Executes the saved query of the filter by id and returns the single result. This method is slightly morepowerful then the Get Execute Filter Single Result method because it allows to extendthe saved query of the filter.

Security Consideration

The request body of this method takes a JSON-serialized query. Some query types (e.g., task queries) allow to specify EL expressions in their parameters and may therefore be abused for remote code execution. See the section on security considerations for custom code in the user guide for details.


POST /filter/{id}/singleResult


Path Parameters

Name Description
id The id of the filter to execute.

Request Body

A JSON object which corresponds to the type of the saved query of the filter, i.e., if theresource type of the filter is Task the body should form a valid task query corresponding tothe Task resource.


A JSON object corresponding to the corresponding entity interface in the engine. This dependson the saved query in the filter. Therefore it is not possible specify a generic result format,i.e., if the resource type of the filter is Task the result will correspond to the Taskinterface in the engine.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
200 application/hal+json Request successful. In case of an expected HAL response.
204 Request successful, but the result was empty.
400 application/json The executed filter returned more than one single result or the extending query was invalid. See the Introduction for the error response format.
403 application/json The authenticated user is unauthorized to read this filter. See the Introduction for the error response format.
404 application/json Filter with given id does not exist. See the Introduction for the error response format.



POST filter/aTaskFilterId/singleResult

Request Body:

Note: The examples show a task filter. So the request body corresponds to a task query. For other resource types the request body will differ.

  1. {
  2. "assignee": "jonny1",
  3. "taskDefinitionKey": "aTaskKey"
  4. }


Status 200.

Note: The examples show the result of a task filter. So the response corresponds to a task, but for other filters the response format will differ.

  1. {
  2. "assignee": "jonny1",
  3. "caseDefinitionId": null,
  4. "caseExecutionId": null,
  5. "caseInstanceId": null,
  6. "created": "2014-09-15T15:45:48.000+0200",
  7. "delegationState": null,
  8. "description": null,
  9. "due": null,
  10. "executionId": "aExecutionId",
  11. "followUp": null,
  12. "formKey": null,
  13. "id": "aTaskId",
  14. "name": "Task 2",
  15. "owner": null,
  16. "parentTaskId": null,
  17. "priority": 50,
  18. "processDefinitionId": "aProcessId",
  19. "processInstanceId": "aProcessInstanceId",
  20. "suspended": false,
  21. "taskDefinitionKey": "aTaskKey"
  22. }

原文: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/reference/rest/filter/post-execute-single-result/