Installation Configuration Profiles

This page describes the built-in configuration profiles that can be used wheninstalling Istio.The profiles provide customization of the Istio control plane and of the sidecars for the Istio data plane.You can start with one of Istio’s built-in configuration profiles and then further customize the configuration foryour specific needs. The following built-in configuration profiles are currently available:

  • default: enables components according to the default settings of theIstioControlPlane API(recommend for production deployments).You can display the default setting by running the command istioctl profile dump.

  • demo: configuration designed to showcase Istio functionality with modest resource requirements.It is suitable to run the Bookinfo application and associated tasks.This is the configuration that is installed with the quick start instructions,but you can later customize the configurationto enable additional features if you wish to explore more advanced tasks.

This profile enables high levels of tracing and access logging so it is not suitable for performance tests.

The components marked as X are installed within each profile:

Core components

To further customize Istio and install addons, you can add one or more —set <key>=<value> options in theistioctl manifest command that you use when installing Istio.Refer to customizing the configuration for details.

See also

Helm Changes

Details the Helm chart installation options differences between Istio 1.2 and Istio 1.3.

Helm Changes

Details the Helm chart installation options differences between Istio 1.0 and Istio 1.1.

Helm Changes

Details the Helm chart installation options differences between Istio 1.1 and Istio 1.2.

Introducing the Istio Operator

Introduction to Istio's new operator-based installation and control plane management feature.

Customizable Install with Helm

Install and configure Istio for in-depth evaluation or production use.

Getting Started

Download, install, and learn how to evaluate and try Istio’s basic features quickly.