Tenants Menu

Tenant Management - 图1

The Tenants menu allows you to add, edit and delete tenants. Beside that you can view which user or group is amember of a tenant.

Create a new tenant

All you have to do to create a new tenant is:

  • Click the Create new tenant button
  • Type the Tenant Id and Tenant Name in the corresponding input fields
  • Click the Create new Tenant button
    This creates a new tenant.

Add an user to a tenant

To add an user to a tenant you have to go to the users account settings and click on the Tenants menu on the left side.

In this menu you can click the Add to a tenant button and select the tenants where the user should be a member.

Add a group to a tenant

To add a group to a tenant you have to go to the group settings and click on the Tenants menu on the left side.

In this menu you can click the Add to a tenant button and select the tenants where the group should be a member.

原文: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/webapps/admin/tenant-management/