> Maintenance object

The following objects are directly related to the maintenance API.以下对象与“维护”API直接相关

Maintenance 维护

The maintenance object has the following properties.维护对象具有以下属性。

属性 类型 说明
maintenanceid string (readonly) ID of the maintenance.
name(required) string Name of the maintenance.
activesince timestamp Time when the maintenance becomes active. Default: current time.
active_till timestamp Time when the maintenance stops being active. Default: the next day.
description string Description of the maintenance.
maintenance_type integer Type of maintenance. Possible values: 0 - (default)_ with data collection; 1 - without data collection.

Time period 时间段

The time period object is used to define periods when the maintenance must come into effect. It has the following properties.时间段对象用于定义维护生效期间。 它具有以下属性。

属性 类型 说明
timeperiodid string (readonly) ID of the maintenance.
day integer Day of the month when the maintenance must come into effect. Required only for monthly time periods.
dayofweek integer Days of the week when the maintenance must come into effect. Days are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding day. For example, 4 equals 100 in binary and means, that maintenance will be enabled on Wednesday. Used for weekly and monthly time periods. Required only for weekly time periods.
every integer For daily and weekly periods every defines day or week intervals at which the maintenance must come into effect. For monthly periods every defines the week of the month when the maintenance must come into effect. Possible values: 1 - first week; 2 - second week; 3 - third week; 4 - fourth week; 5 - last week.
month integer Months when the maintenance must come into effect. Months are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding month. For example, 5 equals 101 in binary and means, that maintenance will be enabled in January and March. Required only for monthly time periods.
period integer Duration of the maintenance period in seconds. Default: 3600.
startdate timestamp Date when the maintenance period must come into effect. Required only for one time periods. Default: current date.
start_time integer Time of day when the maintenance starts in seconds. Required for daily, weekly and monthly periods.
timeperiod_type integer Type of time period. Possible values: 0 - (default)_ one time only; 2 - daily; 3 - weekly; 4 - monthly.