The pg_rewrite system catalog table stores rewrite rules for tables and views. pg_class.relhasrules must be true if a table has any rules in this catalog.

    rulenamenameRule name.
    ev_classoidpg_class.oidThe table this rule is for.
    ev_typecharEvent type that the rule is for: 1 = SELECT, 2 = UPDATE, 3 = INSERT, 4 = DELETE
    ev_enabledcharControls in which session replication role mode the rule fires. Always O, rule fires in origin mode.
    is_insteadboolTrue if the rule is an INSTEAD rule
    ev_qualpg_node_treeExpression tree (in the form of a nodeToString() representation) for the rule’s qualifying condition
    ev_actionpg_node_treeQuery tree (in the form of a nodeToString() representation) for the rule’s action

    Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions