jina.clients.request package


Module contents

Module for Jina Requests.

jina.clients.request.request_generator(exec_endpoint, data, request_size=0, data_type=DataInputType.AUTO, target_executor=None, parameters=None, \*kwargs*)[source]

Generate a request iterator.

  • Parameters

    • exec_endpoint (str) – the endpoint string, by convention starts with /

    • data (GeneratorSourceType) – data to send, a list of dict/string/bytes that can be converted into a list of Document objects

    • request_size (int) – the number of the Documents in each request

    • data_type (DataInputType) – if data is an iterator over self-contained document, i.e. DocumentSourceType; or an iterator over possible Document content (set to text, blob and buffer).

    • parameters (Optional[Dict]) – a dictionary of parameters to be sent to the executor

    • target_executor (Optional[str]) – a regex string. Only matching Executors will process the request.

    • kwargs – additional arguments



    Return type
