Topics in Data Ethics

Data ethics is a big field, and we can’t cover everything. Instead, we’re going to pick a few topics that we think are particularly relevant:

  • The need for recourse and accountability
  • Feedback loops
  • Bias
  • Disinformation

Let’s look at each in turn.

Recourse and Accountability

In a complex system, it is easy for no one person to feel responsible for outcomes. While this is understandable, it does not lead to good results. In the earlier example of the Arkansas healthcare system in which a bug led to people with cerebral palsy losing access to needed care, the creator of the algorithm blamed government officials, and government officials blamed those who implemented the software. NYU professor Danah Boyd described this phenomenon: “Bureaucracy has often been used to shift or evade responsibility… Today’s algorithmic systems are extending bureaucracy.”

An additional reason why recourse is so necessary is because data often contains errors. Mechanisms for audits and error correction are crucial. A database of suspected gang members maintained by California law enforcement officials was found to be full of errors, including 42 babies who had been added to the database when they were less than 1 year old (28 of whom were marked as “admitting to being gang members”). In this case, there was no process in place for correcting mistakes or removing people once they’d been added. Another example is the US credit report system: in a large-scale study of credit reports by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2012, it was found that 26% of consumers had at least one mistake in their files, and 5% had errors that could be devastating. Yet, the process of getting such errors corrected is incredibly slow and opaque. When public radio reporter Bobby Allyn discovered that he was erroneously listed as having a firearms conviction, it took him “more than a dozen phone calls, the handiwork of a county court clerk and six weeks to solve the problem. And that was only after I contacted the company’s communications department as a journalist.”

As machine learning practitioners, we do not always think of it as our responsibility to understand how our algorithms end up being implemented in practice. But we need to.

Feedback Loops

We explained in <> how an algorithm can interact with its environment to create a feedback loop, making predictions that reinforce actions taken in the real world, which lead to predictions even more pronounced in the same direction. As an example, let’s again consider YouTube’s recommendation system. A couple of years ago the Google team talked about how they had introduced reinforcement learning (closely related to deep learning, but where your loss function represents a result potentially a long time after an action occurs) to improve YouTube’s recommendation system. They described how they used an algorithm that made recommendations such that watch time would be optimized.

However, human beings tend to be drawn to controversial content. This meant that videos about things like conspiracy theories started to get recommended more and more by the recommendation system. Furthermore, it turns out that the kinds of people that are interested in conspiracy theories are also people that watch a lot of online videos! So, they started to get drawn more and more toward YouTube. The increasing number of conspiracy theorists watching videos on YouTube resulted in the algorithm recommending more and more conspiracy theory and other extremist content, which resulted in more extremists watching videos on YouTube, and more people watching YouTube developing extremist views, which led to the algorithm recommending more extremist content… The system was spiraling out of control.

And this phenomenon was not contained to this particular type of content. In June 2019 the New York Times published an article on YouTube’s recommendation system, titled “On YouTube’s Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles”. The article started with this chilling story:

: Christiane C. didn’t think anything of it when her 10-year-old daughter and a friend uploaded a video of themselves playing in a backyard pool… A few days later… the video had thousands of views. Before long, it had ticked up to 400,000… “I saw the video again and I got scared by the number of views,” Christiane said. She had reason to be. YouTube’s automated recommendation system… had begun showing the video to users who watched other videos of prepubescent, partially clothed children, a team of researchers has found.

: On its own, each video might be perfectly innocent, a home movie, say, made by a child. Any revealing frames are fleeting and appear accidental. But, grouped together, their shared features become unmistakable.

YouTube’s recommendation algorithm had begun curating playlists for pedophiles, picking out innocent home videos that happened to contain prepubescent, partially clothed children.

No one at Google planned to create a system that turned family videos into porn for pedophiles. So what happened?

Part of the problem here is the centrality of metrics in driving a financially important system. When an algorithm has a metric to optimize, as you have seen, it will do everything it can to optimize that number. This tends to lead to all kinds of edge cases, and humans interacting with a system will search for, find, and exploit these edge cases and feedback loops for their advantage.

There are signs that this is exactly what has happened with YouTube’s recommendation system. The Guardian ran an article called “How an ex-YouTube Insider Investigated its Secret Algorithm” about Guillaume Chaslot, an ex-YouTube engineer who created AlgoTransparency, which tracks these issues. Chaslot published the chart in <>, following the release of Robert Mueller’s “Report on the Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

Coverage of the Mueller report

Russia Today’s coverage of the Mueller report was an extreme outlier in terms of how many channels were recommending it. This suggests the possibility that Russia Today, a state-owned Russia media outlet, has been successful in gaming YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. Unfortunately, the lack of transparency of systems like this makes it hard to uncover the kinds of problems that we’re discussing.

One of our reviewers for this book, Aurélien Géron, led YouTube’s video classification team from 2013 to 2016 (well before the events discussed here). He pointed out that it’s not just feedback loops involving humans that are a problem. There can also be feedback loops without humans! He told us about an example from YouTube:

: One important signal to classify the main topic of a video is the channel it comes from. For example, a video uploaded to a cooking channel is very likely to be a cooking video. But how do we know what topic a channel is about? Well… in part by looking at the topics of the videos it contains! Do you see the loop? For example, many videos have a description which indicates what camera was used to shoot the video. As a result, some of these videos might get classified as videos about “photography.” If a channel has such a misclassified video, it might be classified as a “photography” channel, making it even more likely for future videos on this channel to be wrongly classified as “photography.” This could even lead to runaway virus-like classifications! One way to break this feedback loop is to classify videos with and without the channel signal. Then when classifying the channels, you can only use the classes obtained without the channel signal. This way, the feedback loop is broken.

There are positive examples of people and organizations attempting to combat these problems. Evan Estola, lead machine learning engineer at Meetup, discussed the example of men expressing more interest than women in tech meetups. taking gender into account could therefore cause Meetup’s algorithm to recommend fewer tech meetups to women, and as a result, fewer women would find out about and attend tech meetups, which could cause the algorithm to suggest even fewer tech meetups to women, and so on in a self-reinforcing feedback loop. So, Evan and his team made the ethical decision for their recommendation algorithm to not create such a feedback loop, by explicitly not using gender for that part of their model. It is encouraging to see a company not just unthinkingly optimize a metric, but consider its impact. According to Evan, “You need to decide which feature not to use in your algorithm… the most optimal algorithm is perhaps not the best one to launch into production.”

While Meetup chose to avoid such an outcome, Facebook provides an example of allowing a runaway feedback loop to run wild. Like YouTube, it tends to radicalize users interested in one conspiracy theory by introducing them to more. As Renee DiResta, a researcher on proliferation of disinformation, writes:

: Once people join a single conspiracy-minded [Facebook] group, they are algorithmically routed to a plethora of others. Join an anti-vaccine group, and your suggestions will include anti-GMO, chemtrail watch, flat Earther (yes, really), and “curing cancer naturally groups. Rather than pulling a user out of the rabbit hole, the recommendation engine pushes them further in.”

It is extremely important to keep in mind that this kind of behavior can happen, and to either anticipate a feedback loop or take positive action to break it when you see the first signs of it in your own projects. Another thing to keep in mind is bias, which, as we discussed briefly in the previous chapter, can interact with feedback loops in very troublesome ways.


Discussions of bias online tend to get pretty confusing pretty fast. The word “bias” means so many different things. Statisticians often think when data ethicists are talking about bias that they’re talking about the statistical definition of the term bias. But they’re not. And they’re certainly not talking about the biases that appear in the weights and biases which are the parameters of your model!

What they’re talking about is the social science concept of bias. In “A Framework for Understanding Unintended Consequences of Machine Learning” MIT’s Harini Suresh and John Guttag describe six types of bias in machine learning, summarized in <> from their paper.

A diagram showing all sources where bias can appear in machine learning

We’ll discuss four of these types of bias, those that we’ve found most helpful in our own work (see the paper for details on the others).

Historical bias

Historical bias comes from the fact that people are biased, processes are biased, and society is biased. Suresh and Guttag say: “Historical bias is a fundamental, structural issue with the first step of the data generation process and can exist even given perfect sampling and feature selection.”

For instance, here are a few examples of historical race bias in the US, from the New York Times article “Racial Bias, Even When We Have Good Intentions” by the University of Chicago’s Sendhil Mullainathan:

  • When doctors were shown identical files, they were much less likely to recommend cardiac catheterization (a helpful procedure) to Black patients.
  • When bargaining for a used car, Black people were offered initial prices $700 higher and received far smaller concessions.
  • Responding to apartment rental ads on Craigslist with a Black name elicited fewer responses than with a white name.
  • An all-white jury was 16 percentage points more likely to convict a Black defendant than a white one, but when a jury had one Black member it convicted both at the same rate.

The COMPAS algorithm, widely used for sentencing and bail decisions in the US, is an example of an important algorithm that, when tested by ProPublica, showed clear racial bias in practice (<>).

Table showing the COMPAS algorithm is more likely to give bail to white people, even if they re-offend more

Any dataset involving humans can have this kind of bias: medical data, sales data, housing data, political data, and so on. Because underlying bias is so pervasive, bias in datasets is very pervasive. Racial bias even turns up in computer vision, as shown in the example of autocategorized photos shared on Twitter by a Google Photos user shown in <>.

Screenshot of the use of Google photos labeling a black user and her friend as gorillas

Yes, that is showing what you think it is: Google Photos classified a Black user’s photo with their friend as “gorillas”! This algorithmic misstep got a lot of attention in the media. “We’re appalled and genuinely sorry that this happened,” a company spokeswoman said. “There is still clearly a lot of work to do with automatic image labeling, and we’re looking at how we can prevent these types of mistakes from happening in the future.”

Unfortunately, fixing problems in machine learning systems when the input data has problems is hard. Google’s first attempt didn’t inspire confidence, as coverage by The Guardian suggested (<>).

Pictures of a headlines from the Guardian, showing Google removed gorillas and other moneys from the possible labels of its algorithm

These kinds of problems are certainly not limited to just Google. MIT researchers studied the most popular online computer vision APIs to see how accurate they were. But they didn’t just calculate a single accuracy number—instead, they looked at the accuracy across four different groups, as illustrated in <>.

Table showing how various facial recognition systems perform way worse on darker shades of skin and females

IBM’s system, for instance, had a 34.7% error rate for darker females, versus 0.3% for lighter males—over 100 times more errors! Some people incorrectly reacted to these experiments by claiming that the difference was simply because darker skin is harder for computers to recognize. However, what actually happened was that, after the negative publicity that this result created, all of the companies in question dramatically improved their models for darker skin, such that one year later they were nearly as good as for lighter skin. So what this actually showed is that the developers failed to utilize datasets containing enough darker faces, or test their product with darker faces.

One of the MIT researchers, Joy Buolamwini, warned: “We have entered the age of automation overconfident yet underprepared. If we fail to make ethical and inclusive artificial intelligence, we risk losing gains made in civil rights and gender equity under the guise of machine neutrality.”

Part of the issue appears to be a systematic imbalance in the makeup of popular datasets used for training models. The abstract to the paper “No Classification Without Representation: Assessing Geodiversity Issues in Open Data Sets for the Developing World” by Shreya Shankar et al. states, “We analyze two large, publicly available image data sets to assess geo-diversity and find that these data sets appear to exhibit an observable amerocentric and eurocentric representation bias. Further, we analyze classifiers trained on these data sets to assess the impact of these training distributions and find strong differences in the relative performance on images from different locales.” <> shows one of the charts from the paper, showing the geographic makeup of what was, at the time (and still are, as this book is being written) the two most important image datasets for training models.

Graphs showing how the vast majority of images in popular training datasets come from the US or Western Europe

The vast majority of the images are from the United States and other Western countries, leading to models trained on ImageNet performing worse on scenes from other countries and cultures. For instance, research found that such models are worse at identifying household items (such as soap, spices, sofas, or beds) from lower-income countries. <> shows an image from the paper, “Does Object Recognition Work for Everyone?” by Terrance DeVries et al. of Facebook AI Research that illustrates this point.

Figure showing an object detection algorithm performing better on western products

In this example, we can see that the lower-income soap example is a very long way away from being accurate, with every commercial image recognition service predicting “food” as the most likely answer!

As we will discuss shortly, in addition, the vast majority of AI researchers and developers are young white men. Most projects that we have seen do most user testing using friends and families of the immediate product development group. Given this, the kinds of problems we just discussed should not be surprising.

Similar historical bias is found in the texts used as data for natural language processing models. This crops up in downstream machine learning tasks in many ways. For instance, it was widely reported that until last year Google Translate showed systematic bias in how it translated the Turkish gender-neutral pronoun “o” into English: when applied to jobs which are often associated with males it used “he,” and when applied to jobs which are often associated with females it used “she” (<>).

Figure showing gender bias in data sets used to train language models showing up in translations

We also see this kind of bias in online advertisements. For instance, a study in 2019 by Muhammad Ali et al. found that even when the person placing the ad does not intentionally discriminate, Facebook will show ads to very different audiences based on race and gender. Housing ads with the same text, but picture either a white or a Black family, were shown to racially different audiences.

Measurement bias

In the paper “Does Machine Learning Automate Moral Hazard and Error” in American Economic Review, Sendhil Mullainathan and Ziad Obermeyer look at a model that tries to answer the question: using historical electronic health record (EHR) data, what factors are most predictive of stroke? These are the top predictors from the model:

  • Prior stroke
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Accidental injury
  • Benign breast lump
  • Colonoscopy
  • Sinusitis

However, only the top two have anything to do with a stroke! Based on what we’ve studied so far, you can probably guess why. We haven’t really measured stroke, which occurs when a region of the brain is denied oxygen due to an interruption in the blood supply. What we’ve measured is who had symptoms, went to a doctor, got the appropriate tests, and received a diagnosis of stroke. Actually having a stroke is not the only thing correlated with this complete list—it’s also correlated with being the kind of person who actually goes to the doctor (which is influenced by who has access to healthcare, can afford their co-pay, doesn’t experience racial or gender-based medical discrimination, and more)! If you are likely to go to the doctor for an accidental injury, then you are likely to also go the doctor when you are having a stroke.

This is an example of measurement bias. It occurs when our models make mistakes because we are measuring the wrong thing, or measuring it in the wrong way, or incorporating that measurement into the model inappropriately.

Aggregation bias

Aggregation bias occurs when models do not aggregate data in a way that incorporates all of the appropriate factors, or when a model does not include the necessary interaction terms, nonlinearities, or so forth. This can particularly occur in medical settings. For instance, the way diabetes is treated is often based on simple univariate statistics and studies involving small groups of heterogeneous people. Analysis of results is often done in a way that does not take account of different ethnicities or genders. However, it turns out that diabetes patients have different complications across ethnicities, and HbA1c levels (widely used to diagnose and monitor diabetes) differ in complex ways across ethnicities and genders. This can result in people being misdiagnosed or incorrectly treated because medical decisions are based on a model that does not include these important variables and interactions.

Representation bias

The abstract of the paper “Bias in Bios: A Case Study of Semantic Representation Bias in a High-Stakes Setting” by Maria De-Arteaga et al. notes that there is gender imbalance in occupations (e.g., females are more likely to be nurses, and males are more likely to be pastors), and says that: “differences in true positive rates between genders are correlated with existing gender imbalances in occupations, which may compound these imbalances.”

In other words, the researchers noticed that models predicting occupation did not only reflect the actual gender imbalance in the underlying population, but actually amplified it! This type of representation bias is quite common, particularly for simple models. When there is some clear, easy-to-see underlying relationship, a simple model will often simply assume that this relationship holds all the time. As <> from the paper shows, for occupations that had a higher percentage of females, the model tended to overestimate the prevalence of that occupation.

Graph showing how model predictions overamplify existing bias

For example, in the training dataset 14.6% of surgeons were women, yet in the model predictions only 11.6% of the true positives were women. The model is thus amplifying the bias existing in the training set.

Now that we’ve seen that those biases exist, what can we do to mitigate them?

Addressing different types of bias

Different types of bias require different approaches for mitigation. While gathering a more diverse dataset can address representation bias, this would not help with historical bias or measurement bias. All datasets contain bias. There is no such thing as a completely debiased dataset. Many researchers in the field have been converging on a set of proposals to enable better documentation of the decisions, context, and specifics about how and why a particular dataset was created, what scenarios it is appropriate to use in, and what the limitations are. This way, those using a particular dataset will not be caught off guard by its biases and limitations.

We often hear the question—“Humans are biased, so does algorithmic bias even matter?” This comes up so often, there must be some reasoning that makes sense to the people that ask it, but it doesn’t seem very logically sound to us! Independently of whether this is logically sound, it’s important to realize that algorithms (particularly machine learning algorithms!) and people are different. Consider these points about machine learning algorithms:

  • Machine learning can create feedback loops:: Small amounts of bias can rapidly increase exponentially due to feedback loops.
  • Machine learning can amplify bias:: Human bias can lead to larger amounts of machine learning bias.
  • Algorithms & humans are used differently:: Human decision makers and algorithmic decision makers are not used in a plug-and-play interchangeable way in practice.
  • Technology is power:: And with that comes responsibility.

As the Arkansas healthcare example showed, machine learning is often implemented in practice not because it leads to better outcomes, but because it is cheaper and more efficient. Cathy O’Neill, in her book Weapons of Math Destruction (Crown), described the pattern of how the privileged are processed by people, whereas the poor are processed by algorithms. This is just one of a number of ways that algorithms are used differently than human decision makers. Others include:

  • People are more likely to assume algorithms are objective or error-free (even if they’re given the option of a human override).
  • Algorithms are more likely to be implemented with no appeals process in place.
  • Algorithms are often used at scale.
  • Algorithmic systems are cheap.

Even in the absence of bias, algorithms (and deep learning especially, since it is such an effective and scalable algorithm) can lead to negative societal problems, such as when used for disinformation.


Disinformation has a history stretching back hundreds or even thousands of years. It is not necessarily about getting someone to believe something false, but rather often used to sow disharmony and uncertainty, and to get people to give up on seeking the truth. Receiving conflicting accounts can lead people to assume that they can never know whom or what to trust.

Some people think disinformation is primarily about false information or fake news, but in reality, disinformation can often contain seeds of truth, or half-truths taken out of context. Ladislav Bittman was an intelligence officer in the USSR who later defected to the US and wrote some books in the 1970s and 1980s on the role of disinformation in Soviet propaganda operations. In The KGB and Soviet Disinformation (Pergamon) he wrote, “Most campaigns are a carefully designed mixture of facts, half-truths, exaggerations, and deliberate lies.”

In the US this has hit close to home in recent years, with the FBI detailing a massive disinformation campaign linked to Russia in the 2016 election. Understanding the disinformation that was used in this campaign is very educational. For instance, the FBI found that the Russian disinformation campaign often organized two separate fake “grass roots” protests, one for each side of an issue, and got them to protest at the same time! The Houston Chronicle reported on one of these odd events (<>).

: A group that called itself the “Heart of Texas” had organized it on social media—a protest, they said, against the “Islamization” of Texas. On one side of Travis Street, I found about 10 protesters. On the other side, I found around 50 counterprotesters. But I couldn’t find the rally organizers. No “Heart of Texas.” I thought that was odd, and mentioned it in the article: What kind of group is a no-show at its own event? Now I know why. Apparently, the rally’s organizers were in Saint Petersburg, Russia, at the time. “Heart of Texas” is one of the internet troll groups cited in Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s recent indictment of Russians attempting to tamper with the U.S. presidential election.

Screenshot of an event organized by the group Heart of Texas

Disinformation often involves coordinated campaigns of inauthentic behavior. For instance, fraudulent accounts may try to make it seem like many people hold a particular viewpoint. While most of us like to think of ourselves as independent-minded, in reality we evolved to be influenced by others in our in-group, and in opposition to those in our out-group. Online discussions can influence our viewpoints, or alter the range of what we consider acceptable viewpoints. Humans are social animals, and as social animals we are extremely influenced by the people around us. Increasingly, radicalization occurs in online environments; influence is coming from people in the virtual space of online forums and social networks.

Disinformation through autogenerated text is a particularly significant issue, due to the greatly increased capability provided by deep learning. We discuss this issue in depth when we delve into creating language models, in <>.

One proposed approach is to develop some form of digital signature, to implement it in a seamless way, and to create norms that we should only trust content that has been verified. The head of the Allen Institute on AI, Oren Etzioni, wrote such a proposal in an article titled “How Will We Prevent AI-Based Forgery?”: “AI is poised to make high-fidelity forgery inexpensive and automated, leading to potentially disastrous consequences for democracy, security, and society. The specter of AI forgery means that we need to act to make digital signatures de rigueur as a means of authentication of digital content.”

Whilst we can’t hope to discuss all the ethical issues that deep learning, and algorithms more generally, brings up, hopefully this brief introduction has been a useful starting point you can build on. We’ll now move on to the questions of how to identify ethical issues, and what to do about them.