3 嵌套


Nesting is a way of one template encompassing one or more other templates.


As it makes sense to separate out on individual templates entities for various services, applications etc. you may end up with quite a few templates all of which may need to be linked to quite a few hosts. To simplify the picture, it is possible to link some templates together, in one “nested” template.


The benefit of nesting is that then you have to link only the one template to the host and the host will inherit all entities of the linked templates automatically.




  • 打开模板属性窗体

  • Look for the Linked templates tab

  • 查找链接的模板选项卡

  • Click on Select to select templates in the popup window

  • 单击选择以在弹出窗口中选择模板

  • Click on Add to list selected templates

  • 单击添加以列出所选模板

  • 单击模板属性窗体中的添加/更新

Now the template should have all the entities (items, triggers, custom graphs etc.) of the linked templates.


To unlink any of the linked templates, in the same form use the Unlink or Unlink and clear buttons and click on Update.


Choosing the Unlink option will simply remove the association with the other template, while not removing all its entities (items, triggers, graphs etc).


Choosing the Unlink and clear option will remove both the association with the other template and all its entities (items, triggers, graphs etc).



  • You may have a setup where an Admin level user has Read-write access to some Template A while not having Read-write access to Template B that holds Template A in a nested setup. In this case, an item created on Template A, while inherited by the hosts of Template A, will not be inherited by the hosts of Template B. Thus, creating a trigger for such an item will fail altogether, because of missing corresponding items on hosts of Template B.

  • 您可以设置一个设置,其中一个管理级用户对某个模板A具有读写访问,而不具有读写访问模板B,该模板B在一个嵌套的设置中保存模板A。在这种情况下,在模板A上创建的项,而由模板A的宿主继承,将不会被模板B的主机继承,因此,创建这样一个项的触发器将完全失败,因为在模板B的主机上缺少相应的项。