


integer/array alert.get(object parameters)整数/数组 alert.get(对象 参数)

The method allows to retrieve alerts according to the given parameters.该方式允许根据给定的参数检索警报.



(object) Parameters defining the desired output.(object) 定义所需输出的参数.

The method supports the following parameters.该方法支持以下参数.

Parameter Type Description
参数 类型 描述
alertids string/array Return only alerts with the given IDs.
alertids string/array 只返回给定ID的alerts.
actionids string/array Return only alerts generated by the given actions.
actionids string/array 只返回给定actions生成的alerts.
eventids string/array Return only alerts generated by the given events.
eventids string/array 只返回给定事件生成的alerts.
groupids string/array Return only alerts generated by objects from the given host groups.
groupids string/array 只返回来自给定主机组的对象生成的alerts.
hostids string/array Return only alerts generated by objects from the given hosts.
hostids string/array 只返回来自给定主机的对象生成的alerts.
mediatypeids string/array Return only message alerts that used the given media types.
mediatypeids string/array 只返回用于给定报警媒介类型的消息警报.
objectids string/array Return only alerts generated by the given objects
objectids string/array 只返回给定对象生成的alerts
userids string/array Return only message alerts that were sent to the given users.
userids string/array 只返回发送给给定用户的消息警报.
eventobject integer Return only alerts generated by events related to objects of the given type. Refer to the event "object" property for a list of supported object types. Default: 0 - trigger.
eventsource integer Return only alerts generated by events of the given type. Refer to the event "source" property for a list of supported event types. Default: 0 - trigger events.
time_from timestamp Return only alerts that have been generated after the given time.
time_till timestamp Return only alerts that have been generated before the given time.
事件对象 整数 只返回与给定类型的对象相关的事件生成的警报. 有关支持对象类型的列表,请参阅event "object" property . 默认值: 0 - 触发器.
事件来源 整数 只返回给定类型的事件生成的警报. 有关支持事件类型的列表,请参阅 event "source" property . 默认值: 0 - 触发事件.
time_from 时间戳 只返回在给定时间之后生成的警报.
time_till 时间戳 只返回在给定时间之前生成的警报.
selectHosts query Return the hosts that triggered the action operation in the hosts property.
selectHosts query 在“hosts”属性中返回触发action操作的主机.
selectMediatypes query Return the media type that was used for the message alert as an array in the mediatypes property.
selectMediatypes query 将用于消息警报的报警媒介类型作为“mediatypes”属性中的数组返回.
selectUsers query Return the user that the message was addressed to as an array in the users property.
selectUsers query 将消息被寻址的用户作为“users”属性中的数组返回.
sortfield string/array Sort the result by the given properties. Possible values are: alertid, clock, eventid and status.
sortfield string/array 按给定属性的结果进行排序. \可能的值为: alertid, clock, eventid 还有status.
countOutput flagThese parameters being common for all get methods are described in the reference commentary.
countOutput flagreference commentary中描述了所有“get”方法的共同参数.
editable boolean
excludeSearch flag
filter object
limit integer
output query
preservekeys flag
search object
searchByAny boolean
searchWildcardsEnabled boolean
sortorder string/array
startSearch flag

Return values


(integer/array) Returns either:

  • an array of objects;

  • 一组对象;

  • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used.

  • 如果已经使用了“countOutput”参数,则检索对象的计数.


Retrieve alerts by action ID


Retrieve all alerts generated by action “3”.


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "method": "alert.get",
  4. "params": {
  5. "output": "extend",
  6. "actionids": "3"
  7. },
  8. "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
  9. "id": 1
  10. }


  1. {
  2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  3. "result": [
  4. {
  5. "alertid": "1",
  6. "actionid": "3",
  7. "eventid": "21243",
  8. "userid": "1",
  9. "clock": "1362128008",
  10. "mediatypeid": "1",
  11. "sendto": "[email protected]",
  12. "subject": "PROBLEM: Zabbix agent on Linux server is unreachable for 5 minutes: ",
  13. "message": "Trigger: Zabbix agent on Linux server is unreachable for 5 minutes: \nTrigger status: PROBLEM\nTrigger severity: Not classified",
  14. "status": "0",
  15. "retries": "3",
  16. "error": "",
  17. "esc_step": "1",
  18. "alerttype": "0"
  19. }
  20. ],
  21. "id": 1
  22. }

See also




CAlert::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CAlert.php.