
The gp_stat_replication view contains replication statistics of the walsender process that is used for Greenplum Database Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) replication when master or segment mirroring is enabled.

gp_segment_idinteger Unique identifier of a segment (or master) instance.
pidinteger Process ID of the walsender backend process.
usesysidoid User system ID that runs the walsender backend process.
usenamename User name that runs the walsender backend process.
application_nametext Client application name.
client_addrinet Client IP address.
client_hostnametext Client host name.
client_portinteger Client port number.
backend_starttimestamp Operation start timestamp.
backend_xminxid The current backend’s xmin horizon.
statetext walsender state. The value can be:




sent_locationtext walsender xlog record sent location.
write_locationtext walreceiver xlog record write location.
flush_locationtext walreceiver xlog record flush location.
replay_locationtext Master standby or segment mirror xlog record replay location.
sync_priorityinteger Priority. The value is 1.
sync_statetext walsendersynchronization state. The value is sync.
sync_errortext walsender synchronization error. none if no error.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions