A First Look at the Data

We do not have access to Netflix’s entire dataset of movie watching history, but there is a great dataset that we can use, called MovieLens. This dataset contains tens of millions of movie rankings (a combination of a movie ID, a user ID, and a numeric rating), although we will just use a subset of 100,000 of them for our example. If you’re interested, it would be a great learning project to try and replicate this approach on the full 25-million recommendation dataset, which you can get from their website.

The dataset is available through the usual fastai function:

In [ ]:

  1. from fastai.collab import *
  2. from fastai.tabular.all import *
  3. path = untar_data(URLs.ML_100k)

According to the README, the main table is in the file u.data. It is tab-separated and the columns are, respectively user, movie, rating, and timestamp. Since those names are not encoded, we need to indicate them when reading the file with Pandas. Here is a way to open this table and take a look:

In [ ]:

  1. ratings = pd.read_csv(path/'u.data', delimiter='\t', header=None,
  2. names=['user','movie','rating','timestamp'])
  3. ratings.head()

Out[ ]:


Although this has all the information we need, it is not a particularly helpful way for humans to look at this data. <> shows the same data cross-tabulated into a human-friendly table.

Crosstab of movies and users

We have selected just a few of the most popular movies, and users who watch the most movies, for this crosstab example. The empty cells in this table are the things that we would like our model to learn to fill in. Those are the places where a user has not reviewed the movie yet, presumably because they have not watched it. For each user, we would like to figure out which of those movies they might be most likely to enjoy.

If we knew for each user to what degree they liked each important category that a movie might fall into, such as genre, age, preferred directors and actors, and so forth, and we knew the same information about each movie, then a simple way to fill in this table would be to multiply this information together for each movie and use a combination. For instance, assuming these factors range between -1 and +1, with positive numbers indicating stronger matches and negative numbers weaker ones, and the categories are science-fiction, action, and old movies, then we could represent the movie The Last Skywalker as:

In [ ]:

  1. last_skywalker = np.array([0.98,0.9,-0.9])

Here, for instance, we are scoring very science-fiction as 0.98, very action as 0.9, and very not old as -0.9. We could represent a user who likes modern sci-fi action movies as:

In [ ]:

  1. user1 = np.array([0.9,0.8,-0.6])

and we can now calculate the match between this combination:

In [ ]:

  1. (user1*last_skywalker).sum()

Out[ ]:

  1. 2.1420000000000003

When we multiply two vectors together and add up the results, this is known as the dot product. It is used a lot in machine learning, and forms the basis of matrix multiplication. We will be looking a lot more at matrix multiplication and dot products in <>.

jargon: dot product: The mathematical operation of multiplying the elements of two vectors together, and then summing up the result.

On the other hand, we might represent the movie Casablanca as:

In [ ]:

  1. casablanca = np.array([-0.99,-0.3,0.8])

The match between this combination is:

In [ ]:

  1. (user1*casablanca).sum()

Out[ ]:

  1. -1.611

Since we don’t know what the latent factors actually are, and we don’t know how to score them for each user and movie, we should learn them.