Character Types


Character-based data types are used to specify data of a string of Unicode characters.

Data typeDescription
CHARCharacter string of 1 byte
CHAR (n)Character string of fixed-length (n) and blank padded
CHARACTER (n)Character string of fixed-length (n) and blank padded
CHARACTER VARYING (n)Character string of variable-length with maximum limit (n)
VARCHAR (n)Character string of variable-length with maximum limit (n)
VARCHARCharacter string of variable and unlimited length
TEXTCharacter string of variable and unlimited length


  1. text_literal ::= "'" [ '' | letter ...] "'"


  • Single quote must be escaped as (“).
  • letter is any character except for single quote ([^']).
  • Character-based data types can be part of the PRIMARY KEY.
  • Value of character data type are convertible and comparable to non-text data types.