2.3.4 用gdb除错段错误(segmentation faults)



要用gdb来除错Python脚本segfault.py, 我们可以想如下这样在gdb中运行这个脚本

  1. $ gdb python
  2. ...
  3. (gdb) run segfault.py
  4. Starting program: /usr/bin/python segfault.py
  5. [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
  6. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
  7. _strided_byte_copy (dst=0x8537478 "\360\343G", outstrides=4, src=
  8. 0x86c0690 <Address 0x86c0690 out of bounds>, instrides=32, N=3,
  9. elsize=4)
  10. at numpy/core/src/multiarray/ctors.c:365
  11. 365 _FAST_MOVE(Int32);
  12. (gdb)

我们得到了一个segfault, gdb捕捉到它在C级栈(并不是Python调用栈)中进行事后剖析除错。我们可以用gdb的命令来对C调用栈进行除错:

  1. (gdb) up
  2. #1 0x004af4f5 in _copy_from_same_shape (dest=<value optimized out>,
  3. src=<value optimized out>, myfunc=0x496780 <_strided_byte_copy>,
  4. swap=0)
  5. at numpy/core/src/multiarray/ctors.c:748
  6. 748 myfunc(dit->dataptr, dest->strides[maxaxis],


  1. (gdb) up
  2. #8 0x080ddd23 in call_function (f=
  3. Frame 0x85371ec, for file /home/varoquau/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/arrayprint.py, line 156, in _leading_trailing (a=<numpy.ndarray at remote 0x85371b0>, _nc=<module at remote 0xb7f93a64>), throwflag=0)
  4. at ../Python/ceval.c:3750
  5. 3750 ../Python/ceval.c: No such file or directory.
  6. in ../Python/ceval.c
  7. (gdb) up
  8. #9 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
  9. Frame 0x85371ec, for file /home/varoquau/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/arrayprint.py, line 156, in _leading_trailing (a=<numpy.ndarray at remote 0x85371b0>, _nc=<module at remote 0xb7f93a64>), throwflag=0)
  10. at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
  11. 2412 in ../Python/ceval.c
  12. (gdb)


  1. (gdb) pyframe
  2. /home/varoquau/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/arrayprint.py (158): _leading_trailing
  3. (gdb)


  1. (gdb) up
  2. ...
  3. (gdb) up
  4. #34 0x080dc97a in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
  5. Frame 0x82f064c, for file segfault.py, line 11, in print_big_array (small_array=<numpy.ndarray at remote 0x853ecf0>, big_array=<numpy.ndarray at remote 0x853ed20>), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:1630
  6. 1630 ../Python/ceval.c: No such file or directory.
  7. in ../Python/ceval.c
  8. (gdb) pyframe
  9. segfault.py (12): print_big_array


In [1]:

  1. def make_big_array(small_array):
  2. big_array = stride_tricks.as_strided(small_array,
  3. shape=(2e6, 2e6), strides=(32, 32))
  4. return big_array
  5. def print_big_array(small_array):
  6. big_array = make_big_array(small_array)






In [ ]:

  1. """
  2. A script to compare different root-finding algorithms.
  3. This version of the script is buggy and does not execute. It is your task
  4. to find an fix these bugs.
  5. The output of the script sould look like:
  6. Benching 1D root-finder optimizers from scipy.optimize:
  7. brenth: 604678 total function calls
  8. brentq: 594454 total function calls
  9. ridder: 778394 total function calls
  10. bisect: 2148380 total function calls
  11. """
  12. from itertools import product
  13. import numpy as np
  14. from scipy import optimize
  15. FUNCTIONS = (np.tan, # Dilating map
  16. np.tanh, # Contracting map
  17. lambda x: x**3 + 1e-4*x, # Almost null gradient at the root
  18. lambda x: x+np.sin(2*x), # Non monotonous function
  19. lambda x: 1.1*x+np.sin(4*x), # Fonction with several local maxima
  20. )
  21. OPTIMIZERS = (optimize.brenth, optimize.brentq, optimize.ridder,
  22. optimize.bisect)
  23. def apply_optimizer(optimizer, func, a, b):
  24. """ Return the number of function calls given an root-finding optimizer,
  25. a function and upper and lower bounds.
  26. """
  27. return optimizer(func, a, b, full_output=True)[1].function_calls,
  28. def bench_optimizer(optimizer, param_grid):
  29. """ Find roots for all the functions, and upper and lower bounds
  30. given and return the total number of function calls.
  31. """
  32. return sum(apply_optimizer(optimizer, func, a, b)
  33. for func, a, b in param_grid)
  34. def compare_optimizers(optimizers):
  35. """ Compare all the optimizers given on a grid of a few different
  36. functions all admitting a signle root in zero and a upper and
  37. lower bounds.
  38. """
  39. random_a = -1.3 + np.random.random(size=100)
  40. random_b = .3 + np.random.random(size=100)
  41. param_grid = product(FUNCTIONS, random_a, random_b)
  42. print "Benching 1D root-finder optimizers from scipy.optimize:"
  43. for optimizer in OPTIMIZERS:
  44. print '% 20s: % 8i total function calls' % (
  45. optimizer.__name__,
  46. bench_optimizer(optimizer, param_grid)
  47. )
  48. if __name__ == '__main__':
  49. compare_optimizers(OPTIMIZERS)

In [1]:

  1. %matplotlib inline
  2. import numpy as np