
In this chapter you learned some important practical tips, both for getting your image data ready for modeling (presizing, data block summary) and for fitting the model (learning rate finder, unfreezing, discriminative learning rates, setting the number of epochs, and using deeper architectures). Using these tools will help you to build more accurate image models, more quickly.

We also discussed cross-entropy loss. This part of the book is worth spending plenty of time on. You aren’t likely to need to actually implement cross-entropy loss from scratch yourself in practice, but it’s really important you understand the inputs to and output from that function, because it (or a variant of it, as we’ll see in the next chapter) is used in nearly every classification model. So when you want to debug a model, or put a model in production, or improve the accuracy of a model, you’re going to need to be able to look at its activations and loss, and understand what’s going on, and why. You can’t do that properly if you don’t understand your loss function.

If cross-entropy loss hasn’t “clicked” for you just yet, don’t worry—you’ll get there! First, go back to the last chapter and make sure you really understand mnist_loss. Then work gradually through the cells of the notebook for this chapter, where we step through each piece of cross-entropy loss. Make sure you understand what each calculation is doing, and why. Try creating some small tensors yourself and pass them into the functions, to see what they return.

Remember: the choices made in the implementation of cross-entropy loss are not the only possible choices that could have been made. Just like when we looked at regression we could choose between mean squared error and mean absolute difference (L1). If you have other ideas for possible functions that you think might work, feel free to give them a try in this chapter’s notebook! (Fair warning though: you’ll probably find that the model will be slower to train, and less accurate. That’s because the gradient of cross-entropy loss is proportional to the difference between the activation and the target, so SGD always gets a nicely scaled step for the weights.)