
YSQL authentication, the process of identifying that YSQL users are who they say they are, is based on roles. Users, groups, and roles within YugabyteDB are created using roles. Typically, a role that has login privileges is known as a user, while a group is a role that can have multiple users as members.

Users, roles, and groups allow administrators to verify whether a particular user or role is authorized to create, access, change, or remove databases or manage users and roles. Authorization is the process of managing access controls based on roles. For YSQL, enabling authentication automatically enables authorization and the role-based access control (RBAC) model, to determine the access privileges. Authentication verifies the identity of a user while authorization determines the verified user’s database access privileges.

Users and roles can be created with superuser, non-superuser, and login privileges, and the roles that users have are used to determine what access privileges are available. Administrators can create users and roles using the CREATE ROLE statement (or its alias, CREATE USER). After users and roles have been created, ALTER ROLE and DROP ROLE statements are used to change or remove users and roles.

YSQL authorization is the process of access control created by granting or revoking privileges to YSQL users and roles, see Authorization. Privileges are managed using GRANT, REVOKE, CREATE ROLE, ALTER ROLE, and DROP ROLE.

Specify default user password

When you start a YugabyteDB cluster, the YB-Master and YB-TServer services are launched using the default user, named yugabyte, and then this user is connected to the default database, also named yugabyte. When YSQL authentication is enabled, all users (including yugabyte) require a password to log into a YugabyteDB database. Before you start YugabyteDB with YSQL authentication enabled, you need to make sure that the yugabyte user has a password.

Starting in YugabyteDB 2.0.1, the default yugabyte user has a default password of yugabyte that lets this user sign into YugabyteDB when YSQL authentication is enabled. If you are using YugabyteDB 2.0.1 or later, you can skip the steps here to create a password and jump to the next section on enabling YSQL authentication.

If you are using YugabyteDB 2.0 (and not 2.0.1 or later) and have not assigned a password to the yugabyte user yet, follow these steps to quickly add a password:

  • With your YugabyteDB cluster up and running, open ysqlsh.
  • Run the following ALTER ROLE statement, specifying a password (yugabyte or a password of your choice).
  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE yugabyte with password 'yugabyte';

Assuming that you’ve successfully added a password for the yugabyte user, you can continue to the next section and learn how to start, or restart, your YugabyteDB cluster with YSQL authentication enabled.

Enable YSQL authentication

Start local clusters

To enable YSQL authentication in your local YugabyteDB clusters, you can use the —tserver_flags option with the yb-ctl create, yb-ctl start, and yb-ctl restart commands to add the —ysql_auth_enabled option.

When you create a local cluster, you can run the yb-ctl create command like this to enable YSQL authentication in the newly-created cluster.

  1. ./bin/yb-ctl create --tserver_flags "ysql_enable_auth=true"

After your local cluster has been created, you can enable YSQL authentication when you start your cluster with a yb-ctl start command like this:

  1. ./bin/yb-ctl start --tserver_flags "ysql_enable_auth=true"

To restart your cluster, you can run the yb-ctl restart command with the —tserver_flags option to restart your cluster, like this:

  1. ./bin/yb-ctl restart --tserver_flags "ysql_enable_auth=true"

Start YB-TServer services

To enable YSQL authentication in deployable YugabyteDB clusters, you need to start your yb-tserver services using the —ysql_enable_auth option. Your command should look similar to this command:

  1. ./bin/yb-tserver \
  2. --tserver_master_addrs <master addresses> \
  3. --fs_data_dirs <data directories> \
  4. --ysql_enable_auth=true \
  5. >& /home/centos/disk1/yb-tserver.out &

You can also enable YSQL authentication by adding the —ysql_enable_auth=true to the YB-TServer configuration file (tserver.conf). For more information, see Start YB-TServers.

Open the YSQL shell (ysqlsh)

A YugabyteDB cluster with authentication enabled starts with the default admin user of yugabyte and the default database of yugabyte. You can connect to the cluster and use the YSQL shell by running the following ysqlsh command from the YugabyteDB home directory:

  1. $ ./bin/ysqlsh -U yugabyte

You will be prompted to enter the password. Upon successful login to the YSQL shell, you will see the following:

  1. ysqlsh (11.2-YB-
  2. Type "help" for help.
  3. yugabyte=#

Common user authentication tasks

Here are some common authentication-related tasks. For authorization-related tasks, see Authorization.

Creating users

To add a new user, run the CREATE ROLE statement or its alias, the CREATE USER statement. Users are roles that have the LOGIN privilege granted to them. Roles created with the SUPERUSER option in addition to the LOGIN option have full access to the database. Superusers can run all of the YSQL statements on any of the database resources.

NOTE By default, creating a role does not grant the LOGIN or the SUPERUSER privileges — these need to be explicitly granted.

Create a regular user

To add a new regular user (with non-superuser privileges) named john, with the password PasswdForJohn, and grant him LOGIN privileges, run the following CREATE ROLE command.

  1. yugabyte=# CREATE ROLE john WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'PasswdForJohn';

To verify the user account just created, you can run a query like this:

  1. yugabyte=# SELECT role, can_login, is_superuser, member_of FROM system_auth.roles;

You should see the following output.

  1. role | can_login | is_superuser | member_of
  2. -----------+-----------+--------------+-----------
  3. john | True | False | []
  4. yugabyte | True | True | []
  5. (2 rows)

Create a user with SUPERUSER status

The SUPERUSER status should be given only to a limited number of users. Applications should generally not access the database using an account that has the superuser privilege.

NOTE Only a role with the SUPERUSER privilege can create a new role with the SUPERUSER privilege, or grant it to an existing role.

To create a superuser admin with the LOGIN privilege, run the following command using a superuser account:

  1. yugabyte=# CREATE ROLE admin WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER PASSWORD = 'PasswdForAdmin';

To verify the admin account just created, run the following query.

  1. yugabyte=# SELECT rolname, rolsuper, rolcanlogin FROM pg_roles;

To see all of the information available in the pg_roles table, run SELECT * from pg_roles.

You should see a table output similar to this:

  1. rolname | rolsuper | rolcanlogin
  2. ---------------------------+----------+-------------
  3. postgres | t | t
  4. ...
  5. yugabyte | t | t
  6. steve | f | t
  7. john | f | t
  8. (13 rows)

In this table, you can see that both postgres and yugabyte users can log in and have SUPERUSER status.

As an easier alternative, you can simply run the \du command to see this information in a simpler, easier-to-read format:

  1. List of roles
  2. Role name | Attributes | Member of
  3. -----------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------
  4. john | Cannot login | {}
  5. postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
  6. steve | Superuser | {sysadmin}
  7. sysadmin | Create role, Create DB | {}
  8. yugabyte | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Connect to ysqlsh using non-default credentials

You can connect to a YSQL cluster with authentication enabled as follows:

  1. $ ysqlsh -U <username>

You will be prompted for a password.

As an example of connecting as a user, you can login with the credentials of the user john that you created above by running the following command and entering the password when prompted:

  1. $ ysqlsh -U john

Edit user accounts

You can edit existing user accounts using the ALTER ROLE command. Note that the role making these changes should have sufficient privileges to modify the target role.

Changing password for a user

To change the password for john above, you can do:

  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE john PASSWORD 'new-password';

Granting and removing superuser privileges

In the example above, we can verify that john is not a superuser using the following SELECT statement:

  1. yugabyte=# SELECT rolname, rolsuper, rolcanlogin FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='john';
  1. rolname | rolsuper | rolcanlogin
  2. ---------+----------+-------------
  3. john | f | t
  4. (1 row)

Even easier, you can use the YSQL \du meta command to display information about the users:

  1. yugabyte=# \du
  1. List of roles
  2. Role name | Attributes | Member of
  3. ----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------
  4. john | | {}
  5. postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
  6. sysadmin | Create role, Create DB | {}
  7. yugabyte | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Users with SUPERUSER status display “Superuser” in the list of attributes for each role.

To grant SUPERUSER privileges to john, run the following ALTER ROLE command.

  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE john SUPERUSER;

You can now verify that john is now a superuser by running the \du command.

  1. yugabyte=#\du
  1. List of roles
  2. Role name | Attributes | Member of
  3. ----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------
  4. john | Superuser | {}
  5. postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
  6. sysadmin | Create role, Create DB | {}
  7. yugabyte | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
  8. (1 row)

NoteIn YugabyteDB (just as in PostgreSQL), SUPERUSER status includes all of the following attributes: CREATEROLE (“Create role”), CREATEDB (“Create DB”), REPLICATION (“Replication”), and BYPASSRLS (“Bypass RLS”). Whether these attributes display or not, all superusers have these attributes.

Similarly, you can revoke superuser privileges by running:

  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE john WITH NOSUPERUSER;

Enable and disable login privileges

In the example above, we can verify that john can login to the database by doing the following:

  1. yugabyte=# SELECT role, rolcanlogin FROM pg_roles WHERE role='john';
  1. rolname | rolcanlogin
  2. ---------+-------------
  3. john | t
  4. (1 rows)

To disable login privileges for john, run the following command.

  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE john WITH NOLOGIN;

You can verify this as follows.

  1. yugabyte=# SELECT rolname, rolcanlogin FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='john';
  1. rolname | rolcanlogin
  2. ---------+-------------
  3. john | f
  4. (1 row)

Trying to login as john using ysqlsh will throw the following error.

  1. yugabyte=# ./bin/ysqlsh -U john
  2. Password for user john:

After entering the correct password, John would see the following message:

  1. ysqlsh: FATAL: role "john" is not permitted to log in

To re-enable login privileges for john, run the following command.

  1. yugabyte=# ALTER ROLE john WITH LOGIN;

Delete a user

You can delete a user with the DROP ROLE statement.

For example, to drop the user john in the above example, run the following command as a superuser:

  1. yugabyte=# DROP ROLE john;

You can quickly verify that the john role was dropped by running the \du command:

  1. yugabyte=# \du
  1. List of roles
  2. Role name | Attributes | Member of
  3. -----------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------
  4. postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
  5. sysadmin | Create role, Create DB | {}
  6. yugabyte | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}