Viewing the QEMU guest agent information for virtual machines

When the QEMU guest agent runs on the virtual machine, you can use the web console to view information about the virtual machine, users, file systems, and secondary networks.


About the QEMU guest agent information in the web console

When the QEMU guest agent is installed, the Details pane within the Virtual Machine Overview tab and the Details tab display information about the hostname, operating system, time zone, and logged in users.

The Virtual Machine Overview shows information about the guest operating system installed on the virtual machine. The Details tab displays a table with information for logged in users. The Disks tab displays a table with information for file systems.

If the QEMU guest agent is not installed, the Virtual Machine Overview tab and the Details tab display information about the operating system that was specified when the virtual machine was created.

Viewing the QEMU guest agent information in the web console

You can use the web console to view information for virtual machines that is passed by the QEMU guest agent to the host.


  1. Click WorkloadsVirtual Machines from the side menu.

  2. Click the Virtual Machines tab.

  3. Select a virtual machine name to open the Virtual Machine Overview screen and view the Details pane.

  4. Click Logged in users to view the Details tab that shows information for users.

  5. Click the Disks tab to view information about the file systems.