
ECMAScript 6 classes make inheritance in JavaScript easier to use, so you don’t need to throw away any existing understanding of inheritance you might have from other languages. ECMAScript 6 classes start out as syntactic sugar for the classical inheritance model of ECMAScript 5, but add a lot of features to reduce mistakes.

ECMAScript 6 classes work with prototypal inheritance by defining non-static methods on the class prototype, while static methods end up on the constructor itself. All methods are non-enumerable, a feature that better matches the behavior of built-in objects for which methods are typically non-enumerable by default. Additionally, class constructors can’t be called without new, ensuring that you can’t accidentally call a class as a function.

Class-based inheritance allows you to derive a class from another class, function, or expression. This ability means you can call a function to determine the correct base to inherit from, allowing you to use mixins and other different composition patterns to create a new class. Inheritance works in such a way that inheriting from built-in objects like Array is now possible and works as expected.

You can use in class constructors to behave differently depending on how the class is called. The most common use is to create an abstract base class that throws an error when instantiated directly but still allows inheritance via other classes.

Overall, classes are an important addition to JavaScript. They provide a more concise syntax and better functionality for defining custom object types in a safe, consistent manner.