Video properties


To view the properties of a video asset, select it in the Asset View and use the Property Grid.

Video asset properties

WidthResize the video width. The value is in a percentage or actual pixel size depending on whether you select Use percentages.
HeightResize the video height. The value is in a percentage or actual pixel size depending on whether you select Use percentages.
Use percentagesUse percentages for the video height and width. If enabled, and the height is set to 100%, Xenko displays 100% of the video's actual width. If disabled, the height and width values use pixels, so you can stretch them beyond the video's actual size.
TrimmingDisplay only the part of the video you define using the Start and End times
Start timeThe time to start playing the video from (in seconds, eg 100.500)
End timeThe time to stop playing the video (in seconds, eg 100.500)
Force mono channelConvert video audio to mono. This is useful when you want the video to use spatialized audio.

Currently, you can't preview videos in the Asset Preview.

See also