1 配置一个触发器



  • 点击Zabbix上方菜单栏的ConfigurationHosts

  • 在Host那一行点击Triggers

  • 在右上角点击Create Trigger(或者在触发器名称上编辑一个现有的触发器)

  • 在打开的页面输入触发器的参数



1 配置一个触发器 - 图1

Name触发器名称。这个名称可能包含支持的macros:{HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.CONN}, {HOST.DNS}, {HOST.IP}, {ITEM.VALUE},{ITEM.LASTVALUE}{$MACRO}$1, $2…$9宏可以用来指代第一、第二至第九个表达式的常量。备注:$1-$9如果引用了相对简单的常量或易懂的表达式,宏将会正确解析。例如,如果表达式为{New host:system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1].last()}>5,则名为“Processor load above $1 on {HOST.NAME}“的触发器名称将自动更改为”Processor load above 5 on New host”
Problem expression用于定义问题条件的逻辑expression
OK event generationOK event generation选项:\Expression - OK events are generated based on the same expression as problem events;Recovery expression - OK events are generated if the recovery expression evaluates to TRUE and the problem expression evaluates to FALSE;None - in this case the trigger will never return to an OK state on its own.Supported since Zabbix 3.2.0.
Recovery expressionLogical expression used to define the conditions when the problem is resolved.This field is optional and only available if 'Recovery expression' is selected for OK event generation.Supported since Zabbix 3.2.0.
Tag for matchingEnter event tag name to use for event correlation.This field is displayed if 'All problems if tag values match' is selected for the OK event closes property and is mandatory in this case.Supported since Zabbix 3.2.0.
TagsSet custom tags to mark trigger events.Event tags can be used for event correlation, in action conditions and will also be seen in MonitoringProblems.Tags are a pair of tag name and value. You can use only the name or pair it with a value.User macros, user macro context, low-level discovery macros and macro functions: {{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(pattern, output)}, {{ITEM.VALUE}.iregsub(pattern, output)} are supported in event tags. Low-level discovery macros can be used inside macro context. If the total length of expanded value exceeds 255, it will be cut to 255 characters.Supported since Zabbix 3.2.0.
Allow manual closeCheck to allow manual closing of problem events generated by this trigger. Manual closing is possible when acknowledging problem events.This field is available if event acknowledgement is activated in AdministrationGeneral. Supported since Zabbix 3.2.0.
URL如果此处不为空,则在此处输入的URL可在点击Monitoring → Triggers的trigger name的时候链接于此。可以在触发器URL字段 - {TRIGGER.ID}, 多个{HOST.*}宏(Zabbix3.0.0以后的版本)和用户宏(Zabbix3.0.0以后的版本)中使用宏。


