Sidebar: Tenacity and Deep Learning

The story of deep learning is one of tenacity and grit by a handful of dedicated researchers. After early hopes (and hype!) neural networks went out of favor in the 1990’s and 2000’s, and just a handful of researchers kept trying to make them work well. Three of them, Yann Lecun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton, were awarded the highest honor in computer science, the Turing Award (generally considered the “Nobel Prize of computer science”), in 2018 after triumphing despite the deep skepticism and disinterest of the wider machine learning and statistics community.

Geoff Hinton has told of how even academic papers showing dramatically better results than anything previously published would be rejected by top journals and conferences, just because they used a neural network. Yann Lecun’s work on convolutional neural networks, which we will study in the next section, showed that these models could read handwritten text—something that had never been achieved before. However, his breakthrough was ignored by most researchers, even as it was used commercially to read 10% of the checks in the US!

In addition to these three Turing Award winners, there are many other researchers who have battled to get us to where we are today. For instance, Jurgen Schmidhuber (who many believe should have shared in the Turing Award) pioneered many important ideas, including working with his student Sepp Hochreiter on the long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture (widely used for speech recognition and other text modeling tasks, and used in the IMDb example in <>). Perhaps most important of all, Paul Werbos in 1974 invented back-propagation for neural networks, the technique shown in this chapter and used universally for training neural networks (Werbos 1994). His development was almost entirely ignored for decades, but today it is considered the most important foundation of modern AI.

There is a lesson here for all of us! On your deep learning journey you will face many obstacles, both technical, and (even more difficult) posed by people around you who don’t believe you’ll be successful. There’s one guaranteed way to fail, and that’s to stop trying. We’ve seen that the only consistent trait amongst every student that’s gone on to be a world-class practitioner is that they are all very tenacious.