2 链接/取消链接


Linking is a process whereby templates are applied to hosts, whereas unlinking removes the association with the template from a host.





  • 转到配置→主机

  • 单击所需的主机并切换到模板选项卡

  • 点击链接指示器旁边的选择

  • 在弹出窗口中选择一个或多个模板

  • 单击主机属性窗体中的添加/更新

The host will now have all the entities (items, triggers, graphs, etc) of the template.




  • 主机上以前存在的相同实体被更新为模板的实体

  • 添加模板中的实体

  • any directly linked entities that, prior to template linkage, existed only on the host remain untouched

  • 在模板连接之前,只存在于主机上的任何直接链接的实体保持不变

In the lists, all entities from the template now are prefixed by the template name, indicating that these belong to the particular template. The template name itself (in grey text) is a link allowing to access the list of those entities on the template level.


If some entity (item, trigger, graph etc.) is not prefixed by the template name, it means that it existed on the host before and was not added by the template.



When adding entities (items, triggers, graphs etc.) from a template it is important to know what of those entities already exist on the host and need to be updated and what entities differ. The uniqueness criteria for deciding upon the sameness/difference are:


  • for items - the item key

  • 用于监控项 - 项目键

  • for triggers - trigger name and expression

  • 用于触发器 - 触发器名称和表达式

  • for custom graphs - graph name and its items

  • 用于自定义图形 - 图形名称及其项目

  • for applications - application name

  • 用于应用集 - 应用集名称


There are some ways of mass-applying templates (to many hosts at once):有一些批量应用模板的方法(对许多主机一次搞定):

  • To link a template to many hosts, in Configuration → Templates, click on the template, then select hosts from the respective group in the Other box, click on « and update the template.

  • 要将模板链接到许多主机,请在配置→模板中单击模板,然后从其他主机框中的相应组中选择主机,然后单击 «更新模板。

Vice versa, if you select the linked hosts in the In box, click on » and update the template, you unlink the template from these hosts (while the hosts will still inherit the items, triggers, graphs etc. from the template).

反之亦然,如果您在“收件箱”中选择链接的主机,请单击 »并更新模板,从该模板中取消链接模板(主机仍将从模板继承监控项,触发器,图表等)。

  • To update template linkage of many hosts, in Configuration → Hosts select some hosts by marking their checkboxes, then click on Mass update below the list and then in the Templates tab select to link additional templates:

  • 要更新许多主机的模板链接,在配置→主机中通过标记其复选框来选择一些主机,然后单击列表下方的批量更新,然后在模板选项卡中选择链接其他模板:

2  链接\/取消链接 - 图1

Select Link templates and start typing the template name in the auto-complete field until a dropdown appears offering the matching templates. Just scroll down to select the template to link.


The Replace option will allow to link a new template while unlinking any template that was linked to the hosts before. The Clear when unlinking option will allow to not only unlink any previously linked templates, but also remove all elements inherited from them (items, triggers, etc.).




If you try to edit an item or trigger that was linked from the template, you may realize that many key options are disabled for editing. This makes sense as the idea of templates is that things are edited in one-touch manner on the template level. However, you still can, for example, enable/disable an item on the individual host and set the update interval, history length and some other parameters.


If you want to edit the entity fully, you have to edit it on the template level (template level shortcut is displayed in the form name), keeping in mind that these changes will affect all hosts that have this template linked to them.




  • 转到配置→主机

  • Click on the required host and switch to the Templates tab

  • 单击所需的主机并切换到模板选项卡

  • 单击取消链接取消链接并清理模板旁边以取消链接

  • 单击主机属性窗体中的更新

Choosing the Unlink option will simply remove association with the template, while leaving all its entities (items, triggers, graphs etc.) with the host.


Choosing the Unlink and clear option will remove both the association with the template and all its entities (items, triggers, graphs etc.).
