
In VR games, you can display textures (including render textures) as overlays that appear to float in front of the player. This is especially useful for UIs.


You can't see overlays when you don't run your game in your VR device. This is because the VR device itself creates the overlay.

This page explains how to add an overlay. To display a UI in an overlay, you need to render the UI to a render texture, and display the render texture in the overlay. For instructions, see Display a UI in an overlay.

Add an overlay

  • In the Asset View (in the bottom pane by default), double-click the Graphics Compositor asset.

Graphics compositor asset

The graphics compositor editor opens.

For more information about the graphics compositor, see the Graphics compositor page.

  • In the graphics compositor editor, select the forward renderer node.

Select forward renderer

  • In the Property Grid (on the right by default), expand VR Settings.

VR settings

  • Next to Overlays, click Green plus button (Add).

    Game Studio adds a new overlay to the list.

Add VR item

  • Next to Texture, click Hand icon (Select an asset).

    The Select an asset window opens.

Select render texture

  • Select the texture you want to display in the overlay and click OK.

Your game is now ready to render the UI to an overlay in your VR device.

Multiple overlays

You can add as many overlays as you need. To add another overlay, click Add to overlaysGreen plus button and follow the instructions above from step 4.


If overlays overlap in the user view, overlays first in the list appear on top.

Overlay properties

Overlay properties

TextureThe texture displayed in the overlay
Local positionThe position of the overlay relative to the user
Local rotationThe rotation of the overlay relative to the user
Surface sizeThe size of the overlay in world units
Follows headFollow the user's head so the overlay is always in front of their view

VR template

For an example of a UI overlay implemented in a VR game, see the VR template included with Xenko.

VR template

See also