10.7. Plot in HPGL

10.7. Plot in HPGL

This command allows you to create an HPGL file. In this format you can define:

  • Page size.
  • Origin.
  • Pen width (in mm).

The plotter setup dialog window looks like the following:


The output file name will be the sheet name plus the extension .plt.

10.7.1. Sheet size selection

Sheet size is normally checked. In this case, the sheet size defined in the title block menu will be used and the chosen scale will be 1. If a different sheet size is selected (A4 with A0, or A with E), the scale is automatically adjusted to fill the page.

10.7.2. Offset adjustments

For all standard dimensions, you can adjust the offsets to center the drawing as accurately as possible. Because plotters have an origin point at the center or at the lower left corner of the sheet, it is necessary to be able to introduce an offset in order to plot properly.

Generally speaking:

  • For plotters having their origin point at the center of the sheet the offset must be negative and set at half of the sheet dimension.
  • For plotters having their origin point at the lower left corner of the sheet the offset must be set to 0.

To set an offset:

  • Select sheet size.
  • Set offset X and offset Y.
  • Click on accept offset.