Related Modules:
Represents a circular progress bar.
This class is used to set the start and end angles, range, and current value to display the circular progress bar.
Public Member Functions
A constructor used to create a UICircleProgress instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UICircleProgress instance. |
GetViewType () const override |
Called before a view is drawn. This function is used to check whether the parent view of this view needs to be redrawn so as to optimize the drawing process. |
SetCenterPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the center point for this circular progress bar. |
GetCenterPosition () const |
Obtains the coordinates of the center point for this circular progress bar. |
SetRadius (uint16_t radius) |
GetRadius () const |
SetStartAngle (int16_t startAngle) |
GetStartAngle () const |
SetEndAngle (int16_t endAngle) |
GetEndAngle () const |
SetProgressImagePosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the foreground image for this progress bar relative to the view. |
SetBackgroundImagePosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
Sets the coordinates of the background image for this progress bar relative to the view. |
SetLineColor (ColorType color) |
A constructor used to create a UIAbstractProgress instance. |
A destructor used to delete the UIAbstractProgress instance. |
EnableBackground (bool enable) |
SetValue (int16_t value) |
GetValue () const |
SetRange (int16_t rangeMax, int16_t rangeMin) |
GetRangeMin () const |
GetRangeMax () const |
SetImage (const char foregroundImage, const char backgroundImage=nullptr) |
SetImage (const ImageInfo foregroundImage, const ImageInfo backgroundImage=nullptr) |
SetStep (uint16_t step) |
GetStep () const |
SetBackgroundStyle (const Style &style) |
SetBackgroundStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
GetBackgroundStyle () const |
const Style & |
GetBackgroundStyle (uint8_t key) const |
Obtains the value of a background style of this progress bar. |
SetForegroundStyle (const Style &style) |
SetForegroundStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
GetForegroundStyle () const |
const Style & |
GetForegroundStyle (uint8_t key) const |
Obtains the value of a foreground style of this progress bar. |
SetCapType (CapType cap) |
Sets the type of caps on the background and foreground of the progress bar. |
UIView () |
A default constructor used to create an UIView instance. |
UIView (const char id) |
A constructor used to create an UIView instance. |
~UIView () |
A destructor used to delete the UIView instance. |
OnPostDraw (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
ReMeasure () |
Invalidate () |
InvalidateRect (const Rect &invalidatedArea) |
OnLongPressEvent (const LongPressEvent &event) |
OnDragStartEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OnDragEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OnDragEndEvent (const DragEvent &event) |
OnClickEvent (const ClickEvent &event) |
OnPressEvent (const PressEvent &event) |
OnReleaseEvent (const ReleaseEvent &event) |
OnCancelEvent (const CancelEvent &event) |
SetOnDragListener (OnDragListener onDragListener) |
SetOnClickListener (OnClickListener onClickListener) |
SetOnLongPressListener (OnLongPressListener onLongPressListener) |
SetOnTouchListener (OnTouchListener onTouchListener) |
GetTargetView (const Point &point, UIView **last) |
GetParent () const |
SetNextSibling (UIView sibling) |
GetNextSibling () const |
SetVisible (bool visible) |
IsVisible () const |
SetTouchable (bool touch) |
IsTouchable () const |
SetDraggable (bool draggable) |
IsDraggable () const |
SetDragParentInstead (bool dragParentInstead) |
Sets whether to transfer the drag event to the parent view for processing when the view is being dragged. |
IsDragParentInstead () const |
Obtains whether the view transfers a drag event to the parent view for processing. |
GetRect () const |
Obtains the absolute rectangle area of the view. When the view has deformation such as rotation, the rectangle area is the intersection set of the absolute rectangle area and deformation matrix. |
GetVisibleRect () const |
GetMaskedRect () const |
Obtains the valid absolute rectangle area of the view. The valid area refers to the area where the view can be displayed. Generally, the valid area is the same as the visible view area, but they may be different in the grid layout. |
GetOrigRect () const |
virtual Rect Obtains the content of the absolute rectangle area of the view. This area excludes padding. |
GetRelativeRect () const |
Obtains the rectangular area of the view relative to the parent view, that is, the rectangular area relative to the coordinates of the parent view. |
ResizeVisibleArea (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
Adjusts the size of the visible area. This operation may affect the final display size. |
SetWidth (int16_t width) |
GetWidth () |
SetHeight (int16_t height) |
GetHeight () |
Resize (int16_t width, int16_t height) |
SetX (int16_t x) |
GetX () const |
SetY (int16_t y) |
GetY () const |
SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y) |
SetPosition (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
IsViewGroup () const |
SetIntercept (bool isIntercept) |
Sets whether to intercept the drag event. If intercepted, the view does not transfer the drag event to the parent view after local processing. |
SetTransformMap (const TransformMap &transMap) |
GetChildById (const char id) const |
virtual UIView |
SetViewId (const char id) |
GetViewId () const |
SetViewIndex (int16_t index) |
GetViewIndex () const |
LayoutChildren (bool neeInvalidate=false) |
Lays out all child views according to the preset arrangement mode. |
LayoutCenterOfParent (int16_t xOffSet=0, int16_t yOffset=0) |
LayoutLeftOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutRightOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutTopOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutBottomOfParent (int16_t offset=0) |
AlignLeftToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
AlignRightToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
AlignTopToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
AlignBottomToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
AlignHorCenterToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
Aligns the view with the center of a sibling view in the x-axis. |
AlignVerCenterToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
Aligns the view with the center of a sibling view in the y-axis. |
LayoutLeftToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutRightToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutTopToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
LayoutBottomToSibling (const char id, int16_t offset=0) |
SetStyle (uint8_t key, int64_t value) |
GetStyle (uint8_t key) const |
GetStyleConst () const |
const Style & Obtains the view style. This function applies to scenarios where the style does not need to be modified, which saves memory. |
operator new (size_t size) |
operator delete (void *p) |