1 Macros supported by location


The table contains a complete list of macros supported by Zabbix.

Macro Supported in Description
{ACTION.ID} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Numeric ID of the triggered action._Supported since 2.2.0.
{ACTION.NAME} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Name of the triggered action._Supported since 2.2.0.
{ALERT.MESSAGE} → Alert script parameters 'Default message' value from action configuration.Supported since 3.0.0.
{ALERT.SENDTO} → Alert script parameters 'Send to' value from user media configuration.Supported since 3.0.0.
{ALERT.SUBJECT} → Alert script parameters 'Default subject' value from action configuration.Supported since 3.0.0.
{DATE} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Current date in yyyy.mm.dd. format.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} → Discovery notifications IP address of the discovered device._Available always, does not depend on host being added.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} → Discovery notifications DNS name of the discovered device.Available always, does not depend on host being added.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} → Discovery notifications _Status of the discovered device: can be either UP or DOWN.
{DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} → Discovery notifications Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular device._For example: 1h 29m.For devices with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime.
{DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} → Discovery notifications _Name of the discovery rule that discovered the presence or absence of the device or service.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} → Discovery notifications Name of the service that was discovered._For example: HTTP.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} → Discovery notifications _Port of the service that was discovered._For example: 80.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} → Discovery notifications _Status of the discovered service: can be either UP or DOWN.
{DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} → Discovery notifications Time since the last change of discovery status for a particular service._For example: 1h 29m.For services with status DOWN, this is the period of their downtime.
{ESC.HISTORY} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Escalation history. Log of previously sent messages._Shows previously sent notifications, on which escalation step they were sent and their status (_sent, in progress or failed).
{EVENT.ACK.HISTORY} → Trigger-based notifications and commands Log of acknowledgements on the problem.
{EVENT.ACK.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands Acknowledgement status of the event (Yes/No).
{EVENT.AGE} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Age of the event that triggered an action._Useful in escalated messages.
{EVENT.DATE} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Date of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.ID} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Numeric ID of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Date of the recovery event._Can be used in recovery messages only.Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.ID} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Numeric ID of the recovery event._Can be used in recovery messages only. Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Verbal value of the recovery event._Can be used in recovery messages only. Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands _A comma separated list of recovery event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist.Supported since 3.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Time of the recovery event._Can be used in recovery messages only.Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Numeric value of the recovery event._Can be used in recovery messages only.Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.STATUS} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications _Verbal value of the event that triggered an action._Supported since 2.2.0.
{EVENT.TAGS} → Trigger-based notifications and commands _A comma separated list of event tags. Expanded to an empty string if no tags exist.Supported since 3.2.0.
{EVENT.TIME} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Time of the event that triggered an action.
{EVENT.VALUE} → Notifications and commands→ Internal notifications Numeric value of the event that triggered an action._Supported since 2.2.0.
{HOST.CONN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)→ Icon labels in maps1→ Item key parameters2→ Host interface IP/DNS→ Database monitoring additional parameters5→ SSH and Telnet scripts5→ Web monitoring6→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs10_Host IP address or DNS name, depending on host settings3.Supported in trigger names since 2.0.0.
{HOST.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications→ Icon labels in maps1Host description._Supported since 2.4.0.
{HOST.DNS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Internal notifications→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)→ Icon labels in maps1→ Item key parameters2→ Host interface IP/DNS→ Database monitoring additional parameters5→ SSH and Telnet scripts5→ Web monitoring6→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs10_Host DNS name3.Supported in trigger names since 2.0.0.
{HOST.HOST<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Auto registration notifications→ Internal notifications→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)→ Item key parameters→ Icon labels in maps1→ Host interface IP/DNS→ Database monitoring additional parameters5→ SSH and Telnet scripts5→ Web monitoring6→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs 10Host name.{HOSTNAME<1-9>} is deprecated.
{HOST.ID<1-9>} → Map URLs→ URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger URLs10Host ID.
{HOST.IP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Auto registration notifications→ Internal notifications→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)→ Icon labels in maps1→ Item key parameters2→ Host interface IP/DNS→ Database monitoring additional parameters5→ SSH and Telnet scripts5→ Web monitoring6→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs10Host IP address3.Supported since 2.0.0. {IPADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{HOST.METADATA} → Auto registration notifications Host metadata._Used only for active agent auto-registration. Supported since 2.2.0.
{HOST.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Auto registration notifications→ Internal notifications→ Global scripts (including confirmation text)→ Icon labels in maps1→ Item key parameters→ Host interface IP/DNS→ Database monitoring additional parameters5→ SSH and Telnet scripts5→ Web monitoring6→ Low-level discovery rule filter regular expressions8URL field of dynamic URL screen element8→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs10_Visible host name._Supported since 2.0.0.
{HOST.PORT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications and commands→ Auto registration notifications→ Internal notifications→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Trigger URLs10_Host (agent) port3.Supported in auto-registration since 2.0.0.Supported in trigger names, trigger descriptions, internal and trigger-based notifications since 2.2.2.
{HOSTGROUP.ID} → Map URLs Host group ID.
{INVENTORY.ALIAS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Alias field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.ASSET.TAG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Asset tag field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.CHASSIS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Chassis field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.CONTACT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Contact field in host inventory.{PROFILE.CONTACT<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.CONTRACT.NUMBER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Contract number field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.DEPLOYMENT.STATUS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Deployment status field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Hardware field in host inventory.{PROFILE.HARDWARE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.HARDWARE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Hardware (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETMASK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Host subnet mask field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.NETWORKS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Host networks field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HOST.ROUTER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Host router field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.ARCH<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Hardware architecture field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.DECOMM<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Date hardware decommissioned field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.EXPIRY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Date hardware maintenance expires field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.INSTALL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Date hardware installed field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.HW.DATE.PURCHASE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Date hardware purchased field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.INSTALLER.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Installer name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Location field in host inventory.{PROFILE.LOCATION<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LAT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Location latitude field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.LOCATION.LON<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Location longitude field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications MAC address A field in host inventory.{PROFILE.MACADDRESS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.MACADDRESS.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications MAC address B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.MODEL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Model field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Name field in host inventory. {PROFILE.NAME<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Notes field in host inventory. {PROFILE.NOTES<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.OOB.IP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OOB IP address field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OOB.NETMASK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OOB subnet mask field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OOB.ROUTER<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OOB router field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OS<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OS field in host inventory.{PROFILE.OS<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.OS.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OS (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.OS.SHORT<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications OS (Short) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.CELL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC cell field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC email field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC phone A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC phone B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.PRIMARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Primary POC screen name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.CELL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC cell field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.EMAIL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC email field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NAME<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC phone A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.PHONE.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC phone B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.POC.SECONDARY.SCREEN<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Secondary POC screen name field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Serial number A field in host inventory.{PROFILE.SERIALNO<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.SERIALNO.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Serial number B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site address A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site address B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ADDRESS.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site address C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.CITY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site city field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.COUNTRY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site country field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.NOTES<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site notes field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.RACK<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site rack location field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.STATE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site state/province field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SITE.ZIP<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Site ZIP/postal field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software field in host inventory. {PROFILE.SOFTWARE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software application A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software application B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software application C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.D<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software application D field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.APP.E<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software application E field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.SOFTWARE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Software (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.TAG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Tag field in host inventory. {PROFILE.TAG<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.TYPE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Type field in host inventory. {PROFILE.DEVICETYPE<1-9>} is deprecated.
{INVENTORY.TYPE.FULL<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Type (Full details) field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.A<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications URL A field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.B<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications URL B field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.URL.C<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications URL C field in host inventory.
{INVENTORY.VENDOR<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Vendor field in host inventory.
{ITEM.DESCRIPTION<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Description of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.0.
{ITEM.ID<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Numeric ID of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 1.8.12.
{ITEM.KEY<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Key of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.0.{TRIGGER.KEY} is deprecated.
{ITEM.KEY.ORIG<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Internal notifications Original key (with macros not expanded) of the Nth item in the trigger expression that caused a notification. Supported since 2.0.6.
{ITEM.LASTVALUE<1-9>} → Trigger-based notifications→ Trigger names and descriptions→ Event tags and values