
You now have a configuration that enables you to automatically get a directory structure linked to OpenERP for each resource, such as for projects and orders. The ideal situation would now be to automatically structure the documents about projects, say for example, you could classify them depending on their type:

  • 报价,

  • 会议纪要,

  • 交付的文件,

  • 文档。

OpenERP provides you with a system that lets you create a structure type for each type of a given document. It then provides that classification for all documents in the directories structured in that type.

So create the structure above for your project management system. To do that, create the four directories above and give them the following data:

  • Type类型 : 静态目录,

  • Parent Model : Analytic Account.

Then in each project (represented by analytic accounts) you will get this substructure for organizing your documents efficiently.


Substructure common to all projects



In practice, OpenERP does not create directories or files for every resource. It actually manages this by mapping between OpenERP resources and the FTP interface.

This approach gives a lot of flexibility because there is no synchronizing to do, nor any redundancy. Changes in either the document management system or in OpenERP will automatically be reflected over in the other side.

And system resources are obviously not used up by storing things twice.

Once a new project has been defined in OpenERP, the system automatically creates a directory corresponding to the project in the right place in the document management system, and creates a structure type there for classifying documents.