Retrieves a case definition according to the CaseDefinition interface in the engine.


GET /case-definition/{id}

GET /case-definition/key/{key} (returns the latest version of the case definition which belongs to no tenant)

GET /case-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id} (returns the latest version of the case definition for tenant)


Path Parameters

Name Description
id The id of the case definition to be retrieved.
key The key of the case definition (the latest version thereof) to be retrieved.
tenant-id The id of the tenant the case definition belongs to.


A JSON object corresponding to the CaseDefinition interface in the engine.Its properties are as follows:

Name Value Description
id String The id of the case definition.
key String The key of the case definition, i.e., the id of the CMMN 2.0 XML case definition.
category String The category of the case definition.
name String The name of the case definition.
version Number The version of the case definition that the engine assigned to it.
resource String The file name of the case definition.
deploymentId String The deployment id of the case definition.
tenantId String The tenant id of the case definition.
historyTimeToLive Number History time to live value of the case definition. Is used within History cleanup.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
404 application/json Case definition with given id or key does not exist. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /case-definition/aCaseDefinitionId

GET /case-definition/key/aCaseDefinitionKey


  1. {
  2. "id":"aCaseDefinitionId",
  3. "key":"aCaseDefinitionKey",
  4. "category":"aCategory",
  5. "name":"aName",
  6. "version":42,
  7. "resource":"aResourceName",
  8. "deploymentId":"aDeploymentId",
  9. "tenantId":null,
  10. "historyTimeToLive": 5
  11. }
