Understanding odo

odo is a CLI tool for creating applications on OKD and Kubernetes. With odo, you can write, build, and debug applications on a cluster without the need to administer the cluster itself. Creating deployment configurations, build configurations, service routes and other OKD or Kubernetes elements are all automated by odo.

Existing tools such as oc are operations-focused and require a deep understanding of Kubernetes and OKD concepts. odo abstracts away complex Kubernetes and OKD concepts allowing developers to focus on what is most important to them: code.

Key features

odo is designed to be simple and concise with the following key features:

  • Simple syntax and design centered around concepts familiar to developers, such as projects, applications, and components.

  • Completely client based. No additional server other than OKD is required for deployment.

  • Official support for Node.js and Java components.

  • Partial compatibility with languages and frameworks such as Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Python.

  • Detects changes to local code and deploys it to the cluster automatically, giving instant feedback to validate changes in real time.

  • Lists all the available components and services from the cluster.

Core concepts


A project is your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit.


An application is a program designed for end users. An application consists of multiple microservices or components that work individually to build the entire application. Examples of applications: a video game, a media player, a web browser.


A component is a set of Kubernetes resources which host code or data. Each component can be run and deployed separately. Examples of components: Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.


A service is software that your component links to or depends on. Examples of services: MariaDB, Jenkins, MySQL. In odo, services are provisioned from the OpenShift Service Catalog and must be enabled within your cluster.

Officially supported languages and corresponding container images

Table 1. Supported languages, container images, package managers, and platforms
LanguageContainer imagePackage managerPlatform




amd64, s390x, ppc64le



amd64, s390x, ppc64le



Maven, Gradle

amd64, s390x, ppc64le


Maven, Gradle

amd64, s390x, ppc64le


Maven, Gradle

amd64, s390x, ppc64le

Listing available container images

The list of available container images is sourced from the cluster’s internal container registry and external registries associated with the cluster.

To list the available components and associated container images for your cluster:

  1. Log in to the cluster with odo:

    1. $ odo login -u developer -p developer
  2. List the available odo supported and unsupported components and corresponding container images:

    1. $ odo catalog list components

    Example output

    1. Odo Devfile Components:
    3. java-maven Upstream Maven and OpenJDK 11 DefaultDevfileRegistry
    4. java-openliberty Open Liberty microservice in Java DefaultDevfileRegistry
    5. java-quarkus Upstream Quarkus with Java+GraalVM DefaultDevfileRegistry
    6. java-springboot Spring Boot® using Java DefaultDevfileRegistry
    7. nodejs Stack with NodeJS 12 DefaultDevfileRegistry
    8. Odo OpenShift Components:
    10. java openshift 11,8,latest YES
    11. dotnet openshift 2.1,3.1,latest NO
    12. golang openshift 1.13.4-ubi7,1.13.4-ubi8,latest NO
    13. httpd openshift 2.4-el7,2.4-el8,latest NO
    14. nginx openshift 1.14-el7,1.14-el8,1.16-el7,1.16-el8,latest NO
    15. nodejs openshift 10-ubi7,10-ubi8,12-ubi7,12-ubi8,latest NO
    16. perl openshift 5.26-el7,5.26-ubi8,5.30-el7,latest NO
    17. php openshift 7.2-ubi7,7.2-ubi8,7.3-ubi7,7.3-ubi8,latest NO
    18. python openshift 2.7-ubi7,2.7-ubi8,3.6-ubi7,3.6-ubi8,3.8-ubi7,3.8-ubi8,latest NO
    19. ruby openshift 2.5-ubi7,2.5-ubi8,2.6-ubi7,2.6-ubi8,2.7-ubi7,latest NO
    20. wildfly openshift 10.0,10.1,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.0,16.0,17.0,18.0,19.0,20.0,8.1,9.0,latest NO

    The TAGS column represents the available image versions, for example, 10 represents the rhoar-nodejs/nodejs-10 container image. To learn more about CLI commands, go to odo CLI reference.

Telemetry in odo

odo collects information about how odo is used: operating system, RAM, CPU size, number of cores, version of odo, errors, success/failure, and time it took for a command to complete.

You can modify your Telemetry consent by using odo preference:

  • odo preference set ConsentTelemetry true to consent to Telemetry.

  • odo preference unset ConsentTelemetry to disable Telemetry.

  • odo preference view to verify the current preferences.