
The yb-admin utility, located in the bin directory of YugabyteDB home, provides a command line interface for administering clusters.

It invokes the yb-master and yb-tserver binaries to perform the necessary administration.


To use the yb-admin utility from the YugabyteDB home directory, run ./bin/yb-admin using the following syntax.

  1. yb-admin [ -master_addresses <master-addresses> ] [ -timeout_ms <millisec> ] [ -certs_dir_name <dir_name> ] <command> [ command_options ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • timeout_ms: The RPC timeout, in milliseconds. Default value is 60000. A value of 0 means don’t wait; -1 means wait indefinitely.
  • certs_dir_name: The directory with certificates to use for secure server connections. Default value is "".
    • To connect to a cluster with TLS enabled, you must include the -certs_dir_name option with the directory location where the root certificate is located.
  • command: The operation to be performed. See command for syntax details and examples.
  • command_options: Configuration options, or flags, that can be applied to the command.

Online help

To display the online help, run yb-admin —help from the YugabyteDB home directory.

  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin --help


Universe and cluster commands


Gets the configuration for the universe.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> get_universe_config
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Changes the configuration of a tablet.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> change_config <tablet_id> [ ADD_SERVER | REMOVE_SERVER ] <peer_uuid> [ PRE_VOTER | PRE_OBSERVER ]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) of the tablet.
  • ADD SERVER | REMOVE SERVER: Subcommand to add or remove the server.
  • peer_uuid: The UUID of the peer.
  • PRE_VOTER | PRE_OBSERVER: Role of the new peer joining the quorum. Required when using the ADD_SERVER subcommand.


If you need to take a node down temporarily, but intend to bring it back up, you should not need to use the REMOVE_SERVER subcommand.

  • If the node is down for less than 15 minutes, it will catch up through RPC calls when it comes back online.
  • If the node is offline longer than 15 minutes, then it will go through Remote Bootstrap, where the current leader will forward all relevant files to catch up.

If you do not intend to bring a node back up (perhaps you brought it down for maintenance, but discovered that the disk is bad), then you want to decommission the node (using the REMOTE_SERVER subcommand) and then add in a new node (using the ADD_SERVER subcommand).


Changes the master configuration.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> change_master_config [ ADD_SERVER|REMOVE_SERVER ] <ip_addr> <port> [ 0 | 1 ]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD_SERVER | REMOVE_SERVER: Adds or removes a new YB-Master server.
  • ip_addr: The IP address of the server node.
  • port: The port of the server node.
  • 0 | 1: Disabled (0) or enabled (1). Default is 1.



  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tablet_servers <tablet_id>
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) of the tablet.


Lists all tablets and their replica locations for a particular table.

Useful to find out who the LEADER of a tablet is.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tablets <keyspace> <table_name> [max_tablets]
  • master_addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The namespace, or name of the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: The name of the table.
  • max_tablets: The maximum number of tables to be returned. Default is 10. Set to 0 to return all tablets.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 list_tablets ydb test_tb 0
  1. Tablet UUID Range Leader
  2. cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a partition_key_start: "" partition_key_end: "\177\377"
  3. e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479 partition_key_start: "\177\377" partition_key_end: ""


Lists all tablet servers.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_all_tablet_servers
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Displays a list of all YB-Master servers in a table listing the master UUID, RPC host and port, state (ALIVE or DEAD), and role (LEADER, FOLLOWER, or UNKNOWN_ROLE).


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_all_masters
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses node7:7100,node8:7100,node9:7100 list_all_masters
  1. Master UUID RPC Host/Port State Role
  2. ... node8:7100 ALIVE FOLLOWER
  3. ... node9:7100 ALIVE FOLLOWER
  4. ... node7:7100 ALIVE LEADER


Prints a list of replica types and counts for the specified table.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_replica_type_counts <keyspace> <table_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: The name of the table.


Prints the status of the YB-Master servers.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> dump_masters_state
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


List the locations of the tablet server logs.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tablet_server_log_locations
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Lists all tablets for the specified tablet server (YB-TServer).


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tablets_for_tablet_server <ts_uuid>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ts_uuid: The UUID of the tablet server (YB-TServer).

Table commands


Prints a list of all tables.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tables
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

Returns tables in the following format:

  1. <namespace>.<table_name>
  • namespace: Name of the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: Name of the table.

TipTo display a list of tables and their UUID (table_id) values, open the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and click Tables in the navigation bar.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 list_tables
  1. ...
  2. yugabyte.pg_range
  3. template1.pg_attrdef
  4. template0.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index
  5. template1.pg_conversion
  6. system_platform.pg_opfamily
  7. postgres.pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index
  8. system_schema.functions
  9. template0.pg_statistic
  10. system.local
  11. template1.pg_inherits_parent_index
  12. template1.pg_amproc
  13. system_platform.pg_rewrite
  14. yugabyte.pg_ts_config_cfgname_index
  15. template1.pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index
  16. template1.pg_class
  17. template1.pg_largeobject
  18. system_platform.sql_parts
  19. template1.pg_inherits
  20. ...


Prints a list of all tables, prefixed by the database type (ysql, ycql, or yedis)


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_tables_with_db_types
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

Returns tables in the following format:

  1. <db_type>.<namespace>.<table_name>


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 list_tables_with_db_types
  1. ycql.system_schema.indexes
  2. ycql.system_schema.keyspaces
  3. ycql.system_schema.sys.catalog
  4. ycql.system_schema.tables
  5. ycql.system_schema.triggers
  6. ycql.system_schema.types
  7. ycql.system_schema.views
  8. ysql.postgres.sql_features
  9. ysql.postgres.sql_implementation_info
  10. ysql.postgres.sql_languages
  11. ysql.postgres.sql_packages
  12. ...


Triggers manual compaction on a table.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> compact_table <keyspace> <table_name> [timeout_in_seconds] (default 20)
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: Specifies the database ysql.db-name or keyspace ycql.keyspace-name.
  • table_name: Specifies the table name.
  • timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration, in seconds when the cli timeouts waiting for compaction to end. Default value is 20.

Example YCQL

  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 compact_table ycql.kong test
  2. Started compaction of table kong.test
  3. Compaction request id: 75c406c1d2964487985f9c852a8ef2a3
  4. Waiting for compaction...
  5. Compaction complete: SUCCESS

Backup and snapshot commands


Lists the snapshots and current status.

You can use this command to see when snapshot creation is finished.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> list_snapshots
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 list_snapshots
  1. Snapshot UUID State
  2. 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 COMPLETE


Creates a snapshot.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> create_snapshot <keyspace> <table_name> [<keyspace> <table_name>]... [flush_timeout_in_seconds]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • keyspace: Specifies the database or keyspace.
  • table_name: Specifies the table name.
  • flush_timeout_in_seconds: Specifies duration, in seconds, before flushing snapshot. Default value is 60. Set to 0 to skip flushing.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 create_snapshot ydb test_tb
  1. Started flushing table ydb.test_tb
  2. Flush request id: fe0db953a7a5416c90f01b1e11a36d24
  3. Waiting for flushing...
  4. Flushing complete: SUCCESS
  5. Started snapshot creation: 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295

To see if the snapshot creation has finished, run the yb-admin list_snapshots command.


Restores the specified snapshot.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> restore_snapshot <snapshot_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


Generates a metadata file for the given snapshot, listing all the relevant internal UUIDs for various objects (table, tablet, etc.).


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> export_snapshot <snapshot_id> <file_name>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot_id: The identifier (ID) for the snapshot.
  • file_name: The name of the the file to contain the metadata. Recommended file extension is .snapshot.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 export_snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 test_tb.snapshot
  1. Exporting snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 (COMPLETE) to file test_tb.snapshot
  2. Snapshot meta data was saved into file: test_tb.snapshot


Imports the specified snapshot metadata file.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> import_snapshot <file_name> [<keyspace> <table_name> [<keyspace> <table_name>]...]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • file_name: The name of the snapshot file to import
  • keyspace: The name of the database or keyspace
  • table_name: The name of the table

NoteThe keyspace and the table can be different from the exported one.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 import_snapshot test_tb.snapshot ydb test_tb
  1. Read snapshot meta file test_tb.snapshot
  2. Importing snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 (COMPLETE)
  3. Target imported table name: ydb.test_tb
  4. Table being imported: ydb.test_tb
  5. Successfully applied snapshot.
  6. Object Old ID New ID
  7. Keyspace c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799 c478ed4f570841489dd973aacf0b3799
  8. Table ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720 ff4389ee7a9d47ff897d3cec2f18f720
  9. Tablet 0 cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a cea3aaac2f10460a880b0b4a2a4b652a
  10. Tablet 1 e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479 e509cf8eedba410ba3b60c7e9138d479
  11. Snapshot 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295 4963ed18fc1e4f1ba38c8fcf4058b295


Deletes the snapshot information, usually cleaned up at the end, since this is supposed to be a transient state.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> delete_snapshot <snapshot_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • snapshot_id: The identifier (ID) of the snapshot.

Deployment topology commands

Multi-zone and multi-region commands


Modifies the placement information (cloud, region, and zone) for a deployment.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> modify_placement_info <placement_info> <replication_factor> [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: Comma-delimited list of placements for cloud.region.zone. Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas for each tablet.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the primary cluster, which can be any unique string. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin --master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
  2. modify_placement_info \
  3. aws.us-west.us-west-2a,aws.us-west.us-west-2b,aws.us-west.us-west-2c 3

You can verify the new placement information by running the following curl command:

  1. $ curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

Sets the preferred availability zones (AZs) and regions.

NoteWhen nodes in the the “preferred” availability zones and regions are alive and healthy,the tablet leaders are placed on nodes in those zones and regions.By default, all nodes are eligible to have tablet leaders.Having all tablet leaders reside in 1 region willreduce the number of network hops that the db must do to write transactions and thus increase performance and lowering latency.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> set_preferred_zones <cloud.region.zone> [<cloud.region.zone>]...
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • cloud.region.zone: Specifies the cloud, region, and zone. Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.

Suppose we have a deployment with regions: gcp.us-east4.us-east4-b, gcp.asia-northeast1.asia-northeast1-c,gcp.us-west1.us-west1-c. Looking at the cluster config:

  1. $ curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

We have a sample config:

  1. replication_info {
  2. live_replicas {
  3. num_replicas: 3
  4. placement_blocks {
  5. cloud_info {
  6. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  7. placement_region: "us-west1"
  8. placement_zone: "us-west1-c"
  9. }
  10. min_num_replicas: 1
  11. }
  12. placement_blocks {
  13. cloud_info {
  14. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  15. placement_region: "us-east4"
  16. placement_zone: "us-east4-b"
  17. }
  18. min_num_replicas: 1
  19. }
  20. placement_blocks {
  21. cloud_info {
  22. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  23. placement_region: "us-asia-northeast1"
  24. placement_zone: "us-asia-northeast1-c"
  25. }
  26. min_num_replicas: 1
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }

The following command sets the preferred zone to gcp.us-west1.us-west1-c:

  1. ssh -i $PEM $ADMIN_USER@$MASTER1 \
  2. ~/master/bin/yb-admin --master_addresses $MASTER_RPC_ADDRS \
  3. set_preferred_zones \
  4. gcp.us-west1.us-west1-c

Verify by running the following.

  1. $ curl -s http://<any-master-ip>:7000/cluster-config

Looking again at the cluster config you should see affinitized_leaders added:

  1. replication_info {
  2. live_replicas {
  3. num_replicas: 3
  4. placement_blocks {
  5. cloud_info {
  6. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  7. placement_region: "us-west1"
  8. placement_zone: "us-west1-c"
  9. }
  10. min_num_replicas: 1
  11. }
  12. placement_blocks {
  13. cloud_info {
  14. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  15. placement_region: "us-east4"
  16. placement_zone: "us-east4-b"
  17. }
  18. min_num_replicas: 1
  19. }
  20. placement_blocks {
  21. cloud_info {
  22. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  23. placement_region: "us-asia-northeast1"
  24. placement_zone: "us-asia-northeast1-c"
  25. }
  26. min_num_replicas: 1
  27. }
  28. }
  29. affinitized_leaders {
  30. placement_cloud: "gcp"
  31. placement_region: "us-west1"
  32. placement_zone: "us-west1-c"
  33. }
  34. }

Master-follower commands



  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> setup_universe_replication <producer_universe_uuid> <producer_master_addresses> <comma_separated_list_of_table_ids>
  • producer_universe_uuid: The UUID of the producer universe.
  • producer_master_addresses: Comma-separated list of master producer addresses.
  • comma_separated_list_of_table_ids: Comma-separated list of table identifiers (table_id).

TipTo display a list of tables and their UUID (table_id) values, open the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and click Tables in the navigation bar.


  1. ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses,, setup_universe_replication e260b8b6-e89f-4505-bb8e-b31f74aa29f3,, 000030a5000030008000000000004000,000030a5000030008000000000004005,dfef757c415c4b2cacc9315b8acb539a

Deletes universe replication for the specified producer universe.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> delete_universe_replication <producer_universe_uuid>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • producer_universe_uuid: The UUID of the producer universe.

Sets the universe replication to be enabled or disabled.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> set_universe_replication_enabled <producer_universe_uuid>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • producer_universe_uuid: The UUID of the producer universe.
  • 0 | 1: Disabled (0) or enabled (1). Default is 1.

Read replica commands


Add a read replica cluster to the master configuration.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> add_read_replica_placement_info <placement_info> <replication_factor> [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: A comma-delimited list of placements for cloud.region.zone. Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the read replica cluster, which can be any unique string. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used. Primary and read replica clusters must use different placement IDs.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> modify_read_replica_placement_info <placement_info> <replication_factor> [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_info: A comma-delimited list of placements for cloud.region.zone. Default value is cloud1.datacenter1.rack1.
  • replication_factor: The number of replicas.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the read replica cluster, which can be any unique string. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used. Primary and read replica clusters must use different placement IDs.

Delete the read replica.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> delete_read_replica_placement_info [ <placement_id> ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • placement_id: The identifier of the read replica cluster, which can be any unique string. If not set, a randomly-generated ID will be used. Primary and read replica clusters must use different placement IDs.

Security commands

Encryption at rest commands

For details on using encryption at rest, see Encryption at rest.


Sets the contents of key_path in-memory on each YB-Master node.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> add_universe_keys_to_all_masters <key_id> <key_path>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].
  • key_path: The path to the file containing the universe key.

NoteAfter adding the universe keys to all YB-Master nodes, you can verify the keys exist using the yb-admin all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory command and enable encryption using the rotate_universe_key_in_memory command.


Checks whether the universe key associated with the provided key_id exists in-memory on each YB-Master node.

  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory <key_id>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].


Rotates the in-memory universe key to start encrypting newly-written data files with the universe key associated with the provided key_id.

NoteThe all_masters_have_universe_key_in_memory value must be true for the universe key to be successfully rotated and enabled).

  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> rotate_universe_key_in_memory <key_id>
  • key_id: Universe-unique identifier (can be any string, such as a string of a UUID) that will be associated to the universe key contained in the contents of key_path as a byte[].


Disables the in-memory encryption at rest for newly-written data files.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> disable_encryption_in_memory

Checks if cluster-wide encryption is enabled.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> is_encryption_enabled
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

Returns message:

  1. Encryption status: ENABLED with key id <key_id_2>

The new key ID (<key_id_2>) should be different from the previous one (<key_id>).


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 is_encryption_enabled
  1. Encryption status: ENABLED with key id <key_id_2>

Change data capture (CDC) commands


Creates a change data capture (CDC) stream for the specified table.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> create_cdc_stream <table_id>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • table_id: The identifier (ID) of the table.

TipTo display a list of tables and their UUID (table_id) values, open the YB-Master UI (<master_host>:7000/) and click Tables in the navigation bar.

Decommissioning commands


Gets the tablet load move completion percentage for blacklisted nodes.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> get_leader_blacklist_completion
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 get_leader_blacklist_completion


Changes the blacklist for YB-TServer servers.

After old YB-TServer servers are terminated, you can use this command to clean up the blacklist.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> change_blacklist [ ADD | REMOVE ] <ip_addr>:<port> [ <ip_addr>:<port> ]...
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD | REMOVE: Adds or removes the specified YB-TServer server.
  • ip_addr:port: The IP address and port of the YB-TServer.


  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 change_blacklist ADD node1:9100 node2:9100 node3:9100 node4:9100 node5:9100 node6:9100



  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> change_leader_blacklist ADD | REMOVE <ip_addr>:<port> [<ip_addr>:<port>]...
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • ADD | REMOVE: Adds or removes nodes from blacklist.
  • ip_addr: The IP address of the node.
  • port: The port of the node.

Rebalancing commands


Enables or disables the load balancer.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> set_load_balancer_enabled [ 0 | 1 ]
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • 0 | 1: Enabled (1) is the default. To disable, set to 0.


  1. ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 set_load_balancer_enabled 0


Checks the percentage completion of the data move.

You can rerun this command periodically until the value reaches 100.0, indicating that the data move has completed.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> get_load_move_completion
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.

NoteThe time needed to complete a data move depends on the following:

  • number of tablets and tables
  • size of each of those tablets
  • SSD transfer speeds
  • network bandwidth between new nodes and existing ones

For an example of performing a data move and the use of this command, see Change cluster configuration.


In the following example, the data move is 66.6 percent done.

  1. $ ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 get_load_move_completion

Returns the following percentage:

  1. 66.6


Finds out if the load balancer is idle.


  1. yb-admin -master_addresses <master-addresses> get_is_load_balancer_idle
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.


  1. ./bin/yb-admin -master_addresses ip1:7100,ip2:7100,ip3:7100 get_is_load_balancer_idle