Preview a scene in VR

To preview your scene in your VR device, connect the editor to a VR-enabled renderer.

To do this:

  • In the Asset View (in the bottom pane by default), double-click the Graphics Compositor asset.

Graphics Compositor asset

The graphics compositor editor opens.

Graphics Compositor editor

  • Select the forward render node connected to the editor node. For example, in the screenshot below (taken from the Xenko VR sample project), the editor is connected to the lower forward renderer node.

Node connections

  • With the forward renderer node selected, in the Property Grid, enable VRRendererSettings.

Select editor renderer

Your VR device displays the scene preview. To display the scene on your monitor instead, disable VRRendererSettings.

Create a separate renderer to preview scenes in VR

If your editor and game nodes are connected to the same forward renderer, you might want to create a separate renderer dedicated to the editor. This lets you easily switch between previewing the scene in your VR device and on your monitor.


If your editor and game nodes already use separate renderers (as in the VR sample project), you don't need to follow these instructions.

  • In the Asset View (in the bottom pane by default), double-click the Graphics Compositor asset.

Graphics Compositor asset

The graphics compositor editor opens.

Graphics compositor editor

  • Create a new forward renderer node. To do this, right-click the game compositor editor and select Create > Forward renderer.

Create forward renderer

  • Select the Entry points node.

Entry points node

  • In the Property Grid, next to Editor renderer, select the forward renderer you created.

Select forward renderer

Xenko links the editor to the forward renderer node.

Node connections

  • Set the properties of the new forward renderer so they're identical to the forward renderer you use to run the game in VR, including the VR settings.

You can right-click a property to copy or paste it.

Copy-paste properties


Make sure the forward renderer has VR enabled. For instructions, see Enable VR.

Xenko displays the scene preview in your VR device. To display the scene on your monitor instead, disable VRRendererSettings in the properties of the new forward renderer.

Enable VR

See also