4.5. Annotation tool

4.5. Annotation tool

The icon icons_annotate_png gives access to the annotation tool. This tool performs an automatic naming of all components in the schematic.

For multi-part components (such as 7400 TTL which contains 4 gates), a multi-part suffix is also allocated (thus a 7400 TTL designated U3 will be divided into U3A, U3B, U3C and U3D).

You can unconditionally annotate all the components, or only the new components, i.e. those which were not previously annotated.



  1. Use the entire schematic. All the sheets are re-annotated (usual Option).
  2. Use the current page only. Only the current sheet is re-annotated (this option is to be used only in special cases, for example to evaluate the amount of resistors in the current sheet.).
  3. Keep existing annotation. Conditional annotation, only the new components will be re-annotated (usual option).
  4. Reset existing annotation. Unconditional annotation, all the components will be re-annotated (this option is to be used when there are duplicated references).
  5. Reset, but do not swap any annotated multi-unit parts. This keeps all groups of multiple units (e.g. U2A, U2B) together when reannotating.

Annotation Order

Selects the order in which components will be numbered.

Annotation Choice

Selects the method by which numbers will be selected.