Point lights


Point lights emit light in all directions within a sphere. They're useful for simulating sources of local light, such as lamps and lightbulbs. They cast shadows.


The Scene Editor shows the position of point lights with the following icon:


Once selected, the point light gizmo displays the sphere in which it projects light:




ColorThe color of the light (RGB)
RadiusThe sphere influence radius in world units. Beyond this range, the light doesn't affect models
ShadowIf shadows are enabled, the light casts shadows.Filter: Produces soft shadows instead of hard shadows via PCF (Percentage Closer Filtering)Size: The size of texture to use for shadowing mapping. Larger textures produce better shadows edges, but are much more costly. For more information, see Shadows
Bias ParametersThese parameters are used to avoid some artifacts of the shadow map technique.Depth Bias: The amount of depth to add to the sampling depth to avoid shadow acneNormal Offset Scale: A factor multiplied by the depth bias toward the normal
IntensityThe intensity of the light. The color is multiplied by this value before being sent to the shader. Note: negative values produce darkness and have unpredictable effects
Culling MaskWhich entity groups are affected by this light. By default, all groups are affected

See also