Configuring the node port service range

As a cluster administrator, you can expand the available node port range. If your cluster uses of a large number of node ports, you might need to increase the number of available ports.

The default port range is 30000-32767. You can never reduce the port range, even if you first expand it beyond the default range.


  • Your cluster infrastructure must allow access to the ports that you specify within the expanded range. For example, if you expand the node port range to 30000-32900, the inclusive port range of 32768-32900 must be allowed by your firewall or packet filtering configuration.

Expanding the node port range

You can expand the node port range for the cluster.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • Log in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. To expand the node port range, enter the following command. Replace <port> with the largest port number in the new range.

    1. $ oc patch cluster --type=merge -p \
    2. '{
    3. "spec":
    4. { "serviceNodePortRange": "30000-<port>" }
    5. }'

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to update the node port range:

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Network
    3. metadata:
    4. name: cluster
    5. spec:
    6. serviceNodePortRange: 30000-<port>”

    Example output

    1. patched
  2. To confirm that the configuration is active, enter the following command. It can take several minutes for the update to apply.

    1. $ oc get configmaps -n openshift-kube-apiserver config \
    2. -o jsonpath="{.data['config\.yaml']}" | \
    3. grep -Eo '"service-node-port-range":["[[:digit:]]+-[[:digit:]]+"]'

    Example output

    1. "service-node-port-range":["30000-33000"]

Additional resources