
Kubernetes Version

All Kubernetes versions listed are e2e tested and guaranteed to be compatible with this Cilium version. Older Kubernetes versions not listed here do not have Cilium support. Newer Kubernetes versions, while not listed, will depend on the backward compatibility offered by Kubernetes.

  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
  • 1.20
  • 1.21

System Requirements

Cilium requires a Linux kernel >= 4.9. See System Requirements for the full details on all systems requirements.

Enable CNI in Kubernetes

CNI - Container Network Interface is the plugin layer used by Kubernetes to delegate networking configuration. CNI must be enabled in your Kubernetes cluster in order to install Cilium. This is done by passing --network-plugin=cni to kubelet on all nodes. For more information, see the Kubernets CNI network-plugins documentation.

Enable automatic node CIDR allocation (Recommended)

Kubernetes has the capability to automatically allocate and assign a per node IP allocation CIDR. Cilium automatically uses this feature if enabled. This is the easiest method to handle IP allocation in a Kubernetes cluster. To enable this feature, simply add the following flag when starting kube-controller-manager:

  1. --allocate-node-cidrs

This option is not required but highly recommended.