
不要忘记在第二个选项卡其他信息中设置正确的参数选择一个好的物流和包装策略。在这里, 我们选择的Invoiche的生产管理本章中介绍的涵盖计划,订货,库存和产品从原材料和零部件的制造 或组装的。 此外,还讨论消费和生产的产品,以及必要的操作机器,工具或人力资源。

OpenERP的生产管理其存货管理的基础上,同样非常 灵活,其业务及财务控制。它特别受益于使用 双项库存管理生产订单。

生产管理通过 mrp 模块实现. 他用来计算所有种类的产品:

  • Assemblies of parts: composite products, soldered or welded products, assemblies, packs,

  • Machined parts: machining, cutting, planing,

  • Foundries: clamping, heating,

  • Mixtures: mixing, chemical processes, distillation.

You will work in two areas: with products in the first part of this chapter, and with operations in the second part. The management of products depends on the concept of classifications while operations management is related to routing and workcenters.



Bills of Materials, or manufacturing specifications, go by different names depending on their application area, for example:

  • Food: Recipes,

  • Chemicals: Equations,

  • Building: Plans.

For this chapter you should start with a fresh database that includes demo data, with mrp (Manufacturing) and its dependencies installed and a generic chart of accounts configured. As you will notice, when you select Manufacturing to be installed, OpenERP will install the linked applications automatically.