
Message NameGatewayPortNotOnWorkload
Message CodeIST0104
DescriptionUnhandled gateway port

This message occurs when a gateway (usually istio-ingressgateway) offers aport that the Kubernetes service workload selected by the gateway does not.

For example, your Istio configuration contains these values:

  1. # Gateway with bogus port
  2. apiVersion:
  3. kind: Gateway
  4. metadata:
  5. name: httpbin-gateway
  6. spec:
  7. selector:
  8. istio: ingressgateway
  9. servers:
  10. - port:
  11. number: 80
  12. name: http
  13. protocol: HTTP
  14. hosts:
  15. - "*"
  16. - port:
  17. number: 8004
  18. name: http2
  19. protocol: HTTP
  20. hosts:
  21. - "*"

In this example, the GatewayPortNotOnWorkload message occurs because thisconfiguration uses port 8004, but a default IngressGateway is only open on ports80, 443, 31400, and 15443.

To resolve this problem, change your gateway configuration to use a valid porton the workload and try again.