IBM Cloud

Follow these instructions to prepare a cluster for Istio using theIBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.To install Istio on IBM Cloud Private, refer toIstio on IBM Cloud Privateinstead.

IBM offers a managed control plane add-on for the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service,which you can use instead of installing Istio manually.Refer to Istio on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Servicefor details and instructions.

To prepare a cluster before manually installing Istio, proceed as follows:

You can display your available zones by running ibmcloud ks zones.The IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Locations Reference Guidedescribes the available zones and how to specify them.

  1. $ ibmcloud ks cluster-create --zone <zone-name> --machine-type b3c.4x16 \
  2. --workers 3 --name <cluster-name>

If you already have a private and a public VLAN, you can specify them in the above commandusing the —private-vlan and —public-vlan options. Otherwise, they will be automatically created for you.You can view your available VLANs by running ibmcloud ks vlans —zone <zone-name>.

  • Run the following command to download your cluster configuration for kubectl and thenset the KUBECONFIG environment variable as specified in the command output.
  1. $ ibmcloud ks cluster-config <cluster-name>

Make sure to use the kubectl CLI version that matches the Kubernetes version of your cluster.