
Destructuring makes working with objects and arrays in JavaScript easier. Using the familiar object literal and array literal syntax, you can pick data structures apart to get at just the information you’re interested in. Object patterns allow you to extract data from objects while array patterns let you extract data from arrays.

Both object and array destructuring can specify default values for any property or item that is undefined and both throw errors when the right side of an assignment evaluates to null or undefined. You can also navigate deeply nested data structures with object and array destructuring, descending to any arbitrary depth.

Destructuring declarations use var, let, or const to create variables and must always have an initializer. Destructuring assignments are used in place of other assignments and allow you to destructure into object properties and already-existing variables.

Destructured parameters use the destructuring syntax to make “options” objects more transparent when used as function parameters. The actual data you’re interested in can be listed out along with other named parameters. Destructured parameters can be array patterns, object patterns, or a mixture, and you can use all of the features of destructuring.