Run Quick Demos

Just starting out? Try our three well-designed “Hello, World” demos.

Run Quick Demos - 图1 Fashion image search

Search over 60,000 images based on visual similarity.

jina hello fashion

Run Quick Demos - 图2 QA chatbot

A simple BERT-based chatbot to answer Covid-related questions.

jina hello chatbot

Run Quick Demos - 图3 Multimodal search

Jointly search text and image in one query.

jina hello multimodal

Fork one and start building

If you find any hello-world demo interesting, you can simply fork its source code to your own directory via:

  1. jina hello fork fashion ./myapp

You will get something like the following:

  1. [email protected][L]:fashion project is forked to /Users/hanxiao/Documents/jina/myapp
  2. [email protected][I]:
  3. To run the project:
  4. ~$ cd /Users/hanxiao/Documents/jina/myapp
  5. ~$ python

Now go to myapp folder, modify the code and run it again via python

Learn more about each demo

You can always run jina hello --help to get more details about each demo. For example:

  1. jina hello chatbot --help
  2. jina hello fashion --help
  3. jina hello multimodal --help

If you prefer to learn by watching a video, watch this video explanation by Jina community member Aleksa Gordic.