Navigation meshes

BeginnerLevel designerProgrammer

Navigation meshes form the area that entities with navigation components can navigate. Xenko creates a layer in the navigation mesh for each navigation group you create.

Game Studio displays navigation meshes as colored overlays in your scene. The overlay shows where entities in the navigation group for that layer can move. The mesh updates in real time as you edit your scene.

Create a navigation mesh

  • In the Asset View (bottom by default), click Add asset > Scenes > Navigation mesh.

Select Game Settings asset

Game Studio adds a navigation mesh asset to your project.

Navigation mesh asset

  • With the navigation mesh selected in the Asset View, in the Property Grid, set the scene the navigation meshes in this asset apply to.

Set navigation mesh properties

For more information about scenes, see Scenes.

  • Under Selected groups, click Green plus button (Add).

    Game Studio adds a new item to the list of groups.

Add navigation group to navigation mesh

  • Click Blue arrow button (Replace) and choose a group from the drop-down menu.

Choose navigation group

Xenko builds a layer in the navigation mesh for this group. For more information about groups, including how to create them, see Navigation groups.

  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 for as many groups as you want to use the navigation mesh.

If you want to create a navigation mesh for a different scene, create another navigation mesh asset and select the scene in the asset properties.

Navigation mesh properties

SceneThe scene this navigation mesh applies to
Included collision groupsSet which collision groups the navigation mesh uses. By default, meshes use all collision groups
Build settingsAdvanced settings for the navigation mesh
GroupsThe groups that use this navigation mesh

Show or hide a navigation mesh in the Scene Editor

Use the navigation visibility menu in the Scene Editor toolbar.

Navigation group visibility

To show or hide layers belonging to different groups, use the checkboxes. The colored boxes indicate the color of the groups displayed in the Scene Editor.

Navigation mesh hiddenNavigation mesh shown
Bounding box shownBounding box hidden

These options have no effect on runtime behavior.

See also