Search Similar Images

Given an example image can we find similar images without the need of any labels? Leveraging Jina, we have the advantage that we don’t need to use any labels or textual information about the images in order to build a search for similar images.

In this tutorial we are going to create an image search system that retrieves similar images. We are going to use the test split of the Dogs vs. Cats dataset, which we will subsequently refer to as the pets dataset. It contains 12.5K images of cats and dogs. Now, we can define our problem as selecting an image of cat or dog, and getting back images of similar cats or dogs respectively.

Jina searches semantically, and the results will vary depending on the neural network that we use for image encoding. Our task is to search for similar images so, we will consider visually-similar images as semantically-related.


The full source code of this tutorial is available in this Google Colab notebook


Before we begin building our Flow we need to do a few things.

  • Install the following dependencies.
  1. pip install jina "lightning-flash[image]==0.5.0" "vissl" "fairscale" pytorch-lightning==1.4.9

You can use the link or the following commands:

  1. gdown
  2. unzip

Build the Flow

The solution uses a simple pipeline that can be subdivided into two steps: Index and Query


To search something out of the full dataset, we first need to index the data. This means that we store the embeddings of all the images from the dataset in some form of storage. The images can be read as a numpy array which is then fed to the neural network of our choice. This neural network encodes the input images into some latent space which we call “embeddings”. We then use an Indexer to store these embeddings in memory.


Once the data is indexed, i.e. our database is built, we simply need to feed our query (an image or set of images) to the model to encode it into embeddings and then use the Indexer to retrieve matching images. The matching can be based on any type of metric but without going deeper into this, we will focus only on Euclidean distance between two embeddings (corresponding to two images).

We will use the SimpleIndexer Executor as our indexer (the one that stores and retrieves data). This Executor also returns the matching Document when we make a query. The search part is done using the built-in match function of DocumentArrayMemmap. To encode the images into embeddings we will use our own Executor which uses the pre-trained ‘ResNet101’ model.

Flow Overview

We have one Flow defined for this tutorial. However, it handles requests to /index and /search differently by defining different endpoints using requests decorators. Below we see the Flow, which consists of an Encoder to encode the images as the first step, followed by an Indexer to store/retrieve data.



Our first task is to wrap the image data as Documents and form a DocumentArray. This can be done easily with the following code snippet. from_files creates an iterator over a list of image paths and yields Documents:

  1. from jina import DocumentArray
  2. from jina.types.document.generators import from_files
  3. docs_array = DocumentArray(from_files(f'{image_dir}/*.{image_format}'))

Once the image is loaded our next step is to encode these images into embeddings. As stated earlier you can use Executors from Jina Hub off-the-shelf or you can define an Executor of your own in just a few steps. For this tutorial we will write our own Executor:

  1. from jina import DocumentArray, Executor, requests
  2. from flash.image import ImageEmbedder
  3. class FlashImageEncoder(Executor):
  4. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  5. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  6. self._embedder = ImageEmbedder(embedding_dim=1024)
  7. @requests
  8. def predict(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
  9. embeds = self._embedder.predict(docs.get_attributes('uri'))
  10. for doc, embed in zip(docs, embeds):
  11. doc.embedding = embed.numpy()

To build an Encoder Executor we inherit the base Executor and use a decorator to define endpoints. As this request decorator is empty, this function will be called regardless of the endpoints invoked, i.e., on both the /index and /search endpoints. We leverage lightning-flash to use the pre-trained ResNet101 model for getting the embeddings. You can replace this model with any other pre-trained models of your choice. When this Executor is instantiated, the pre-trained weights are downloaded automatically. The predict function takes in the DocumentArray and extracts embeddings, each of which is then stored in the embedding attribute of the respective Document.

Finally, comes the storage/retrieval step. We do this with the Indexer Executor. You can use any of the available indexers on Jina Hub or define your own. To create an Indexer you need to have two endpoints: /index and /search. For this tutorial we will define a SimpleIndexer which is also available on jina Hub.

  1. from jina import DocumentArrayMemmap, DocumentArray, Executor, requests
  2. class SimpleIndexer(Executor):
  3. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  4. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  5. self._dam = DocumentArrayMemmap(self.workspace)
  6. @requests(on='/index')
  7. def index(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
  8. self._dam.extend(docs)
  9. @requests(on='/search')
  10. def search(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
  11. docs.match(self._dam)

SimpleIndexer stores all the Documents with a memory map when invoked with the /index endpoint. During the search Flow, it matches the query Document with the indexed Document using the built-in match function of DocumentArrayMemmap.

Putting it all together in a Flow

So far we saw individual components of the Flow and how to define them. Next comes putting all of this together in a Flow:

  1. from jina import Flow
  2. f = (
  3. Flow(cors=True, port_expose=12345, protocol="http")
  4. .add(uses=FlashImageEmbedder, name="Encoder")
  5. .add(uses=SimpleIndexer, name="Indexer")
  6. )

Start the Flow and Index data

  1. with f:
  2.'/index', docs_Array)
  3. f.block()

Query from Python

Keeping the server running we can start a simple client to make a query:

  1. from jina import Client, Document
  2. from jina.types.request import Response
  3. def print_matches(resp: Response): # the callback function invoked when task is done
  4. for idx, d in enumerate([0].matches[:3]): # print top-3 matches
  5. print(f'[{idx}]{d.scores["cosine"].value:2f}: "{d.uri}"')
  6. c = Client(protocol='http', port=12345) # connect to localhost:12345
  7.'/search', Document(uri='path/to/an/image/'), on_done=print_matches)


The returned response contains the matching Document which in turn contains the uri of the images. Below we can see the returned matching images of the query:
