
Use the yb-tserver binary and its options to configure the YB-TServer server. The yb-tserver executable file is located in the bin directory of YugabyteDB home.


  1. yb-tserver [ options ]


  1. $ ./bin/yb-tserver \
  2. --tserver_master_addrs,, \
  3. --rpc_bind_addresses \
  4. --start_pgsql_proxy \
  5. --fs_data_dirs "/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2" &

Online help

To display the online help, run yb-tserver —help from the YugabyteDB home directory.

  1. $ ./bin/yb-tserver --help

Configuration options

Help options


Displays help on all options.


Displays help on modules named by the specified option (or flag) value.

General options


Specifies the file to load the configuration options (or flags) from. The configuration settings, or flags, must be in the same format as supported by the command line options.


Shows version and build info, then exits.


Specifies a comma-separated list of all the yb-master RPC addresses.



NoteThe number of comma-separated values should match the total number of YB-Master servers (or the replication factor).


Specifies a comma-separated list of mount directories, where yb-tserver will add a yb-data/tserver data directory, tserver.err, tserver.out, and pg_data directory.



Specifies a comma-separated list of directories, where yb-tserver will store write-ahead (WAL) logs. This can be the same as one of the directories listed in —fs_data_dirs, but not a subdirectory of a data directory.

Default: Same value as —fs_data_dirs


Specifies the expected maximum clock skew, in microseconds (µs), between any two nodes in your deployment.

Default: 50000 (50,000 µs = 50ms)


Specifies the comma-separated list of the network interface addresses to bind to for RPC connections. Typically, the value is set to the private IP address of the host on which the server is running. When using the default, or explicitly setting the value to, the server will listen on all available network interfaces.


NoteIn cases where rpc_bind_addresses is set to (or not explicitly set, and uses the default) or in cases involving public IP addresses, make sure that server_broadcast_addresses is correctly set.


Specifies the public IP or DNS hostname of the server (with an optional port). This value is used by servers to communicate with one another, depending on the connection policy parameter.



Specifies the policy that determines when to use private IP addresses for inter-node communication. Possible values are never (default),zone,cloud and region. Based on the values of the placement (—placement_*) configuration options.

Valid values for the policy are:

Default: never


The address to bind for the web server user interface.

Default: (


The port for monitoring the web server.

Default: 9000


The monitoring web server home directory..

Default: The www directory in the YugabyteDB home directory.

Logging options


The directory to write yb-tserver log files.

Default: Same as —fs_data_dirs


Email log messages logged at this level, or higher. Values: 0 (all), 1, 2, 3 (FATAL), 999 (none)

Default: 999


The mailer used to send logging email messages.

Default: `“/bin/mail”


Write log messages to stderr instead of logfiles.

Default: false


The maximum log size, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 will be silently overridden to 1.

Default: 1800 (1.8 GB)


The minimum level to log messages. Values are: 0 (INFO), 1, 2, 3 (FATAL).

Default: 0 (INFO)


Log messages at, or above, this level are copied to stderr in addition to log files.

Default: 2


Stop attempting to log to disk if the disk is full.

Default: false

Raft options

NoteEnsure that values used for Raft and the write ahead log (WAL) in yb-tserver configurations match the values in yb-master configurations.


The duration, in seconds, after which a follower is considered to be failed because the leader has not received a heartbeat. The follower is then evicted from the configuration and the data is rereplicated elsewhere.

Default: 900 (15 minutes)

ImportantThe —follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec value should match the value for —log_min_seconds_to_retain.


The maximum heartbeat periods that the leader can fail to heartbeat in before the leader is considered to be failed. The total failure timeout, in milliseconds (ms), is —raft_heartbeat_interval_ms multiplied by —leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods.

For read replica clusters, set the value to 10 in all yb-tserver and yb-master configurations. Because the the data is globally replicated, RPC latencies are higher. Use this option to increase the failure detection interval in such a higher RPC latency deployment.

Default: 6


The heartbeat interval, in milliseconds (ms), for Raft replication. The leader produces heartbeats to followers at this interval. The followers expect a heartbeat at this interval and consider a leader to have failed if it misses several in a row.

Default: 500

Write ahead log (WAL) options

NoteEnsure that values used for the write ahead log (WAL) in yb-tserver configurations match the values for yb-master configurations.


The directory where the yb-tserver retains WAL files. May be the same as one of the directories listed in —fs_data_dirs, but not a subdirectory of a data directory.

Default: Same as —fs_data_dirs


If set to false, the writes to the WAL are synced to disk every interval_durable_wal_write_ms milliseconds (ms) or every bytes_durable_wal_write_mb megabyte (MB), whichever comes first. This default setting is recommended only for multi-AZ or multi-region deployments where the availability zones (AZs) or regions are independent failure domains and there is not a risk of correlated power loss. For single AZ deployments, this option should be set to true.

Default: false


When —durable_wal_write is false, writes to the WAL are synced to disk every —interval_durable_wal_write_ms or —bytes_durable_wal_write_mb, whichever comes first.

Default: 1000


When —durable_wal_write is false, writes to the WAL are synced to disk every —bytes_durable_wal_write_mb or —interval_durable_wal_write_ms, whichever comes first.

Default: 1


The minimum duration, in seconds, to retain WAL segments, regardless of durability requirements. WAL segments can be retained for a longer amount of time, if they are necessary for correct restart. This value should be set long enough such that a tablet server which has temporarily failed can be restarted within the given time period.

Default: 900 (15 minutes)


The minimum number of WAL segments (files) to retain, regardless of durability requirements. The value must be at least 1.

Default: 2


The size, in megabytes (MB), of a WAL segment (file). When the WAL segment reaches the specified size, then a log rollover occurs and a new WAL segment file is created.

Default: 64

Geo-distribution options

Settings related to managing geo-distributed clusters.


The name of the availability zone, or rack, where this instance is deployed.

Default: rack1


Specifies the name of the region, or data center, where this instance is deployed.

Default: datacenter1


Specifies the name of the cloud where this instance is deployed.

Default: cloud1

YSQL options

The following options, or flags, support the use of the YSQL API.


Enables the YSQL API. Replaces the deprecated —start_pgsql_proxy option.

Default: true


Enables YSQL authentication.


Yugabyte 2.0: Assign a password for the default yugabyte user to be able to sign in after enabling YSQL authentication.

Yugabyte 2.0.1: When YSQL authentication is enabled, you can sign into ysqlsh using the default yugabyte user that has a default password of `yugabyte”.

Default: false


Specifies the TCP/IP bind addresses for the YSQL API. The default value of allows listening for all IPv4 addresses access to localhost on port 5433. The —pgsql_proxy_bind_address value overwrites listen_addresses (default value of that controls which interfaces accept connection attempts.

To specify fine-grained access control over who can access the server, use —ysql_hba_conf.


NoteWhen using local YugabyteDB clusters built using the


Specifies the web server port for YSQL metrics monitoring.

Default: 13000


Specifies a comma-separated list of PostgreSQL client authentication settings that is written to the ysql_hba.conf file.

For details on using —ysql_hba_conf to specify client authentication, see Fine-grained authentication.

Default: "host all all trust,host all all ::0/0 trust"


Comma-separated list of PostgreSQL setting assignments.


Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting timestamps.

Default: Uses the YSQL time zone.


Specifies the display format for data and time values.

Default: Uses the YSQL display format.


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent YSQL connections.

Default: 300


Specifies the default transaction isolation level.


Default: READ COMMITTED (implemented in YugabyteDB as REPEATABLE READ)

NoteYugabyteDB supports two transaction isolation levels: REPEATABLE READ (aka snapshot) and SERIALIZABLE. The transaction isolation levels of READ UNCOMMITTED and READ COMMITTED are implemented in YugabyteDB as REPEATABLE READ.


Specifies the types of YSQL statements that should be logged.

Valid values: none (off), ddl (only data definition queries, such as create/alter/drop), mod (all modifying/write statements, includes DDLs plus insert/update/delete/trunctate, etc), and all (all statements).

Default: none


Specifies the lowest YSQL message level to log.

YCQL options

The following options, or flags, support the use of the YCQL API.


Specify true to enable YCQL authentication (username and password), enable YCQL security statements (CREATE ROLE, DROP ROLE, GRANT ROLE, REVOKE ROLE, GRANT PERMISSION, and REVOKE PERMISSION), and enforce permissions for YCQL statements.

Default: false


Specifies the bind address for the YCQL API.

Default: (


Specifies the port for monitoring YCQL metrics.

Default: 12000


Specifies if YCQL tables are created with transactions enabled by default.

Default: false

YEDIS options

The following options, or flags, support the use of the YEDIS API.


Specifies the bind address for the YEDIS API.



Specifies the port for monitoring YEDIS metrics.

Default: 11000

Performance options


Enable Snappy compression at the the cluster level.

Default: true


Used to control rate of memstore flush and SSTable file compaction.

Default: 256MB


Compactions run only if there are at least rocksdb_universal_compaction_min_merge_width eligible files andtheir running total (summation of size of files considered so far) iswithin rocksdb_universal_compaction_size_ratio of the next file in consideration to be included into the same compaction.

Default: 4


Compactions run only if there are at least rocksdb_universal_compaction_min_merge_width eligible files andtheir running total (summation of size of files considered so far) iswithin rocksdb_universal_compaction_size_ratio of the next file in consideration to be included into the same compaction.

Default: 20


The time interval, in seconds, to retain history/older versions of data. Point-in-time reads at a hybrid time prior to this intervalmight not be allowed after a compaction and return a Snapshot too old error.Set this to be greater than the expected maximum duration of any single transaction in your application.

Default: 120


Rate control across all tablets being remote bootstrapped from or to this process.

Default: 256MB


The number of shards per YB-TServer per table when a user table is created.

Default: Server automatically picks a valid default internally, typically 8.

Security options

For details on enabling client-server encryption, see Client-server encryption.


Directory that contains certificate authority, private key, and certificates for this server.

Default: "" (Uses <data drive>/yb-data/tserver/data/certs.)


Allow insecure connections. Set to false to prevent any process with unencrypted communication from joining a cluster. Note that this option requires the use_node_to_node_encryption to be enabled and use_client_to_server_encryption to be enabled.

Default: true


The directory that contains certificate authority, private key, and certificates for this server that should be used for client-to-server communications.

Default: "" (Use the same directory as for server-to-server communications.)


Dump certificate entries.

Default: false


Use client-to-server, or client-server, encryption with YCQL.

Default: false


Enable server-server, or node-to-node, encryption between YugabyteDB YB-Master and YB-TServer servers in a cluster or universe. To work properly, all YB-Master servers must also have their —use_node_to_node_encryption setting enabled. When enabled, then —allow_insecure_connections must be disabled.

Default: false

Change data capture (CDC) options

To learn about CDC, see Change data capture (CDC).


The timeout used for CDC->yb-tserver asynchronous RPC calls.

Default: 30000


The rate at which CDC state’s checkpoint is updated.

Default: 15000


The number of reactor threads to be used for processing ybclient requests for CDC.

Default: 50

Admin UI

The Admin UI for the YB-TServer is available at http://localhost:9000.


Home page of the YB-TServer (yb-tserver) that gives a high level overview of this specific instance.



Here’s a list of all dashboards to review the ongoing operations:



List of all tablets managed by this specific instance, sorted by the table name.



List of all utilities available to debug the performance of this specific instance.
