Consume packages


Open your project in Visual Studio


Game Studio will later support adding NuGet packages directly.

First of all, after saving all your changes, open your project with Visual Studio. You can easily do this by clicking the appropriate button on the toolbar:

Open project in Visual Studio

Add a reference

  • In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project and click on Manage NuGet Packages…

Visual Studio Start button

  • For our example, let's use Xenko.AssetPack.BuildingBlocks package:

    • Choose "" or "All" as the Package source
    • Make sure Include prerelease is checked (if necessary)
    • Go to the Browse tab
    • Search for a Xenko asset package (i.e. Xenko.AssetPack.BuildingBlocks) and select InstallInstall package
  • Save the Visual Studio project.

Use assets in Game Studio

  • In Game Studio, go to the File menu and select Reload project

  • You should now be able to see the referenced project and its assets in Solution explorer

Use package


Those assets are readonly and as such can't be dragged and dropped into the scene. This will be fixed soon.In the meantime, you can still use the asset selector to change an existing model or material reference to one from the asset pack.