daemon.clients.pods module

class daemon.clients.pods.AsyncPodClient(uri, logger, timeout=None)[source]

Bases: daemon.clients.base.AsyncBaseClient

Async Client to create/update/delete Pods on remote JinaD

  • async arguments(\args, **kwargs*)

  • async create(\args, **kwargs*)

    Create a Workspace/Flow/Pod/Deployment on remote. Must be implemented by the inherited class.

    # noqa: DAR101 # noqa: DAR102

  • async delete(\args, **kwargs*)

    Delete a Workspace/Flow/Pod/Deployment on remote. Must be implemented by the inherited class.

    # noqa: DAR101 # noqa: DAR102

class daemon.clients.pods.PodClient(uri, logger, timeout=None)[source]

Bases: daemon.clients.mixin.AsyncToSyncMixin, daemon.clients.pods.AsyncPodClient

Client to create/update/delete Pods on remote JinaD