About the Kubernetes NMState Operator

The Kubernetes NMState Operator provides a Kubernetes API for performing state-driven network configuration across the OKD cluster’s nodes with NMState. The Kubernetes NMState Operator provides users with functionality to configure various network interface types, DNS, and routing on cluster nodes. Additionally, the daemons on the cluster nodes periodically report on the state of each node’s network interfaces to the API server.

Kubernetes NMState Operator is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. You must not use Kubernetes NMState Operator in both OKD and oVirt at the same time. Such configuration is unsupported.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/techpreview/.

Before you can use NMState with OKD, you must install the Kubernetes NMState Operator.

Installing the Kubernetes NMState Operator

You must install the Kubernetes NMState Operator from the web console while logged in with administrator privileges. After it is installed, the Operator can deploy the NMState State Controller as a daemon set across all of the cluster nodes.


  1. Select OperatorsOperatorHub.

  2. In the search field below All Items, enter nmstate and click Enter to search for the Kubernetes NMState Operator.

  3. Click on the Kubernetes NMState Operator search result.

  4. Click on Install to open the Install Operator window.

  5. Under Installed Namespace, ensure the namespace is openshift-nmstate. If openshift-nmstate does not exist in the combo box, click on Create Namespace and enter openshift-nmstate in the Name field of the dialog box and press Create.

  6. Click Install to install the Operator.

  7. After the Operator finishes installing, click View Operator.

  8. Under Provided APIs, click Create Instance to open the dialog box for creating an instance of kubernetes-nmstate.

  9. In the Name field of the dialog box, ensure the name of the instance is nmstate.

    The name restriction is a known issue. The instance is a singleton for the entire cluster.

  10. Accept the default settings and click Create to create the instance.


Once complete, the Operator has deployed the NMState State Controller as a daemon set across all of the cluster nodes.