add 0 before the hour of this digital clock. |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::SetOpacity (uint8_t opacity) |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::GetOpacity () const |
OHOS::UIDigitalClock::UpdateClock (bool clockInit) override |
A constructor used to create a UIImageAnimatorView instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIImageAnimatorView instance. |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetImageAnimatorSrc (const char imageSrc, uint8_t imageNum, uint16_t timeOfUpdate) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetImageAnimatorSrc (const char imageSrc, uint8_t imageNum) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetTimeOfUpdate (uint16_t timeOfUpdate) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetTimeOfPause (uint16_t timeOfPause) |
Sets the interval between two playbacks of an infinitely repeated animator. |
Obtains the interval between two playbacks of an infinitely repeated animator. |
const ImageAnimatorInfo |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::GetImageAnimatorImageNum () const |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetSizeFixed (bool fixed) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetRepeat (bool repeat) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::IsRepeat () const |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetRepeatTimes (uint32_t times) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::GetState () const |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetReverse (bool reverse) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::IsReverse () const |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::Stop (bool needReset=true) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::AnimatorStopListener::~AnimatorStopListener () |
A destructor used to delete an AnimatorStopListener instance. |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::AnimatorStopListener::OnAnimatorStop (UIView &view) |
OHOS::UIImageAnimatorView::SetAnimatorStopListener (AnimatorStopListener listener) |
A default constructor used to create a UIImageView instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIImageView instance. |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetWidth () override |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetHeight () override |
OHOS::UIImageView::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Checks whether this image view needs to be covered to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UIImageView::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIImageView::SetSrc (const char src) |
OHOS::UIImageView::SetSrc (const ImageInfo src) |
OHOS::UIImageView::SetAutoEnable (bool enable) |
Sets whether the image view size needs to be adaptive to the image size. |
OHOS::UIImageView::SetBlurLevel (BlurLevel level) |
Sets the blur level for this image when it is rotated or scaled. |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetBlurLevel () const |
Obtains the blur level of this image when it is rotated or scaled. |
OHOS::UIImageView::SetTransformAlgorithm (TransformAlgorithm algorithm) |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetPath () const |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetImageInfo () const |
const ImageInfo |
OHOS::UIImageView::GetSrcType () const |
A constructor used to create a UILabel instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UILabel instance. |
OHOS::UILabel::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UILabel::GetWidth () override |
OHOS::UILabel::GetHeight () override |
OHOS::UILabel::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Checks whether this label needs to be covered before drawing it. |
OHOS::UILabel::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UILabel::SetText (const char text) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetText () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetLineBreakMode (const uint8_t lineBreakMode) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetLineBreakMode () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetTextColor (ColorType color) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetTextColor () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetAlign (UITextLanguageAlignment horizontalAlign, UITextLanguageAlignment verticalAlign=TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetHorAlign () const |
OHOS::UILabel::GetVerAlign () const |
OHOS::UILabel::GetDirect () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetFontId () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
OHOS::UILabel::SetRollSpeed (uint16_t speed) |
OHOS::UILabel::SetRollStartPos (int16_t pos) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetRollStartPos () const |
OHOS::UILabel::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UILabel::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UILabel::SetTextRotation (LabelRotateDegree angle) |
OHOS::UILabel::GetTextRotation () const |
OHOS::UILabel::GetTextRotateDegree () const |
A constructor used to create a UILabelButton instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UILabelButton instance. |
OHOS::UILabelButton::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetText (const char text) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetText () const |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetLablePosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the position for this label relative to the button holding it. |
Obtains the position of this label relative to the button holding it. |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetAlign (UITextLanguageAlignment align) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetAlign () const |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetDirect (UITextLanguageDirect direct) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetDirect () const |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetLabelStyle (Style &labelStyle) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetLabelStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetLabelStyle () const |
const Style & |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetLabelStyle (uint8_t key) const |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetFont (const char name, uint8_t size) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::SetFontId (uint8_t fontId) |
OHOS::UILabelButton::GetFontId () const |
A constructor used to create a ListScrollListener instance with the default state SCROLL_STATE_STOP. |
A destructor used to delete the ListScrollListener instance. |
OHOS::ListScrollListener::OnScrollStart (int16_t index, UIView view) |
OHOS::ListScrollListener::OnScrollEnd (int16_t index, UIView view) |
OHOS::ListScrollListener::OnItemSelected (int16_t index, UIView view) |
Called when a new child view is selected at the preset position as this list scrolls. For details about how to set the position, see SetSelectPosition. |
A constructor used to create a UIList instance in the vertical direction. |
OHOS::UIList::UIList (uint8_t direction) |
A constructor used to create a UIList instance in the specified direction. |
A destructor used to delete the UIList instance. |
OHOS::UIList::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIList::OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIList::OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIList::OnPressEvent (const PressEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIList::SetAdapter (AbstractAdapter adapter) |
Sets the adapter for this list. The content of this list is initialized when the adapter is set. |
OHOS::UIList::MoveChildByOffset (int16_t x, int16_t y) override |
OHOS::UIList::ScrollTo (uint16_t index) |
Scrolls to change the index of the first row or column of the current view. |
OHOS::UIList::ScrollBy (int16_t distance) |
OHOS::UIList::SetStartIndex (uint16_t index) |
OHOS::UIList::GetStartIndex () const |
Obtains the start index of this list. The default value is 0. |
OHOS::UIList::SetLoopState (bool state) |
Sets the loop state for this list, in which a loop scroll is possible since the top and bottom of the list are connected together. |
OHOS::UIList::GetLoopState () const |
OHOS::UIList::SetSelectPosition (uint16_t position) |
Sets the position where a child view is selected as this list scrolls. |
Obtains the child view being selected at the preset position. |
OHOS::UIList::SetScrollStateListener (ListScrollListener scrollListener) |
Sets the listener that contains a callback to be invoked when a child view is selected as this list scrolls. |
Refreshes this list. The number of child views in the current view is fixed and the positions of those reserved child views as this list scrolls remain unchanged. |
OHOS::UIList::EnableAutoAlign (bool state) |
Sets the automatic alignment state for this list. When a scroll stops, a child view is selected and its position is automatically aligned with the preset position. |
OHOS::UIList::RemoveAll () override |
A constructor used to create a UIPicker instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIPicker instance. |
OHOS::UIPicker::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIPicker::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetValues (const char value[], uint16_t count) |
Sets dynamic text data in the picker by using a string array. |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetValues (int16_t start, int16_t end) |
Sets the numeric data in the picker by using a given numeric range. |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetFontId (uint8_t backgroundFontId, uint8_t highlightFontId) |
Sets the font IDs of dynamic text, which is the string array set through SetValues. |
OHOS::UIPicker::GetBackgroundFontId () const |
OHOS::UIPicker::GetHighlightFontId () const |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetTextColor (ColorType backgroundColor, ColorType highlightColor) |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetSelected (uint16_t index) |
Sets the index of the item currently selected in the picker. |
OHOS::UIPicker::GetSelected () const |
Obtains the index of the item currently selected in the picker. |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetItemHeight (int16_t height) |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetLoopState (bool state) |
A constructor used to create a SelectedListener instance. |
A destructor used to delete the SelectedListener instance. |
OHOS::UIPicker::SelectedListener::OnPickerStoped (UIPicker &picker) |
Called when an item is selected after sliding stops. This function is implemented by applications. |
OHOS::UIPicker::RegisterSelectedListener (SelectedListener pickerListener) |
OHOS::UIPicker::SetTextFormatter (TextFormatter formatter) |
A constructor used to create a UIRadioButton instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIRadioButton instance. |
OHOS::UIRadioButton::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIRadioButton::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Do something before draw, this function will be invoked mainly to check if this view need to cover invalidate area so render manager can decide which layer to draw firstly. |
OHOS::UIRadioButton::OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) override |
Executes the click event action OnClickEvent will reverse the selected state of checkbox. Example: If the check box is selected, the checkbox status is changed to Unselected after the click action is taken. |
OHOS::UIRadioButton::SetName (const char name) |
OHOS::UIRadioButton::GetName () const |
A constructor used to create a UIRepeatButton instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIRepeatButton instance. |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::SetInterval (uint16_t interval) |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::GetInterval () const |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::OnReleaseEvent (const ReleaseEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIRepeatButton::OnLongPressEvent (const LongPressEvent &event) override |
A constructor used to create an OnScrollListener instance with the default scroll state SCROLL_STATE_STOP. |
A destructor used to delete the OnScrollListener instance. |
OHOS::UIScrollView::OnScrollListener::GetScrollState () const |
A constructor used to create a UIScrollView instance, with both horizontal and vertical scrolls supported. |
A destructor used to delete the UIScrollView instance. |
OHOS::UIScrollView::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIScrollView::OnPostDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UIScrollView::OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIScrollView::OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIScrollView::OnPressEvent (const PressEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UIScrollView::ScrollBy (int16_t xDistance, int16_t yDistance) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::SetScrollbarWidth (uint8_t width) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::SetHorizontalScrollState (bool state) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::SetVerticalScrollState (bool state) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::SetXScrollBarVisible (bool state) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::SetYScrollBarVisible (bool state) |
OHOS::UIScrollView::RegisterScrollListener (OnScrollListener scrollListener) |
Registers a listener that contains a callback to be invoked upon scroll state changes. |
A constructor used to create a UISlider instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UISlider instance. |
OHOS::UISlider::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UISlider::SetKnobWidth (int16_t width) |
OHOS::UISlider::SetImage (const ImageInfo backgroundImage, const ImageInfo foregroundImage, const ImageInfo knobImage) |
Sets the images as pixel maps for this slider, including the background, foreground, and knob images. |
OHOS::UISlider::SetImage (const char backgroundImage, const char foregroundImage, const char knobImage) |
Sets the images for this slider, including the background, foreground, and knob images. |
OHOS::UISlider::SetSliderColor (const ColorType backgroundColor, const ColorType foregroundColor, const ColorType knobColor) |
Sets the colors for this slider, including the background, foreground, and knob colors. |
OHOS::UISlider::SetSliderRadius (int16_t backgroundRadius, int16_t foregroundRadius, int16_t knobRadius) |
Sets the corner radiuses for this slider, including the background, foreground, and knob corner radiuses. |
OHOS::UISlider::SetKnobStyle (const Style &style) |
OHOS::UISlider::SetKnobStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
OHOS::UISlider::GetKnobStyle () const |
const Style & |
OHOS::UISlider::GetKnobStyle (uint8_t key) const |
OHOS::UISlider::OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UISlider::OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UISlider::OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UISlider::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UISlider::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UISlider::UISliderEventListener::~UISliderEventListener () |
A destructor used to delete the UISliderEventListener instance. |
OHOS::UISlider::UISliderEventListener::OnChange (int16_t value) |
Called when the slider is dragged or clicked. This is a virtual function, which needs your implementation. |
OHOS::UISlider::UISliderEventListener::OnRelease (int16_t value) |
Called when the slider is released. This is a virtual function, which needs your implementation. |
OHOS::UISlider::SetSliderEventListener (UISliderEventListener listener) |
A constructor used to create a UISurfaceView instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UISurfaceView instance. |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::GetSurface () const |
Obtains the surface, which should be used together with the camera and video modules. |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::Resize (int16_t width, int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetX (int16_t x) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetY (int16_t y) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::SetVisible (bool visible) override |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
Called before this view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so that the drawing process is optimized. |
OHOS::UISurfaceView::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::UISwipeView (uint8_t direction=HORIZONTAL) |
A constructor used to create a UISwipeView instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UISwipeView instance. |
OHOS::UISwipeView::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetDirection (uint8_t direction) |
OHOS::UISwipeView::GetDirection () const |
OHOS::UISwipeView::Add (UIView view) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::Insert (UIView prevView, UIView insertView) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::Remove (UIView view) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetCurrentPage (uint16_t index, bool needAnimator=false) |
OHOS::UISwipeView::GetCurrentPage () const |
OHOS::UISwipeView::GetCurrentView () const |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetBlankSize (uint16_t size) |
Sets a blank size, as defined in DEFAULT_BLANK_SIZE. |
OHOS::UISwipeView::OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) override |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetAnimatorTime (uint16_t time) |
Sets the time for the page being animated. The page will go beyond the blank during this time. |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetLoopState (bool loop) |
OHOS::UISwipeView::GetViewByIndex (uint16_t index) const |
OHOS::UISwipeView::SetOnSwipeListener (OnSwipeListener onSwipeListener) |
Sets the listener that contains a callback to be invoked upon a swipe event. |
OHOS::UISwipeView::MoveChildByOffset (int16_t xOffset, int16_t yOffset) override |
A constructor used to create a UITextureMapper instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UITextureMapper instance. |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetRotateStart (int16_t start) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetRotateEnd (int16_t end) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetScaleStart (float start) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetScaleEnd (float end) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetDurationTime (uint16_t durationTime) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetDelayTime (uint16_t delayTime) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetEasingFunc (EasingFunc easingFunc) |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetPivot (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the rotation and scaling pivots for this image. |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::AnimatorStopListener::~AnimatorStopListener () |
A destructor used to delete an AnimatorStopListener instance. |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::AnimatorStopListener::OnAnimatorStop (UIView &view)=0 |
Called when this animator stops. This is a pure virtual function, which needs your inheritance and implementation. |
OHOS::UITextureMapper::SetAnimatorStopListener (AnimatorStopListener listener) |
A constructor used to create a UITimePicker instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UITimePicker instance. |
OHOS::UITimePicker::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SetSelected (const char value) |
OHOS::UITimePicker::GetSelectHour () const |
OHOS::UITimePicker::GetSelectMinute () const |
OHOS::UITimePicker::GetSelectSecond () const |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SetItemHeight (int16_t height) |
OHOS::UITimePicker::EnableSecond (bool state) |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SetTextStyle (uint8_t backgroundFontId, uint8_t highlightFontId, ColorType backgroundColor, ColorType highlightColor) |
Sets the text format in the time picker, including the font ID and color. |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SetWidth (int16_t width) override |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SetHeight (int16_t height) override |
A constructor used to create a SelectedListener instance. |
A destructor used to delete the SelectedListener instance. |
OHOS::UITimePicker::SelectedListener::OnTimePickerStoped (UITimePicker &picker) |
Called when an item is selected after sliding stops. This function is implemented by applications. |
OHOS::UITimePicker::RegisterSelectedListener (SelectedListener timePickerListener) |
A constructor used to create a UIToggleButton instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIToggleButton instance. |
OHOS::UIToggleButton::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIToggleButton::SetState (bool state) |
OHOS::UIToggleButton::GetState () const |
OHOS::UIView::OnClickListener::OnClick (UIView &view, const ClickEvent &event) |
A destructor used to delete the OnClickListener instance. |
OHOS::UIView::OnLongPressListener::OnLongPress (UIView &view, const LongPressEvent &event) |
A destructor used to delete the OnLongPressListener instance. |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragListener::OnDragStart (UIView &view, const DragEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragListener::OnDrag (UIView &view, const DragEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragListener::OnDragEnd (UIView &view, const DragEvent &event) |
A destructor used to delete the OnDragListener instance. |
OHOS::UIView::OnTouchListener::OnPress (UIView &view, const PressEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnTouchListener::OnRelease (UIView &view, const ReleaseEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnTouchListener::OnCancel (UIView &view, const CancelEvent &event) |
A destructor used to delete the OnTouchListener instance. |
A default constructor used to create an UIView instance. |
OHOS::UIView::UIView (const char id) |
A constructor used to create an UIView instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIView instance. |
OHOS::UIView::OnPreDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
OHOS::UIView::OnDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
OHOS::UIView::OnPostDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
OHOS::UIView::InvalidateRect (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
OHOS::UIView::OnLongPressEvent (const LongPressEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragStartEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnPressEvent (const PressEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnReleaseEvent (const ReleaseEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::OnCancelEvent (const CancelEvent &event) |
OHOS::UIView::SetOnDragListener (OnDragListener onDragListener) |
OHOS::UIView::SetOnClickListener (OnClickListener onClickListener) |
OHOS::UIView::SetOnLongPressListener (OnLongPressListener onLongPressListener) |
OHOS::UIView::SetOnTouchListener (OnTouchListener onTouchListener) |
OHOS::UIView::GetTargetView (const Point &point, UIView last) |
OHOS::UIView::SetParent (UIView parent) |
OHOS::UIView::GetParent () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetNextSibling (UIView sibling) |
OHOS::UIView::GetNextSibling () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetVisible (bool visible) |
OHOS::UIView::IsVisible () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetTouchable (bool touch) |
OHOS::UIView::IsTouchable () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetDraggable (bool draggable) |
OHOS::UIView::IsDraggable () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetDragParentInstead (bool dragParentInstead) |
Sets whether to transfer the drag event to the parent view for processing when the view is being dragged. |
OHOS::UIView::IsDragParentInstead () const |
Obtains whether the view transfers a drag event to the parent view for processing. |
OHOS::UIView::GetRect () const |
Obtains the absolute rectangle area of the view. When the view has deformation such as rotation, the rectangle area is the intersection set of the absolute rectangle area and deformation matrix. |
OHOS::UIView::GetVisibleRect () const |
OHOS::UIView::GetMaskedRect () const |
Obtains the valid absolute rectangle area of the view. The valid area refers to the area where the view can be displayed. Generally, the valid area is the same as the visible view area, but they may be different in the grid layout. |
OHOS::UIView::GetOrigRect () const |
virtual Rect Obtains the content of the absolute rectangle area of the view. This area excludes padding. |
OHOS::UIView::GetRelativeRect () const |
Obtains the rectangular area of the view relative to the parent view, that is, the rectangular area relative to the coordinates of the parent view. |
OHOS::UIView::ResizeVisibleArea (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
Adjusts the size of the visible area. This operation may affect the final display size. |
OHOS::UIView::SetWidth (int16_t width) |
OHOS::UIView::SetHeight (int16_t height) |
OHOS::UIView::Resize (int16_t width, int16_t height) |
OHOS::UIView::SetX (int16_t x) |
OHOS::UIView::GetX () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetY (int16_t y) |
OHOS::UIView::GetY () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
OHOS::UIView::SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
OHOS::UIView::IsViewGroup () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetIntercept (bool isIntercept) |
Sets whether to intercept the drag event. If intercepted, the view does not transfer the drag event to the parent view after local processing. |
OHOS::UIView::SetTransformMap (const TransformMap &transMap) |
OHOS::UIView::GetChildById (const char id) const |
virtual UIView |
OHOS::UIView::SetViewId (const char id) |
OHOS::UIView::GetViewId () const |
OHOS::UIView::SetViewIndex (int16_t index) |
OHOS::UIView::GetViewIndex () const |
OHOS::UIView::GetViewType () const |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutChildren (bool neeInvalidate=false) |
Lays out all child views according to the preset arrangement mode. |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutCenterOfParent (int16_t xOffSet=0, int16_t yOffset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutLeftOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutRightOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutTopOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutBottomOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::AlignLeftToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::AlignRightToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::AlignTopToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::AlignBottomToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::AlignHorCenterToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
Aligns the view with the center of a sibling view in the x-axis. |
OHOS::UIView::AlignVerCenterToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
Aligns the view with the center of a sibling view in the y-axis. |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutLeftToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutRightToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutTopToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::LayoutBottomToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
OHOS::UIView::SetStyle (Style &style) |
OHOS::UIView::SetStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
OHOS::UIView::GetStyle (uint8_t key) const |
OHOS::UIView::GetStyleConst () const |
const Style & Obtains the view style. This function applies to scenarios where the style does not need to be modified, which saves memory. |
A default constructor used to create a UIViewGroup instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIViewGroup instance. |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::GetViewType () const override |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::Add (UIView view) |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::Insert (UIView prevView, UIView insertView) |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::Remove (UIView view) |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::GetTargetView (const Point &point, UIView last) override |
Obtains the target child view that is visible and can respond to touch events based on given coordinates. |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::MoveChildByOffset (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::GetChildrenHead () const |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::GetChildrenTail () const |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::SetDisallowIntercept (bool flag) |
Sets whether this view group is intercepted upon touch events. |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::GetChildById (const char id) const override |
OHOS::UIViewGroup::SetAutoSize (bool state) |
Sets whether the size of this view group is adaptive to that of all child views. |
Obtains the rectangle area of a new view group after being adaptive to the size of all child views. |
Performs operations needed after a child view is added or removed. |
static UIDumpDomTree |
OHOS::UIDumpDomTree::DumpDomTree (const char id, const char path) |
Exports information about a DOM tree starting from a specified DOM node and saves the information to a specified path. |
OHOS::UIDumpDomTree::DumpDomTree (const char id) |
Exports information about a DOM tree starting from a specified DOM node and saves the information to the default path. The default path is DEFAULT_DUMP_DOM_TREE_PATH. |
OHOS::UIDumpDomTree::DumpDomNode (const char id) |
OHOS::CancelEvent::CancelEvent (const Point &pos) |
A constructor used to create a CancelEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the CancelEvent instance. |
OHOS::ClickEvent::ClickEvent (const Point &pos) |
A constructor used to create a ClickEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the ClickEvent instance. |
OHOS::DragEvent::DragEvent (const Point &newPos, const Point &lastPos, const Point &totalLen) |
A constructor used to create a DragEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the DragEvent instance. |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetLastPoint () const |
const Point & Obtains the coordinates of the last position in the drag event. |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetStartPoint () const |
const Point & |
OHOS::DragEvent::SetPreLastPoint (const Point &preLastPos) |
Sets the coordinates of the stay position before the last position in the drag event. |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetPreLastPoint () const |
const Point & Obtains the coordinates of the stay position before the last position in the drag event. |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetDragDirection () const |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetDeltaX () const |
Obtains the difference between the current position and the last position of the view in the x-axis. |
OHOS::DragEvent::GetDeltaY () const |
Obtains the difference between the current position and the last position of the view in the y-axis. |
A default constructor used to create an Event instance. |
OHOS::Event::Event (const Point &curPos) |
A constructor used to create an Event instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Event instance. |
OHOS::Event::GetCurrentPos () const |
const Point & |
OHOS::Event::GetTimeStamp () const |
OHOS::Event::SetTimeStamp (const TimeType &timeStamp) |
OHOS::KeyEvent::KeyEvent (uint16_t keyId, uint16_t state) |
A constructor used to create a KeyEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the KeyEvent instance. |
OHOS::KeyEvent::GetKeyId () const |
OHOS::KeyEvent::GetState () const |
OHOS::LongPressEvent::LongPressEvent (const Point &pos, const TimeType &timeStamp) |
A constructor used to create a LongPressEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the LongPressEvent instance. |
OHOS::PressEvent::PressEvent (const Point &pos) |
A constructor used to create a PressEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the PressEvent instance. |
OHOS::ReleaseEvent::ReleaseEvent (const Point &pos) |
A constructor used to create a ReleaseEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the ReleaseEvent instance. |
OHOS::VirtualDeviceEvent::VirtualDeviceEvent (uint16_t type, uint16_t value) |
A constructor used to create a VirtualDeviceEvent instance. |
A destructor used to delete the VirtualDeviceEvent instance. |
OHOS::VirtualDeviceEvent::GetType () const |
OHOS::VirtualDeviceEvent::GetState () const |
The default constructor used to create a Line instance. |
OHOS::Line::Line (const Vector2< int16_t > &a, const Vector2< int16_t > &b) |
A constructor used to create a Line instance. |
OHOS::Line::Line (int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2) |
A constructor used to create a Line instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Line instance. |
OHOS::Line::operator[] (uint8_t index) |
Vector2< int16_t > & Obtains the start or end point of the line based on the value of index. |
OHOS::Line::operator[] (uint8_t index) const |
const Vector2< int16_t > Obtains the start or end point of the line based on the value of index. |
The default constructor used to create a Polygon instance. |
OHOS::Polygon::Polygon (const Rect &rect) |
A constructor used to construct a Polygon instance based on a rectangle. |
OHOS::Polygon::Polygon (const Vector2< int16_t > vertexes, const uint8_t vertexNum) |
A constructor used to create a Polygon instance based on the vertex coordinates and the number of coordinates. |
A destructor used to delete the Polygon instance. |
OHOS::Polygon::MakeAABB () const |
Obtains the minimum rectangle that can contain the polygon. All vertices of the polygon are inside this rectangle. |
OHOS::Polygon::GetVertexNum () const |
OHOS::Polygon::SetVertexNum (uint8_t vertexNum) |
OHOS::Intersect (const Line &a, const Line &b, Vector2< int16_t > &out) |
Checks whether line segment a and line segment b intersect, and returns the intersection point (if available). |
OHOS::IsIntersect (const Line &a, const Line &b) |
OHOS::Clip (Polygon &poly, const Line &line) |
OHOS::SuthHodgClip (const Rect &clipRect, const Polygon &polygon) |
Implements Sutherland-Hodgman, an algorithm used for clipping polygons. |
OHOS::Clip (const Line &line, const Polygon &poly, Vector2< int16_t > pOut, uint8_t pNum) |
Clips a polygon by using a line segment and obtains the intersections. |
A constructor used to create a Vector2 instance. |
OHOS::Vector2< T >::Vector2 (T x, T y) |
A constructor used to create a Vector2 instance based on the X and Y coordinates. |
A destructor used to delete the Vector2 instance. |
OHOS::Vector2< T >::Dot (const Vector2< T > &other) const |
Calculates the scalar product of the two-dimensional vector and another two-dimensional vector. |
OHOS::Vector2< T >::Cross (const Vector2< T > &other) const |
Calculates the cross product of the two-dimensional vector and another two-dimensional vector. |
A constructor used to create a Vector3 instance. |
OHOS::Vector3< T >::Vector3 (T x, T y, T z) |
Defines a Vector3 instance and initializes the values of x, y, and z. |
A destructor used to delete the Vector3 instance. |
Defines a Matrix3 instance and initializes the 3 x 3 matrix data. |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Matrix3 (T m00, T m01, T m02, T m10, T m11, T m12, T m20, T m21, T m22) |
Defines a Matrix3 instance and initializes the 3 x 3 matrix data. |
A destructor used to delete the Matrix3 instance. |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::GetData () const |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Determinant () const |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Inverse () const |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Rotate (T angle, const Vector2< T > &pivot) |
static Matrix3 Obtains a rotation matrix. After a matrix is rotated, its data is shifted leftwards by 15 bits. Therefore, the result data needs to be shifted rightwards by 15 bits. |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Scale (const Vector2< T > &scale, const Vector2< T > &fixed) |
static Matrix3 Obtains the scaling matrix. After a matrix is scaled, its data is shifted leftwards by 8 bits. Therefore, the result data needs to be shifted rightwards by 8 bits. |
OHOS::Matrix3< T >::Translate (const Vector2< T > &trans) |
static Matrix3< T > |
OHOS::HeapBase::operator new (size_t size) |
OHOS::HeapBase::operator delete (void p) |
A default constructor used to create a FlexLayout instance. |
A destructor used to delete the FlexLayout instance. |
OHOS::FlexLayout::SetMajorAxisAlign (const AlignType &align) |
Sets the alignment mode of the primary axis (the axis where the layout direction is located). The child views in the layout are placed in this mode in the direction of the primary axis. |
OHOS::FlexLayout::SetSecondaryAxisAlign (const AlignType &align) |
Sets the alignment mode of the secondary axis (the axis perpendicular to the set layout direction). |
OHOS::FlexLayout::SetFlexWrap (uint8_t wrap) |
OHOS::FlexLayout::LayoutChildren (bool needInvalidate=false) override |
Lays out all child views according to the preset arrangement mode. |
A default constructor used to create a GridLayout instance. |
A destructor used to delete the GridLayout instance. |
OHOS::GridLayout::SetRows (const uint16_t &rows) |
OHOS::GridLayout::SetCols (const uint16_t &cols) |
OHOS::GridLayout::LayoutChildren (bool needInvalidate=false) override |
Lays out all child views according to the preset arrangement mode. |
A default constructor used to create a Layout instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Layout instance. |
OHOS::Layout::SetLayoutDirection (const DirectionType &direction) |
A default constructor used to create a List instance. The initial size is 0. |
A destructor used to delete the List instance. |
OHOS::List< T >::Front () const |
OHOS::List< T >::Back () const |
OHOS::List< T >::PushBack (T data) |
OHOS::List< T >::PushFront (T data) |
OHOS::List< T >::Insert (ListNode< T > node, T data) |
Inserts data before a specified node, which follows the inserted data node. |
OHOS::List< T >::Remove (ListNode< T > node) |
OHOS::List< T >::Head () const |
ListNode< T > |
OHOS::List< T >::Tail () const |
ListNode< T > |
OHOS::List< T >::Begin () const |
ListNode< T > |
OHOS::List< T >::End () const |
const ListNode< T > |
OHOS::List< T >::Next (const ListNode< T > node) const |
ListNode< T > Obtains the address of the node following the specified node. |
OHOS::List< T >::IsEmpty () const |
OHOS::List< T >::Size () const |
OHOS::ImageCacheMalloc (ImageInfo &info) |
Applies for the image cache memory. You can customize the memory area when loading image resources. |
OHOS::ImageCacheFree (ImageInfo &info) |
OHOS::UIMalloc (uint32_t size) |
Applies for memory for the graphics module. You can implement this function to override the malloc and new functions. |
OHOS::UIFree (void buffer) |
Releases memory for the graphics module. You can implement this function to override the free and delete functions. |
A constructor used to create a Rect instance. |
A destructor used to delete the Rect instance. |
OHOS::Rect::Rect (int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t bottom) |
A constructor used to create a Rect instance based on the coordinates of the four boundaries. |
OHOS::Rect::Rect (const Rect &other) |
A constructor used to create a Rect instance by copying another rectangle. |
OHOS::Rect::Rect (const Rect &&other) |
A constructor used to create a Rect instance by copying another rectangle. |
OHOS::Rect::SetRect (int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t bottom) |
OHOS::Rect::GetWidth () const |
OHOS::Rect::GetHeight () const |
OHOS::Rect::GetX () const |
OHOS::Rect::GetY () const |
OHOS::Rect::GetLeft () const |