Delegation Code allows you to execute external Java code, scripts or evaluate expressions whencertain events occur during process execution.

There are different types of Delegation Code:

  • Java Delegates can be attached to a BPMN Service Task.
  • Delegate Variable Mapping can be attached to a Call Activity.
  • Execution Listeners can be attached to any event within the normal token flow, e.g., starting a process instance or entering an activity.
  • Task Listeners can be attached to events within the user task lifecycle, e.g., creation or completion of a user task.
    You can create generic Delegation Code and configure this via the BPMN 2.0 XML using so called Field Injection.

Java Delegate

To implement a class that can be called during process execution, this class needs to implement the org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegateinterface and provide the required logic in the executemethod. When process execution arrives at this particular step, itwill execute this logic defined in that method and leave the activityin the default BPMN 2.0 way.

As an example let’s create a Java class that can be used to change aprocess variable String to uppercase. This class needs to implementthe org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegateinterface, which requires us to implement the execute(DelegateExecution)method. It’s this operation that will be called by the engine andwhich needs to contain the business logic. Process instanceinformation such as process variables and other information can be accessed andmanipulated through the DelegateExecution interface (click on the link for a detailed Javadoc of its operations).

  1. public class ToUppercase implements JavaDelegate {
  2. public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
  3. String var = (String) execution.getVariable("input");
  4. var = var.toUpperCase();
  5. execution.setVariable("input", var);
  6. }
  7. }


Each time a delegation class referencing activity is executed, a separate instance of this class will be created. This means that each time an activity is executed there will be used another instance of the class to call execute(DelegateExecution).

The classes that are referenced in the process definition (i.e., by usingcamunda:class ) are NOT instantiated during deployment.Only when a process execution arrives at the point in the process where the class is used for thefirst time, an instance of that class will be created. If the class cannot be found,a ProcessEngineException will be thrown. The reason for this is that the environment (andmore specifically the classpath) when you are deploying is often different than the actual runtimeenvironment.

Activity Behavior

Instead of writing a Java Delegate, it is also possible to provide a class that implements the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.delegate.ActivityBehaviorinterface. Implementations then have access to the more powerful ActivityExecution that for example also allows to influence the control flow of the process. However, note that this is not a very good practice and should be avoided as much as possible. So, it is advised to only use the ActivityBehavior interface for advanced use cases and if you know exactly what you’re doing.

Field Injection

It is possible to inject values into the fields of the delegated classes. The following types of injection are supported:

  • Fixed string values
  • Expressions
    If available, the value is injected through a public setter method onyour delegated class, following the Java Bean naming conventions (e.g.,field firstName has setter setFirstName(…)).If no setter is available for that field, the value of privatemember will be set on the delegate (but using private fields is not recommended - see warning below).

Regardless of the type of value declared in the process-definition, the type of thesetter/private field on the injection target should always be org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression.

Private fields cannot always be modified! It does not work with e.g., CDI beans (because you have proxies instead of real objects) or with some SecurityManager configurations. Please always use a public setter-method for the fields you want to have injected!

The following code snippet shows how to inject a constant value into a field.Field Injection is supported when using the class or delegateExpression attribute. Note that we needto declare a extensionElements XML element before the actual field injectiondeclarations, which is a requirement of the BPMN 2.0 XML Schema.

  1. <serviceTask id="javaService"
  2. name="Java service invocation"
  3. camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.examples.bpmn.servicetask.ToUpperCaseFieldInjected">
  4. <extensionElements>
  5. <camunda:field name="text" stringValue="Hello World" />
  6. </extensionElements>
  7. </serviceTask>

The class ToUpperCaseFieldInjected has a fieldtext which is of type org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression.When calling text.getValue(execution), the configured string valueHello World will be returned.

Alternatively, for longs texts (e.g., an inline e-mail) the camunda:string sub element can beused:

  1. <serviceTask id="javaService"
  2. name="Java service invocation"
  3. camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.examples.bpmn.servicetask.ToUpperCaseFieldInjected">
  4. <extensionElements>
  5. <camunda:field name="text">
  6. <camunda:string>
  7. Hello World
  8. </camunda:string>
  9. </camunda:field>
  10. </extensionElements>
  11. </serviceTask>

To inject values that are dynamically resolved at runtime, expressionscan be used. Those expressions can use process variables, CDI or Springbeans. As already noted, a separate instance of the Java class will be createdeach time the service task is executed. To have dynamic injection ofvalues in fields, you can inject value and method expressions in anorg.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.Expressionwhich can be evaluated/invoked using the DelegateExecutionpassed in the execute method.

  1. <serviceTask id="javaService" name="Java service invocation"
  2. camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.examples.bpmn.servicetask.ReverseStringsFieldInjected">
  3. <extensionElements>
  4. <camunda:field name="text1">
  5. <camunda:expression>${genderBean.getGenderString(gender)}</camunda:expression>
  6. </camunda:field>
  7. <camunda:field name="text2">
  8. <camunda:expression>Hello ${gender == 'male' ? 'Mr.' : 'Mrs.'} ${name}</camunda:expression>
  9. </camunda:field>
  10. </extensionElements>
  11. </serviceTask>

The example class below uses the injected expressions and resolvesthem using the current DelegateExecution.

  1. public class ReverseStringsFieldInjected implements JavaDelegate {
  2. private Expression text1;
  3. private Expression text2;
  4. public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
  5. String value1 = (String) text1.getValue(execution);
  6. execution.setVariable("var1", new StringBuffer(value1).reverse().toString());
  7. String value2 = (String) text2.getValue(execution);
  8. execution.setVariable("var2", new StringBuffer(value2).reverse().toString());
  9. }
  10. }

Alternatively, you can also set the expressions as an attribute instead of a child-element, to make the XML less verbose.

  1. <camunda:field name="text1" expression="${genderBean.getGenderString(gender)}" />
  2. <camunda:field name="text2" expression="Hello ${gender == 'male' ? 'Mr.' : 'Mrs.'} ${name}" />


The injection happens each time the service task is called since a separate instance of the class will be created. When the fields are altered by your code, the values will be re-injected when the activity is executed next time.

For the same reasons as mentioned above, field injection should not be (usually) used with Spring beans, which are singletons by default. Otherwise, you may run into incostistencies due to concurrent modification of the bean fields.

Delegate Variable Mapping

To implement a class that delegates the input and output variable mapping for a call activity, this class needs to implement the org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.DelegateVariableMappinginterface. The implementation must provide the methods mapInputVariables(DelegateExecution, VariableMap) and mapOutputVariables(DelegateExecution, VariableScope).See the following example:

  1. public class DelegatedVarMapping implements DelegateVariableMapping {
  2. @Override
  3. public void mapInputVariables(DelegateExecution execution, VariableMap variables) {
  4. variables.putValue("inputVar", "inValue");
  5. }
  6. @Override
  7. public void mapOutputVariables(DelegateExecution execution, VariableScope subInstance) {
  8. execution.setVariable("outputVar", "outValue");
  9. }
  10. }

The mapInputVariables method is called before the call activity is executed, to map the input variables.The input variables should be put into the given variables map.The mapOutputVariables method is called after the call activity was executed, to map the output variables.The output variables can be directly set into the caller execution.The behavior of the class loading is similar to the class loading on Java Delegates.

Execution Listener

Execution listeners allow you to execute external Java code or evaluate an expression when certain events occur during process execution. The events that can be captured are:

  • Start and end of a process instance.
  • Taking a transition.
  • Start and end of an activity.
  • Start and end of a gateway.
  • Start and end of intermediate events.
  • Ending a start event or starting an end event.
    The following process definition contains 3 execution listeners:
  1. <process id="executionListenersProcess">
  2. <extensionElements>
  3. <camunda:executionListener
  4. event="start"
  5. class="org.camunda.bpm.examples.bpmn.executionlistener.ExampleExecutionListenerOne" />
  6. </extensionElements>
  7. <startEvent id="theStart" />
  8. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="theStart" targetRef="firstTask" />
  9. <userTask id="firstTask" />
  10. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="firstTask" targetRef="secondTask">
  11. <extensionElements>
  12. <camunda:executionListener>
  13. <camunda:script scriptFormat="groovy">
  14. println execution.eventName
  15. </camunda:script>
  16. </camunda:executionListener>
  17. </extensionElements>
  18. </sequenceFlow>
  19. <userTask id="secondTask">
  20. <extensionElements>
  21. <camunda:executionListener expression="${myPojo.myMethod(execution.eventName)}" event="end" />
  22. </extensionElements>
  23. </userTask>
  24. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="secondTask" targetRef="thirdTask" />
  25. <userTask id="thirdTask" />
  26. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="thirdTask" targetRef="theEnd" />
  27. <endEvent id="theEnd" />
  28. </process>

The first execution listener is notified when the process starts. The listener is an external Java-class (like ExampleExecutionListenerOne) and should implement the org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.ExecutionListener interface. When the event occurs (in this case end event) the method notify(DelegateExecution execution) is called.

  1. public class ExampleExecutionListenerOne implements ExecutionListener {
  2. public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
  3. execution.setVariable("variableSetInExecutionListener", "firstValue");
  4. execution.setVariable("eventReceived", execution.getEventName());
  5. }
  6. }

It is also possible to use a delegation class that implements the org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate interface. These delegation classes can then be reused in other constructs, such as a delegation for a service task.

The second execution listener is called when the transition is taken. Note that the listener elementdoesn’t define an event, since only take events are fired on transitions. Values in the eventattribute are ignored when a listener is defined on a transition. Also it contains acamunda:script child element which defines a script whichwill be executed as execution listener. Alternatively it is possible to specify the script sourcecode as external resources (see the documenation about script sources of scripttasks).

The last execution listener is called when activity secondTask ends. Instead of using the class on the listener declaration, a expression is defined instead which is evaluated/invoked when the event is fired.

  1. <camunda:executionListener expression="${myPojo.myMethod(execution.eventName)}" event="end" />

As with other expressions, execution variables are resolved and can be used. Because the execution implementation object has a property that exposes the event name, it’s possible to pass the event-name to your methods using execution.eventName.

Execution listeners also support using a delegateExpression, similar to a service task.

  1. <camunda:executionListener event="start" delegateExpression="${myExecutionListenerBean}" />

Task Listener

A task listener is used to execute custom Java logic or an expression upon the occurrence of a certain task-related event. It can only be added in the process definition as a child element of a user task. Note that this also must happen as a child of the BPMN 2.0 extensionElements and in the Camunda namespace, since a task listener is a construct specifically for the Camunda engine.

  1. <userTask id="myTask" name="My Task" >
  2. <extensionElements>
  3. <camunda:taskListener event="create" class="org.camunda.bpm.MyTaskCreateListener" />
  4. </extensionElements>
  5. </userTask>

A task listener supports following attributes:

  • event (required): the type of task event on which the task listener will be invoked. Possible events are:

    • create: occurs when the task has been created and all task properties are set.
    • assignment: occurs when the task is assigned to somebody. Note: when process execution arrives in a userTask, an assignment event will be fired first, before the create event is fired. This might seem like an unnatural order but the reason is pragmatic: when receiving the create event, we usually want to inspect all properties of the task, including the assignee.
    • complete: occurs when the task is completed and just before the task is deleted from the runtime data.
    • delete: occurs just before the task is deleted from the runtime data.
  • class: the delegation class that must be called. This class must implement the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.pvm.delegate.TaskListener interface.

public class MyTaskCreateListener implements TaskListener {

public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {
// Custom logic goes here


It is also possible to use Field Injection to pass process variables or the execution to the delegation class. Note that each time a delegation class referencing activity is executed, a separate instance of this class will be created.

  • expression: (cannot be used together with the class attribute): specifies an expression that will be executed when the event happens. It is possible to pass the DelegateTask object and the name of the event (using task.eventName) to the called object as parameters.
  • delegateExpression: allows to specify an expression that resolves to an object implementing the TaskListener interface, similar to a service task.

Besides the class, expression and delegateExpression attributes, acamunda:script child element can be used to specify a script as task listener.An external script resource can also be declared with the resource attribute of thecamunda:script element (see the documenation about script sources of scripttasks).

  1. <userTask id="task">
  2. <extensionElements>
  3. <camunda:taskListener event="create">
  4. <camunda:script scriptFormat="groovy">
  5. println task.eventName
  6. </camunda:script>
  7. </camunda:taskListener>
  8. </extensionElements>
  9. </userTask>

Field Injection on Listener

When using listeners configured with the class attribute, Field Injection can be applied. This is exactly the same mechanism as described for Java Delegates, which contains an overview of the possibilities provided by field injection.

The fragment below shows a simple example process with an execution listener with fields injected:

  1. <process id="executionListenersProcess">
  2. <extensionElements>
  3. <camunda:executionListener class="org.camunda.bpm.examples.bpmn.executionListener.ExampleFieldInjectedExecutionListener" event="start">
  4. <camunda:field name="fixedValue" stringValue="Yes, I am " />
  5. <camunda:field name="dynamicValue" expression="${myVar}" />
  6. </camunda:executionListener>
  7. </extensionElements>
  8. <startEvent id="theStart" />
  9. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="theStart" targetRef="firstTask" />
  10. <userTask id="firstTask" />
  11. <sequenceFlow sourceRef="firstTask" targetRef="theEnd" />
  12. <endEvent id="theEnd" />
  13. </process>

The actual listener implementation may look as follows:

  1. public class ExampleFieldInjectedExecutionListener implements ExecutionListener {
  2. private Expression fixedValue;
  3. private Expression dynamicValue;
  4. public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
  5. String value =
  6. fixedValue.getValue(execution).toString() +
  7. dynamicValue.getValue(execution).toString();
  8. execution.setVariable("var", value);
  9. }
  10. }

The class ExampleFieldInjectedExecutionListener concatenates the 2 injected fields (one fixed and the other dynamic) and stores this in the process variable var.

  1. @Deployment(resources = {
  2. "org/camunda/bpm/examples/bpmn/executionListener/ExecutionListenersFieldInjectionProcess.bpmn20.xml"
  3. })
  4. public void testExecutionListenerFieldInjection() {
  5. Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  6. variables.put("myVar", "listening!");
  7. ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("executionListenersProcess", variables);
  8. Object varSetByListener = runtimeService.getVariable(processInstance.getId(), "var");
  9. assertNotNull(varSetByListener);
  10. assertTrue(varSetByListener instanceof String);
  11. // Result is a concatenation of fixed injected field and injected expression
  12. assertEquals("Yes, I am listening!", varSetByListener);
  13. }

Access Process Engine Services

It is possible to access the public API services (RuntimeService, TaskService, RepositoryService …) from the Delegation Code. The following is an example showinghow to access the TaskService from a JavaDelegate implementation.

  1. public class DelegateExample implements JavaDelegate {
  2. public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
  3. TaskService taskService = execution.getProcessEngineServices().taskService();
  4. taskService.createTaskQuery()...;
  5. }
  6. }

Throw BPMN Errors from Delegation Code

In the above example the error event is attached to a service task. In order to get this to work the service task has to throw the corresponding error. This is done by using a provided Java exception class from within your Java code (e.g., in the JavaDelegate):

  1. public class BookOutGoodsDelegate implements JavaDelegate {
  2. public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
  3. try {
  4. ...
  5. } catch (NotOnStockException ex) {
  6. throw new BpmnError(NOT_ON_STOCK_ERROR);
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }


Throwing a BpmnError in the delegation code behaves like modeling an error end event. See the reference guide about the details on the behavior, especially the error boundary event. If no error boundary event is found on the scope, the execution is ended.
